Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 362: Cute zombie, follow me (7)

   Such a tragic picture, the corners of the mouth are almost cramping in summer.

   She hurriedly braked, then got out of the car to see Gu Yanyu's physical condition.

  Gu Yanyu...he doesn't feel the pain at all!

   So even though his leg was broken and half of his face was rubbed on the ground, he was very excited and crawled towards the girl.

  A black line in summer is almost speechless.


   The girl who had run close was even more broken when she saw Gu Yanyu next to Xia Xia.

   She looked at Xia Xia like she was looking at a monster.

   Originally saw a car coming, she thought she had seen the savior.

   But I didn't expect that this girl who looked young was actually a group of zombies!

   Xia Xia certainly knew what the girl was thinking. Seeing that the two zombie hands behind her were on her body, Xia Xia quickly took out two fruit knives as darts——

  The two fruit knives were inserted into the eyebrows of the two zombies accurately, leaving only the handles outside.

   Then, two zombies fell.

   And the girl who was saved by Xia Xia's "kindness" was completely frightened.

   When she saw the summer fruit knife flying over, she thought she was doomed.

   Unexpectedly, the target of the fruit knife was not her.

   "You...Thank you..." The girl thanked Xia weakly.

  Xiamen completely ignored her intentions, turned around and slapped Gu Yanyu on the forehead: "Are you stupid?! Are you stupid?!"

   Gu Yanyu, who had been trying to climb over to the 'food', was slapped, but his movements stopped.

   Not only that, but he also looked up at the summer.

   Can you imagine that scene?

   At this moment, the originally beautiful zombie was dragged and crawled with one leg left behind with an abnormal curvature. The skin of the small half of its face was gone, and the flesh and blood on it was still stuck with small gravel.

   In summer, he raised his hand to rest on his forehead, feeling extremely depressed.

   "You will lose me if you look so ugly, believe it or not?"



   Xia Xia sighed and squatted on the ground to break Gu Yanyu's broken leg.

  I just hope that after this leg is straightened, it can still be used...

   But it’s a pity, it’s broken, but it’s broken and can’t be used anymore.

   Oh God!

How to do?

   For a time in summer, I was a little dazed.

   She could endure a broken leg, so she just didn't worry about Gu Yanyu jumping up and down too fast.

   But that face was ruined, so I couldn't bear to look directly.

  If I remember correctly, low-level zombies are injured and cannot heal automatically.

   So she has to face Gu Yanyu's ruined face all the time?

   That's right, she hates it!

   "That...Thank you...I, my name is You Qiqi..."

  You Qiqi, the girl who was neglected by Xia Xia, thanked Xia Xia again, even though Xia Xia looked strange and was so familiar with zombies.

   But she is helpless now, so she must find someone to protect her.

   This girl who looks like an underage is amazing! Definitely can protect her!

   Hearing You Qiqi's thanks, Xia Xia finally gave her a look.

   I didn't pay attention to it just now, but now I can see it clearly.

   The girl named You Qiqi in front of her looks like she is in her twenties. She looks quite sweet, but her image is too embarrassing.

   "No thanks." Xia Xia replied lightly to You Qiqi, and dragged Gu Yanyu into the car.

   Looking at the front passenger door that had been knocked down, Xia Xia couldn't hold back and slapped Gu Yanyu again: "It's just you who are strong! The door has a grudge against you!?"


   "Huh! Ugly!"


  The door was reluctantly installed by Xia Xia's brute force. Gu Yanyu sat in the co-pilot's seat and roared at You Qiqi without giving up.

  He is hungry! I'm really, really hungry!

   Summer ignores him, gets into the driver's seat and prepares to leave.

  You Qiqi saw that Xia Xia didn't want to pay attention to her, so she rushed over: "Wait!"

   "Hoohoho!" Seeing that You Qiqi went to the driver's window in the summer, Gu Yanyu rushed over.

   Because there was still a summer in the middle, Gu Yanyu first jumped on the summer.

   Although he knew that Gu Yanyu was so 'enthusiastic' towards You Qiqi because he regarded her as food, it didn't prevent her from being jealous, did it?

   pushed Gu Yanyu away, Xia Xia looked at You Qiqi with a light expression: "Is something wrong?"

  You Qiqi is not blind, so she naturally sees that she doesn't want to see her in summer.

   But in order to save lives, what is shame? What is dignity?

   She nodded again and again, looked at Xia Xia with pleading eyes, and said, "Can you, can you take me with you?"

   Hearing this, Xia Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at You Qiqi: "You mean, you want to get into my car?"

   You Qiqi nodded again, she has made it very clear, right?

   However, Xia Xia sneered and tilted his head, Gu Yanyu, who was almost drooling.

   "Can't you see? There's a starving zombie in my car. If you want to be fed by me at any time, get in the car."

  Summer is quite straightforward, but You Qiqi hesitated.

   She is not a fool, it can be seen that the zombie wants to bite her.

   You may die if you get in the car, or you may die if you don’t get in the car.

   In the end... do you want to get in the car?

   At this moment, there seems to be the sound of a car coming from behind.

   You Qiqi's eyes lit up and she quickly looked back.

   Sure enough, a jeep came from behind, as if it had been modified.

   Just in appearance, the safety performance of the car is much higher than that of summer!

   "Thank you! I'll just take the car behind!" After You Qiqi quickly said something to Xia Xia, she ran to the back.

  Summer shrugged, it’s a personal choice.

   Seeing the food gone, Gu Yanyu screamed even more fiercely.

   Summer didn't bother to pay attention to him, just started the car and walked forward.

   She really doesn't think about anything now, she just wants to find the Zombie King quickly, and then take the crystal nucleus for Gu Yanyu to eat.

  High-level zombies have self-healing ability, even if the twelfth-order zombies are completely broken, they can grow new ones.

   So it is still possible for Gu Yanyu's face and legs to recover.

  I don't know if You Qiqi succeeded in getting into the modified jeep at the back in summer, and I don't want to know.

   Her speed was very fast, and after a while, she 'disappeared' on the road.


   In order to arrive early, when I am hungry at noon in summer, I drive while eating, so I don’t waste time.

   Finally, at six o'clock in the evening, summer arrived in the city center of H City.

   The Zombie King is in the city center, after all, you can only eat meat here!

As soon as the    positioning is opened, the position of the zombie king is in front of Xia Xia.

  Summer parked the car on the side of the road, and patted the head of Gu Yanyu who rarely stopped: "I found the Zombie King, so I'll get you a crystal nucleus, you know what to do by staying in the car?"

   Gu Yanyu's leg is broken, he can't be taken with him in summer, it's just a dragging oil bottle.


   Summer ignored Gu Yanyu and got out of the car.

   After looking at Gu Yanyu twice, Xia Xia entered the building next to him.

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