Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 430: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (five)

   Of course I know your sexual orientation is normal, you are my wife!

   Of course, Gu Yanyu couldn't say this.

   "Cough cough!" Gu Yanyu covered his mouth and coughed twice before holding back his laughter.

   But even though he didn't smile, he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

   "I said liking, not this liking." He said to Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia raised her eyebrows, of course she knew that Gu Yanyu said she liked it, not this one.

   It's just that she is not very happy to mention Qian Qianqian.

   She just hates Qian Qianqian very much, not only hates her stealing Ouyang Tianhao, but also hates her always 'everyone bullies me, I will never give in'.

  Really, it's disgusting no matter how you look at it!

   "I heard that you have always liked Ouyang Tianhao, haven't you?" Asking my wife if she likes others is not a good feeling.

  Especially when I heard my wife respond very neatly: "Yeah! I just like him!"

   After Xia Xia was over, he tilted his head to look at Gu Yanyu and asked him, "Are you going to report to my brother?"

  Gu Yanyu shook his head, endured the jealousy in his heart, and said very gently with a smile: "You are so old, it is normal to have someone you like. Why should I complain to your brother about this kind of thing?"

   He noticed that the expression on Xia Xia's face softened a little as soon as he finished saying those words.

   After a pause, Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia again, "Is it because of Ouyang Tianhao that you don't like Qian Qianqian?"

   Hearing Qian Qianqian's mention, Xia Xia frowned: "Even without Ouyang Tianhao, I wouldn't like Qian Qianqian!"

   She had just finished her answer, but when she saw Gu Yanyu was about to speak again, Xia Xia became impatient: "Mr. Li, are you looking for me to come to the office just for Qian Qianqian? I'm not interested in this topic, can I go now?!"

   It was still brother Jingxia just now, but now it is Teacher Li.

   His wife's face became faster than turning over a book.

   However, he finally got a chance to be alone, so he didn't want to let Summer leave just like that!

   "No no no, apart from Qian Qianqian's affairs, I have other things I want to talk to you about."

  Xia Tian tutted and curled his lips: "Then hurry up, I'll go after you finish!"

   Gu Yanyu knew that Xia Xia was impatient to listen to him, but he still had to say it!

   If he silently pays attention to Xia Xia and never comes forward, how can he increase his favorability?

   "It has been two months since you were your homeroom teacher and Chinese teacher, and I found that your Chinese grades are not ideal."

   Hearing this, Xia Xia sneered: "My grades in every subject are very unsatisfactory, Mr. Li, what do you want to express?"

  Gu Yanyu changed his posture, still smiling: "I want to say, it's already the second year of high school, although your brother didn't expect you to have many good grades, but at least you have to be worthy of yourself, right?"

"You don't focus on your studies every day now, what will you do after graduating from high school? You can go to a famous university, but when you want people to mention you, you just know that your family is rich, know that Are you going to a prestigious university with money?"

   "Have you become someone in the eyes of others, and indeed a person who is useless without your family's money? I think you should think about this issue in summer."

   After listening to Gu Yanyu's words, Xia Xia realized that Gu Yanyu came to her purely to make her 'study hard'.

   But she didn't understand that Gu Yanyu actually dug a hole for her to jump in.

   "So what Mr. Li means is, let me study hard from today to improve every day?" Xia Xia put her arms around her chest, even if she was a head shorter than Gu Yanyu, she was not to be outdone.

  Gu Yanyu nodded and said, "I want to start tutoring you at home every day after school..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xia exclaimed: "Tutoring?! Are you kidding me?!"

   Tuition or something, summer is the most annoying thing!

  Because a teacher called Xia Zimu to say that her grades were poor or something, Xia Zimu hired a tutor for her that day.

   When one tutor came, she drove one away. In the last tutoring contest, Xia Zimu conceded defeat and did not invite another tutor for her.

   Now Gu Yanyu says he wants to be a tutor for her, but Xia Xia completely disagrees!

   "I don't need you to tutor me!" Saying that, Summer is about to turn around and leave.

   Gu Yanyu took a long leg, walked to the door and stood still, blocking Summer's way.

   He said, "It's fine without tuition, unless you pass the monthly exam, you pass every subject. But if you fail, I'll give you tuition, how about that?"

  Xiamen collapsed slightly, and growled irritably: "There are so many students with poor grades in the class, why don't you give them tuition?!"

   Compared to the irritability and impatience in summer, Gu Yanyu is too indifferent.

   He leaned against the door and said softly, "Because, they are not summer you."

   If you look at Gu Yanyu's eyes in the summer, you can notice the love and pampering in his eyes that he didn't have time to hide.

   But just about this sentence is enough to be stunned in summer.

  What a disgusting sentence! She got goosebumps!

   After thinking about it, Xia Xia thought that Gu Yanyu might be thinking about their childhood sweetheart relationship, so he was special to her.

  Although she is stubborn and willful, she is not an unreasonable person, although she does not like to be reasonable occasionally...

   Xia Xia felt that she could understand that Gu Yanyu was a good 'idea' for her.

   She sighed and nodded helplessly: "Okay, if I pass the grade, then you don't even think about tutoring me!"

   In order not to tutor, she must work hard!

   Gu Yanyu smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

   In fact, he didn't care whether the grades in the summer were good or not, and he didn't worry about whether she passed or failed the exam.

  He mainly wants to spend more time with the summer and increase his friendship.

   If summer tutoring is given, then he has a legitimate reason to go to summer every day.

   Of course, even if he passed the exam in summer, he could find a reason to go to her house in summer to find her.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 60%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   added 10% favorability, not bad!

   Well, it’s okay to make a little progress every day!

  Gu Yanyu is full of ambition, thinking that he must show off in front of her when he regains his memory in summer!

   "Okay, since it's agreed, can I go now?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu with her hands open.

   Gu Yanyu nodded and moved sideways.

  Summer opened the door of the office and walked out.

   As soon as he walked out of Gu Yanyu's office, he saw Luo Ke who was guarding outside.

  Luo Ke has been eavesdropping on the movement in the office, but the sound insulation is so good that she didn't hear anything.

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