Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 352: Professor Wen, please give more advice (24)

  Wen Linxia is really unimaginable...

  If he worked as a volunteer teacher in the mountains for a few years and then went back, wouldn't he have been forgotten in the summer...?

  Wen Linxia hugged Xia Xia tightly and said softly, "Thank you Xiaoyun! Thank you for coming to me! Thank you!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 99%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Seeing that his favorability is about to fill up, he decided not to blame Wen Linxia in summer.

   In fact, she was never angry with Wen Linxia.

   It's just a pity, the confession words that I had planned were useless, the two of them were just like this, together!


   Two people are together, let it be.

  Besides the cry in summer to scare Wen Linxia, ​​he was very calm.

   In the calm, it is full of sweetness.

  Wen Linxia feels extremely happy at this moment!

   After he left M City, he never thought that one day he could be with Xia Xia.

   He thought that he might never have a chance to see summer again in his life...

   But now, they are on the plane back to M City together.

   I still remember Lin Kuan's sad look in his eyes before leaving: "You **** who cares more about **** than friends! He will abandon me in just a month! Remember to notify me in advance when you get married, or you will break up with you!"


  Wen Linxia tilted his head and looked at the summer sleeping on his shoulder, a happy smile spread to the bottom of his eyes.

   He remembered what he said to Lin Kuan: "Okay, I will inform you in advance."

  I really hope that day will come soon...

   However, I have to go back and meet the future father-in-law who is only nine years older than him——

  Before the last flight back to M City, Summer had already spoken to Song Yanming on the phone and told them about what time they would be home.

   When we return to M City, it is just in time for dinner.

  Song Yanming had long wanted to meet the man who did not know his identity, so he asked Xia Xia to ask Wen Linxia to come to the house for dinner.

   I didn't tell Song Yanming before, that was because she and Wen Linxia were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

   Now, of course, Song Yanming has to know!

   So Xia Xia readily agreed to Song Yanming's invitation.

   and said that they went straight home as soon as they got off the plane!


   Originally, she planned to go to T city to pick up Wen Linxia in summer, so she specially drove to the airport.

   Now the car is parked in the underground parking garage of the airport, and there is no need for anyone to pick her up.

   took Wen Linxia to the car. Just as Xia Xia started the car, she heard Wen Linxia ask her slightly nervously: "Do we really want to see your father now?"

  Xiamen nodded and said, "Yeah, what? Don't you want to see my dad?"

   "No, I'm a little bit nervous. Does your dad... think I'm too old?"

   After all, he himself thought he was a little too old.

   In fact, he is not very old, but he is a little older than the youth in summer.

   Hearing this, Xia Xia burst out laughing: "What you need is that I don't despise you, what do you care about my dad?!"

  Wen Linxia choked, what Xia Xia said... also makes sense.

   But: "What if your dad doesn't agree with us being together?"

   Xia Xia tilted his head and winked at him, pouted helplessly, and said, "Then we can only break up..."

   Before he finished speaking, Wen Linxia hurriedly said, "No! You can't break up!"

   It's clear that the relationship has just been confirmed, okay? How can you say goodbye so easily?

  Wen Linxia said firmly to Xia Xia: "If your dad doesn't agree with us being together, I will find a way to get him to agree!"

  Xiaomi said with a smile on his face: "Okay then, come on!"

  Wen Linxia nodded full of ambition, then immediately changed her face and looked at her with a hurt look: "How could you give up on me so easily, Xiaoyun! You are wrong balabala..."

   Wen Linxia talked a lot, and what he said later, Xia Xia didn't listen carefully, just thought it was a little funny.

   Let Wen Linxia talk there, and drive home in summer——

   On the way, they got out of the car and bought gifts for Song Yanming. After all, Wen Linxia was visiting the future father-in-law for the first time.

The sooner    arrived at Song's house, the more nervous Wen Linxia became.

   But the more nervous, the calmer his facial expression looks.

  Summer could feel Wen Linxia's nervousness, and the smile on his face couldn't help but deepen.

  Wen Linxia is not the only one who feels nervous at this time.

   Indeed, it is not just Wen Linxia who is nervous.

  Song Yanming deliberately returned home from the company ahead of schedule today to wait for his daughter's return. The thought of seeing his daughter's boyfriend soon made him nervous!

   My daughter is almost 20 years old, but she has grown up so much that she has never dated a boy.

  This time, it was the first time he met his daughter's boyfriend!

   I don't know what the other party looks like, what is the family background, and is his character good?

   When he saw his daughter's boyfriend, what should he say first?

   He is an elder, so he must speak like an elder.

  Do you want to laugh? If you have a cold face, will your daughter be angry?

The more Song Yanming thought about it, the more nervous he became.

   The more nervous he was, the more blank his mind became.

   So when he really saw Wen Linxia, ​​Song Yanming didn't know what to say.

   And Wen Linxia also didn't know what to say.

   He doesn't even know what to call Song Yanming more appropriately...

   Uncle? uncle? big brother?

  Pfft, the title eldest brother seems even more inappropriate!

   The two men before the meeting just looked at each other stupidly and didn't speak. Xia Xia held back a smile and coughed: "Dad! This is my boyfriend, Linxia, ​​Wen Linxia!"

   "Linxia, ​​this is my dad!"

  After the introduction in summer, the two men came back to their senses.

  Wen Linxia didn't care so much, he felt that according to his seniority, he still had to be called Uncle Song Yanming.

   So he opened his mouth and called out, "Hello, uncle!"

  Wen Linxia was in his early thirties. He was born with good skin. Although he didn't take care of it, he was still white and tender.

   In addition, he was dressed very young, looking at most twenty-five or six years old.

  Song Yanming didn't know Wen Linxia's real age, so his uncle accepted the sound.

   He nodded slightly, with a smile on his face: "Hello Linxia!"

   Just look at the appearance, look at the temperament, look at the standing posture, and listen to the sound, the appearance is still quite good.

  Standing next to Xia Xia, it looks even more talented and feminine.

  Song Yanming thought silently in his heart: Well, it is still barely worthy of my daughter.

   "Dinner is ready, let's chat while eating!"

   In front of his daughter, Song Yanming was still very enthusiastic.

   And Song Yanming's enthusiasm also made Wen Linxia quietly relieved.

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