Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 458: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Thirty-three)

   Qian Qianqian wants to pretend, right? Then she, let her pretend not to be able to pretend!

   Let her true face be exposed in front of Ouyang Tianhao, and let Ouyang Tianhao admit that he is blind——

   Xia Xia's thoughts flew around, thinking about how to deal with Qian Qianqian, forgetting that there was a 'stinky rascal' in front of her.

   Gu Yanyu saw what Xia Xia looked like and knew what she was thinking now.

   But thinking about other people in front of him, Gu Rogue was not very happy.

   So he took one step at a time and walked towards the summer.

   Summer with his head bowed, saw the long legs approaching her, and immediately came back to his senses in fright.

   She quickly stepped back, stared at Gu Yanyu, her eyes a little flustered: "You, you... What do you want?! This, this is a school, don't mess around!"

   Gu Yanyu curled his lips into a smirk, his face looked like a ruffian, but he really looked like a hooligan.

  Summer can be terrified, and then back away.

   The two of them retreated and advanced, and they slowly retreated to the wall.

  The back is against the wall in summer, and there is no turning back.

  Gu Yanyu stretched out his hand against the wall and hit the wall directly.

   raised his hand to lift Xia Xia's chin, still with a wicked smile: "Although this is about the school, have you forgotten that this is my office?"

  Yes, this is Gu Yanyu's office.

  Xiamen shrank his neck and whispered, "Although this is your office, I will call for help..."

   "Well, you shout, by the way, you can try the sound insulation effect of the office."

   "Li, Li Jingxia, you, don't go too far! I will tell my brother!"

   Because Gu Yanyu's body got closer and closer, Xia Xia felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat.

   She blushed, and she didn't know if she was angry or ashamed.

   "Then tell him, I'm not afraid anyway." Gu Yanyu calmly replied to Xia Xia.

   She is afraid!

   Xia Xia was about to cry, and stared at Gu Yanyu aggrievedly: "What the **** are you trying to do?!"

   Gu Yanyu still smiled, he leaned over Xia Xia's face.

   Now, the distance between the two is even closer.

  Gu Yanyu's lips were only about five centimeters away from Xia's lips, as if he could kiss her by leaning over slightly.

   In summer, she could even feel Gu Yanyu's breath spraying on her cheeks, warm and hot, burning her face.

   Gu Yanyu looked down at Xia Xia, and saw that her long black eyelashes were shaking like a black butterfly with wings.

   His eyes slipped, and his lips were tightly pursed in summer because of nervousness.

   Those pink lips, Gu Yanyu really wanted to taste it.

  Although he wanted to be a hooligan, he could at most hug Xia Xia and kiss her forehead.

   Although his favorability is not too low now, he doesn't want to scare Summer.

   So, Gu Yanyu changed direction, leaned into Xia Xia's ear and said, "What do I want to do? I want to..."

   He deliberately lowered his voice, his voice low and charming.

   But having said this, Gu Yanyu paused for a while before continuing: "Did I not speak clearly enough last night?"

last night?

   He said... Is he going to make her fall in love with his words?

  Xiamen was a little uncertain and asked him: "You... do you mean to make me fall in love with you? Do you want me to fall in love with you?"

  Gu Yanyu nodded: "Yes, I want you to fall in love with me."

  I don't know why, but when I heard Gu Yanyu's words, I didn't even feel nervous in summer, and I suddenly got angry.

She pushed Gu Yanyu away and shouted without thinking: "What are you kidding! Why don't you love me and want me to love you?! You don't love me, why should I? Love you?!"

   This sentence was said in the summer without going through the brain.

   Of course, she herself didn't know why she said that.

   Obviously what she should say is that I don't love you!

  Why do you say he doesn't love her, she doesn't love him! ?

   Xia Tian was stunned when he reacted, and his already red face jumped and turned even redder.

  Gu Yanyu was also taken aback, he suddenly realized a problem.

   Last night, after he confessed to Xia Xia, the reason why his favorability rating was suddenly lowered was because he only said that Xia Xia fell in love with him, but did not say that he loved her?

   According to the analysis of this sentence in summer, it is very likely.

   Alright alright, since it's all said, it's definitely not okay for him not to make it clear.

   So, Gu Yanyu took a deep breath and looked at Xia Xia seriously: "Xia Xia, listen to me now."

   "Huh?" Xia Xia stared blankly at Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu said three words to Xia Xia: "I love you!"

These three words,   , Gu Yanyu said affectionately and seriously, and it didn't look like a fake at all.

   Of course, this is not fake.

   And because of these three words, summer's heart throbbed.

   This kind of throbbing was unfamiliar to her, but she felt familiar.

   is an inexplicable sense of... familiarity.

   She looked at Gu Yanyu and was speechless.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 80%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   has been added back to 80%. It seems that these three words are quite useful. Gu Yanyu decided to make persistent efforts.

   "Sorry, I was too nervous last night. You may not have understood what I said. I will say it again."

   Hearing Gu Yanyu's words, Xia Xia stood there without moving or speaking.

   "I love you, for a long, long time..."

   "A long time... how long?" Summer couldn't help asking.

Gu Yanyu doesn't seem to remember how long it was   .

   He only knew that his love for summer had penetrated deep into his bones and soul.

   He felt that summer had become a part of his soul, without summer, even his soul would be incomplete.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 85%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

   "It's been a few years. It's just that you were too young, and I didn't dare to express my feelings."

   "So I kept secretly hiding my love for you until last night, when I finally couldn't help but say it."

   "But I didn't expect that because I was too nervous, I even said my confession in a mess."

   "Actually what I want to say is, because I love you, I think you love me!"

   "Also, I want to protect you, not only in this life, but also in the next life, the next life... As long as reincarnation is still there, I will always guard you, love you, and accompany you."

   Although there is reincarnation in the next life and the next life, it is a bit exaggerated.

   But I have to admit that Xia Xia was shocked to hear Gu Yanyu say this.

   Someone once confessed to her that they would protect her for the rest of their lives, and even said that they would protect her in the next life.

   She knew that it was all fake, and she didn't even do it in this life, how could she be so embarrassed to promise in the next life?

   But when these words came out of Gu Yanyu's mouth, she actually felt...believable.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, the favorability of you in summer is 90%. In order not to affect the energy collection, please fill up the favorability as soon as possible!"

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