Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 419: This prince, you are very familiar (9)

   Xia is surprised at why Huangfu Rongnian can touch her at will, and Huangfu Rongnian is delighted that Xia can return to him.

  God knows how he spent these three days!

   No one has ever made him worry so much, and summer is an exception!

   "Where have you been these three days? I want to find you, but I don't know where to find you!"

   For the past 18 years, he has lived in his own world. Although he is sheltered by the Queen Mother, he has no confidant of his own.

   So even if Huangfu Rongnian wanted to find summer, there was no one who could use it.

   He can go to the Queen Mother, but he can't tell the Queen Mother, he is going to find a 'female ghost', right?

  If he really said that, it is estimated that the queen mother would think that he was fascinated by the "female ghost", or that he was more seriously ill.

   In these three days, Huangfu Rongnian hated himself for the first time that he had lived for 18 years.

  If he woke up earlier and could have his own henchmen like the Fourth Emperor, he wouldn't have to be like a headless fly in the palace...

  Because he was too excited, Huangfu Rongnian said much longer than usual.

   Summer was a little surprised, and felt that Huangfu Rongnian had really changed.

   From a silly and somewhat strange person, to normal.

   She could hear Huangfu Rongnian's concern and worry about her from his tone.

  Suddenly, some guilt.

  Three days ago, she was so excited that she didn't say a word when she left Huangfu Rongnian.

   In the past three days, the summer has almost turned the capital around.

  Because freedom has no restrictions, she can go wherever she wants.

   And in the past three days, Summer has also developed a special ability that makes her very happy.

   is that she freely controls whether or not she can touch people or things.

   Oh, of course, Huangfu Rongnian was an accident...

  Because even if she didn't agree, Huangfu Rongnian hugged her and didn't let go!

  Xiamen reached out and pushed Huangfu Rongnian away, took a step back, and stayed a little further away from him.

   "Cough~ me, I just walked around and walked around. I'll come back to you when I'm done shopping!"

   paused, and Xia Xia said with some guilt: "I'm sorry Huangfu Rongnian, I didn't tell you when I left."

   Huangfu Rongnian shook his head, stepped forward to hold Xia Xia's shoulder, and asked her, "In the future, are you still going?"

   To this question, Xia Xia replied without thinking: "I must leave, I can't stay in the palace all the time, it's too boring!"

   Being stuck in one place every day is really boring!

   Might as well go around and look around.

  Although no one can see her, at least she can watch other people's fun!

   However, as soon as Xia Xia finished speaking, he saw Huangfu Rongnian's sad face.

   She quickly added: "But can I come back often? Can I make this my home?"

Family? Xia said she wanted to make this her home?

   Huangfu Rongnian nodded without hesitation: "Of course! As long as you want, this is your home!"

If    is at home, it means that you will come back often in summer, right?

   In fact, Huangfu Rongnian hoped that Summer could always be by his side.

   He wants to see Summer every day, talk to Summer every day, hear Summer's voice every day...

   After thinking about it, Huangfu Rongnian asked Xia Xia, "Can you take me with you when you leave in the future?"

  Xiamen didn't expect Huangfu Rongnian to suddenly make such a request. After hesitating for a while, he nodded: "Of course! But... Huangfu Rongnian, do you think that you are different now than before?"

  Yes, the current Huangfu Rongnian is really different from before.

   In fact, he was in the carriage three days ago, and in the summer he felt that he had changed.

   It was just that at that time, she ignored this issue because her freedom was no longer restricted, but now, looking at it, Huangfu Rongnian is a completely normal person!

  But this is normal...and it came too suddenly.

   Moreover, Huangfu Rongnian suddenly changed from ignoring her to being so enthusiastic, which made her a little uncomfortable.

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Huangfu Rongnian grinned: "I used to have some problems with my brain, but it suddenly returned to normal a few days ago."

   Really suddenly recovered, just woke up from sleep, and the originally closed brain seemed to be opened.

   His thoughts and vision became much wider, and he became sober.

   "So, I won't ignore your existence like I did before!" Huangfu Rongnian said.

   He didn't know why he didn't like to talk about summer before, obviously in his heart, he also felt that summer was a very special existence!

   Obviously, in his heart, he really wants to get close to Summer!

   That promise is the same, so Summer doesn't know how to respond.

  She stood there blankly, without speaking immediately.

   Seeing that Xia Xia didn't speak, Huangfu Rongnian asked her again, "Am I the only one who can see you?"

  Xiamen nodded and said, "Yeah, I've walked through so many places and met so many people, and you are the only one who can see me."

   In fact, Xia Xia also thought about it, it is impossible that only Huangfu Rongnian can see her in this world, and there must be other people who can see her.

   But it is undeniable that in the entire capital, only Huangfu Rongnian can see her and hear her.

   In summer, Huangfu Rongnian also has a special feeling.

   She didn't understand what this feeling was, thinking that it might be because Huangfu Rongnian could see her, right?

   In other words, because from the first time I saw Huangfu Rongnian, I felt a special sense of familiarity with him.

   It seems that they really have known each other for a long, long time.

  It's been so long, she doesn't even remember how long it's been...

   "Do you want to know who you are? Do you want to know your name?" Huangfu Rongnian asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen's eyes lit up and nodded: "Of course I want to know! You, do you know who I am?"

   She thought that Huangfu Rongnian was not sober before, so even if she knew her, she didn't recognize her.

   Now that Huangfu Rongnian is awake, he naturally remembers who she is.

   But Huangfu Rongnian shook his head and said, "I don't know who you are..."

   Xia Xia didn't have time to lose, when he heard Huangfu Rongnian say: "But I can help you find your life experience."

   "Only I can see you now, and only I know what you look like. I can draw you and let someone find you."


   As long as Huangfu Rongnian draws her face, he can ask others to help find her.

  What if you really found it? !

  Even if you can't find it, you can show it to Chu Xiangsi!

   Xia Xia went to Chu Xiangsi, but Chu Xiangsi still couldn't see her.

   And from Acacia Chu's self-talk, summer didn't hear any useful information anymore.

   "I can help you find your background, but in order to avoid finding you when I find your background, can you stay by my side until I find your background?"

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