Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 414: This prince, you are very familiar (4)

   Sensing that someone was looking at her, Xia Xia turned to look at the carriage.

   However, Huangfu Rongnian lowered the car curtains before she turned around, so she didn't see anything.

  Xiamen shrugged, thinking that the sight should be her illusion.

   After all, no one can see her except Huangfu Rongnian.

   For a long time, Huangfu Rongnian had only looked at her on the day she first came to him, and ignored her existence at other times.

   As if he, like everyone else, couldn't see her.

   So Xia Xia was sure, it was definitely her illusion, no one looked at her at all—

   After walking through the most prosperous street in the capital for about half an hour, they finally arrived at the gate of the imperial palace in the northern kingdom.

   Many people came to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet today. In addition to some royal children and ministers in the country, there were also messengers sent by other countries to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday.

  When Huangfu Rongnian and Huangfu Rongnian arrived at the gate of the palace in summer, all kinds of luxury carriages were already parked at the gate of the palace.

   And those royal children, courtiers, and envoys from other countries who were waiting for permission to enter the palace stood outside to greet each other. Just at the gate of the palace, it was already very lively.

   Those people were all dressed up and looked interesting.

  Looking around excitedly in summer, it is quite like a country bumpkin entering the city.

  It's weird, those people don't dress like summer dresses.

   No matter whether it is a person from her own country or what she has tried to wear in other countries, there is no one who is so revealing as her.

   Of course, it can’t be said that summer clothes are very revealing, but compared with other people’s clothes, they are relatively revealing.

   After all, her calf and half of her arms were exposed, and her fair skin was unobstructed.

  The hair color is also different, the others are black, she is brown.

   That's weird, since she's different from everyone else, why is she here?


   Huangfu Rongnian got off the carriage, ignored the others, and went straight to the gate of the palace.

   Although Huangfu Rongnian was not valued by the emperor because he was born to be 'stupid', the empress dowager was extremely fond of him.

  The Queen Mother also authorized him to enter the palace without waiting for a notification, just enter the palace directly.

   Therefore, Huangfu Rongnian does not need to wait for the notification like those people when entering and leaving the palace.

   In summer, because I haven't seen enough excitement, I'm behind.

   Just in time, she heard the family members of several ministers whispering: "Hey, that's Prince Rong, right? He looks so handsome, he doesn't look like a fool!"

  Summer turned back and looked in the direction of the conversation.

   The person who spoke was a little girl who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, probably the daughter of a minister.

After the official lady finished speaking, a similarly dressed official lady next to her replied, "You grew up out of town, and you haven't seen the silly prince, so naturally you don't know what the silly prince looks like. We These people who stay in the capital often see the foolish prince!"

   "Although Silly Prince is good-looking, he is indeed a fool. What's the use of being good-looking! But if you say the best-looking, Prince Jing is the best-looking one!"

   "Really? I heard that Prince Jing is the most beautiful man in the North. I wonder if he looks better than Prince Rong?"

   "Sure! Prince Jing is not only good-looking, but his martial arts and literary talent are also top-notch! I heard that Prince Jing is the most likely prince to be named a prince!"

   In the last half of the sentence, the lady of the official family who spoke deliberately lowered her voice a lot.

   But in summer, my hearing is very good, and I still heard the latter half of the sentence.

   Huangfu Rongnian saw that Xia Xia hadn't followed, so he deliberately stopped to wait for her.

  In summer, because of curiosity, she did not notice that the distance between her and Huangfu Rongnian was more than five meters at this moment...

   After listening for a while, she ran to Huangfu Rongnian and asked him, "Who is Prince Jing? Is it your elder brother or younger brother? Does he really look better than you?"

  Xiamen was just asking, she didn't expect Huangfu Rongnian to answer her question.

   But unexpectedly, Huangfu Rongnian spoke up just after she finished asking.

   He said, "Brother Four Emperors."

  Xiamen unexpectedly raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at Huangfu Rongnian.

   However, Huangfu Rongnian didn't look at her, and his face was still dull and indifferent.

   It's been so many days, and summer has long been used to such a 'stupid' Huangfu Rongnian.

   She felt that the official lady was right, no wonder those people called him stupid prince, he was stupid in the first place!

  It's a pity that he has such a good skin.

   "Oh, Brother Four Emperors, so Prince Jing is your elder brother? ... Then what's your rank?" Xia Xia asked again.

   Huangfu Rongnian: "Seven."

  yo! Answered her again!

  Xiamen decided to strike while the iron was hot, and continued to ask Huangfu Rongnian: "I've been by your side for nine days, think about it carefully, have you seen me before?"

   Huangfu Rongnian: "No."

   After guarding for nine days, the answer I got was still disappointing for Summer.

   She sighed: "Forget it, don't know if you don't know me. I don't know myself, so who else can I expect to know me..."

   Huangfu Rongnian glanced at Xia Xia and found that she had her head lowered and her mood was very low.

   He did not know Xia Xia, but just like Xia Xia, he thought she was familiar.

   If it wasn't for his good memory, Huangfu Rongnian would have thought that he had seen summer somewhere.

   But he was sure, he had never seen Summer before—

   The maids who followed Huangfu Rongnian were not surprised by Prince Rong's 'talking to himself'.

  Because Huangfu Rongnian talked to himself before, so even if they heard Huangfu Rongnian speak, they would not react.


   The depression in summer is only temporary. After all, she has been here for nine days, and her psychological endurance is not that weak.

   What can she do if she has no memory? Even if she wanted to restore her memory, it was impossible for her to restore her memory!

   So, it’s better to go with the flow.

  Since now she can only follow Huangfu Rongnian, then she can follow——

  Today is the Queen Mother's birthday, Huangfu Rongnian has to go to the Queen Mother's Yiqing Palace first to greet him.

   If it is another prince, then he has to go to the emperor's imperial study.

   But because Huangfu Rongnian is a 'silly prince', it is useless to go to the imperial study, so there is no need to go.

   Xia Xia followed Huangfu Rongnian to the Yiqing Palace. He knelt on the ground and said in a rigid and unwavering tone: "Greetings to Grandma Huang!"

   If you ask who in this palace really loves Huangfu Rongnian, it is the queen mother.

  If there was no protection from the Queen Mother, Huangfu Rongnian would have been killed by the emperor's order as soon as he was born.

  Because in the emperor's opinion, it was Huangfu Rongnian who killed the first empress.

   It was Huangfu Rongnian who 'killed' him, the only woman he truly loved.

  The emperor blamed the death of the first empress on Huangfu Rongnian's head, so for many years, he has ignored this seventh son.

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