Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 392: That pervert, you stop (8)

   Mu Qianxiu didn't stay for long.

   After confirming that Mu Qianxiu had left, Xia Xia opened his eyes.

   was woken up, and she didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

  I didn't turn on the lights, I just stared at the ceiling in a daze.

   Actually, Xia Xia felt that Mu Qianxiu should be said to have a dual personality.

   One of his gentle and friendly personality, approachable, seems to be such a trustworthy pediatrician.

  The temperament is mild and the appearance is high, plus I have to deal with children every day.

   He knows how to let children put down their guard, and it is easy to gain their trust.

   This is also the reason why Xia Xia just left to get a medicine, and Jian Peiling told Mu Qianxiu what happened to her.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Jian Peiling has always longed for someone to suddenly appear and become her savior.

   It happened that Mu Qianxiu seemed to be more trustworthy than the teachers at the school, so she was not prepared at all.

   This is Mu Qianxiu's personality in front of others, he looks like a perfect Mr.

   Of course, Xia Xia is more willing to believe that his personality in front of others is disguised.

  The acting is so good that even psychologists can't see it.

  The psychological counseling in his youth was all for nothing.

   And Mu Qianxiu's other personality is a demon who kills people without blinking an eye and makes people fearful!

  The people who died in the hands of Mu Qianxiu were too lazy to count them in the summer, there were quite a few anyway.

   And each of them was either destroyed by Mu Qianxiu, or the corpse was thrown into the wilderness.

   Anyway, the method is very clean and no traces are left, which has caused the police a headache.

   Xia Xia felt that she might not be much better than Mu Qianxiu, because if it were her, she might not be able to resist the perpetrators.

  In Mu Qianxiu's information, it also includes what the abusers he killed did to harm his family.

   It seems that Xia Xia thinks those perpetrators are more hateful than Mu Qianxiu!

   The main reason is that the legal settings in this fictional world do not provide much protection to the victims of domestic violence.

   Especially when parents abuse their children, their husbands abuse their wives, or their wives abuse their husbands.

   Even if these family 'disputes' are reported to the police, the police will at most give ideological education to the perpetrators.

   Seriously, if someone died because of domestic violence, it will only be sentenced to manslaughter.

   is not intentional homicide, and will not be sentenced to death.

   It is precisely because of such a law that the perpetrators are so rampant!

  If it was Mu Qianxiu in the summer, he would have hated those perpetrators.

   And then... can't help but pervert.

  It's over, it's really like a cluster.

   It seems that she is similar to him, right?

  Thanks for her panic when she knew that Mu Qianxiu was a pervert. Sure enough, it was because of the emotions of the host itself...

   In summer, I couldn't sleep, and I was a little curious if Mu Qianxiu really installed a camera, and where was it installed.

   After thinking about it, I got up in summer and pretended to go to the kitchen to pour water.

   She stood on a blind spot that the camera couldn't see, but it was easy to find a hidden pinhole camera with a good view.

   Xia Xia knew that Mu Qianxiu was already a veteran.

   Even the police couldn't find him, which shows how thoughtful he is.

   If she hadn't done this before, it would be hard to find this camera!

  Summer raised his lips and raised a smile.

   Now, who is she and Mu Qianxiu scheming against whom?

  A perverted murderer? interesting…

After    drank all the water in the cup, he went back to his room to sleep in summer.


   In this sleep, she slept in the summer until the alarm clock set in advance sounded last night, and she woke up.

   When she got up, Jian Peiling was already up.

   Yesterday summer, I told Jian Peiling that I was going to transfer to another school, so I didn’t go to school today.

After   Jian Peiling got up, he took the textbook and wrote on the coffee table by himself.

   Hearing Xia Xia's footsteps, Jian Peiling looked back at her.

   Jian Peiling's eyes on Xia Xia now are obviously different from yesterday.

   Although there is still a little bit of fear and precaution, there is also a dependence on the mother.

  Xia Tian raised a smile to Jian Peiling and said, "Good morning, baby~"

baby? Mom even called her baby!

   Jian Peiling blushed, and also grinned and gave Xia Xia a smile: "Mom, good morning!"

  Xiamen walked up to Jian Peiling, leaned over and kissed her forehead: "Why didn't you call your mother when you woke up? Are you hungry? What breakfast would you like to have today?"

   This question really stumped Jian Peiling.

  Before, Jian Jing never asked her what she wanted to eat.

   I go hungry too many times, and Jian Peiling wants to eat a lot.

   So after struggling for a long time, she finally said, "Lingling eats whatever Mommy eats."

  Xiamen nodded and rubbed the top of her hair with a smile: "Okay, how about we go out to eat?"


Before    took Jian Peiling out for breakfast, Xia Xia glanced at the camera out of the corner of her eye.

  I don't know if Mu Qianxiu was watching at this time?

  —People's Hospital, Pediatrics, Mu Qianxiu Office

   The camera that Mu Qian renovated in his summer home is directly linked to his mobile phone and can be seen anytime, anywhere.

   And he also saw the way of getting along with Jian Peiling just now in the summer, and thought it was very strange.

   is really weird!

   Yesterday he went to check on Jian Jing and knew what kind of person she was.

  Works in a nightclub, adores vanity, and ignores children.

   I either go home at three or four in the morning every day, or I don’t go home.

   learned from the neighbors of her former rental house that she often heard Jian Jing beating her children and crying and begging for mercy.

   It can be seen that Jian Jing’s domestic violence against children is true.

   However, the Jian Jing he found was too different from the 'Jian Jing' he saw.

  There is a big difference just in appearance.

   Jian Jing in other people's mouths is a dusty woman with heavy makeup and revealing clothes.

   But the 'Jianjing' he saw was plain-faced, fair and clean, looking like a woman from a good family.

   However, Mu Qianxiu has seen too many faces of abusers, and many people look like normal parents in front of outsiders.

   A lot of times, it’s even nice to children in front of outsiders.

  But as long as there is no one else around, their vicious faces will show.

   But in summer, he doesn't look like a person who can domesticate his own children.

   Her performance was too natural, and the look in Jian Peiling's eyes was too loving.

   is no different from those mothers who love their children.

   Could it be summer's "discovery of conscience"?

   Of course, it would be best if this was the case, but Mu Qianxiu was still very worried and decided to observe it for a while.

  Perhaps, 'Jian Jing' and Jian Peiling are like this at ordinary times, sometimes they are good to their daughters, and sometimes they are not good to their daughters.

   So maybe after a while, he will be able to see what kind of person 'Jian Jing' is...

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