Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 385: That pervert, you stop (1)


  Summer just arrived in the world of novels, and before people could react, they vomited while hugging the toilet.

   She only felt uncomfortable in her stomach, dizzy and bloated, and her body was powerless.

   This symptom is obvious, it is drinking too much.

   It seems that her host drank a lot of alcohol before she came...

   After vomiting for a long time, it was finally finished in summer.

   Although it is still very uncomfortable, it is much better than before.

  In summer, he stood up with the toilet seat, opened the door of the compartment and walked out, and moved to the sink to collect water and rinse his mouth.

  After rinsing, I habitually looked up in the mirror in summer.

   just one glance, almost didn't scare herself.

  The woman in the mirror was heavily makeup and very coquettish, wearing a tube top and a hip skirt, the top was crisp, the chest was half exposed, and the bottom was barely wrapped in the spring light.

   The figure is bumpy, and it has everything, which is very good.

   But the dress is obviously not the same style as the summer, it is very different.

   Twelve centimeters of stiletto heels, stepping on the ground, feel like you can fall down at any time.

   Her body this time doesn't look like a serious woman no matter what.

  Summer looked at the restroom where I was, it was a public restroom.

  Just from the decoration point of view, this place is more like the bathroom of a nightclub.

   Listening to the explosive DJ music outside, it is right to be sure that this is a nightclub in summer.

  Summer doesn't know what identity his host is, whether he is here for entertainment in a nightclub or something...

   In order to know the condition of the host as soon as possible, I can only go back to the toilet cubicle in summer, endure all kinds of discomfort after being drunk, and sit on the toilet lid to receive the plot and memories——

   In this novel world, the host in summer still has nothing to do with the hero and heroine, not even the soy sauce.

   The host's name is Jian Jing, she is only twenty-three years old this year, but her experience... is quite rich.

  Jian Jing can be regarded as a single-parent family. Her parents divorced at an early age, and her father was imprisoned for drug trafficking.

  Mother thought she was a drag oil bottle, and threw her to grandma to take care of, and she was ignored since then.

   When Jian Jing was only twelve years old, she went out every day to hang out with those hooligans, and even did not return home at night.

  Grandma is getting old, and Jian Jing is very rebellious, so naturally she can't control her.

  When she was sixteen years old, Jian Jing was enlarged by someone.

   is herself, and she doesn't even know who the child's biological father is.

   It can be seen how unbearable her private life is...

  I don't know why, but Jian Jing gave birth to the child.

   is a daughter, now six years old.

   At the beginning, Jian Jing directly threw her daughter to her grandmother, imitating her mother to ignore her children.

   Later, when her grandmother passed away, Jian Jing could only take her daughter with her.

   At that time, my daughter was only three years old.

  Jian Jing worked as a wine **** lady in a nightclub. She either came home at three or four in the morning every day, or she didn't go home and left her daughter alone in the rental house.

   She is also a particularly grumpy person. Every time she sees her daughter, it's like seeing an annoying oil bottle, and then she can't help beating her...


   After receiving the story and memories of the summer, I was in a very grumpy mood.

   Very grumpy!

   She has never met, her host is a person who abuses her own flesh and blood.

   She hates domestic violence people, because once one of her hosts was the target of domestic violence.

   But this time, her host turned out to be the perpetrator!

  Xiamen suddenly remembered something, and quickly left the bathroom, stepping on the 12-centimeter Xiantian height and running out.

   Someone saw her and tried to hold her by calling Jian Jing's name, but she was thrown away.

  I went out of the nightclub all the way in summer and called a taxi on the side of the road.

   gave the driver 500 yuan, then gave the address of the rental house and asked the driver to drive as fast as possible.

  The driver saw that the summer shot was so generous, of course, he drove the car to a flying speed——

  Fifteen minutes later, Xia Xia returned to Jianjing's rental house.

   opened the door, and without any surprise, saw a small figure curled up in the corner of the living room.

   That slender figure made Xia Xia's heart tugged into a ball.

   That is Jian Jing's six-year-old daughter, Jian Peiling.

   Summer hurries over and picks up Jian Peiling.

   Jian Peiling's breathing is already very weak at this moment, as if she will die at any time...

  Yes, if summer comes back a few hours late, Jian Peiling will really die.

  The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage.

   was hit by Jian Jing before she went out to work in a nightclub at night. She slapped her and slapped the back of Jian Peiling's head against the corner of the coffee table.

   I went to the platform mall to buy medicine in summer, and I didn't dare to delay it for Jian Peiling.

  She was holding Jian Peiling all the time, nervous.

   It wasn't until her breathing gradually stabilized and people responded that Xia Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately! Luckily she got back in time!

  Xiamen picked Jian Peiling up and put her on Jian Jing's bed.

   can only go to Jian Jing's bed, because Jian Peiling has no bed at all.

   Jian Jing, this mother... bought a dog kennel for Jian Peiling.

  Xia Tian sat beside the bed and looked at Jian Peiling who was still in a drowsiness.

   Jian Peiling is six years old this year, but she looks thinner than four or five-year-old children, obviously stunted.

   was exposed on the arms and neck, with bruises and scars everywhere.

   There are old wounds and new ones.

   The originally cute little face was also swollen from the beating, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was beyond recognition.

   Xia Xia frowned tightly, if the perpetrator was not her host, she would definitely smash the perpetrator into pieces!

  Even if she has a simple and quiet memory and her thoughts, she can't understand why there are people in the world who treat their children like this?

   Don't you have any conscience?

   It is said that tiger poison does not eat offspring, and some people are really inferior to beasts!

   Just when Xia Xia was so angry, Jian Peiling woke up on the bed.

   Seeing Xia Xia's first glance, she held her head in a conditioned reflex, crying and admitting her mistake: "Mom Lingling knows it's wrong! Please don't beat Lingling... I beg mom..."

   That soft and waxy voice was full of fear.

  Xiamen reached out to hug Jian Peiling, but what he got was a violent trembling.

   She knew that her touch made Jian Peiling very scared.

   So she quickly retracted her hand, daring not to touch her.

   It is definitely useless to appease Jian Peiling at this time.

  Xiamen took a deep breath and said in Jian Jing's usual tone: "Shut up! Cry again and sew your mouth up!"

   As soon as she finished speaking, Jian Peiling covered her mouth tightly and did not dare to cry again, not even a whimper.

  Because she was afraid, afraid of being sewn up.

   The feeling of being sewn on the mouth is so painful!

  Seeing Jian Peiling's appearance, Xia Xia felt that her heart had been crushed by a big stone and it was difficult to breathe.

   She got up and went to the bathroom, washing her face with cold water, suppressing the anger that was about to be uncontrollable in her heart.

   is really embarrassing!

   The object of her anger is her host, and if she wants to stay in this fictional world, she can't do anything to her host.

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