Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 466: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (1)

   After decades in the novel world, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia are finally leaving.

   Before they left, they had discussed that, in the next world, the summer strategy Gu Yanyu would be changed.

   So in the next novel world, summer will have its own memory.

   Open your eyes and look at your environment, look at the decoration style and some ornaments, it should be in the Republic of China.

   The girly decoration style with pink as the main color, probably her host age is not too old this time.

   It was night now, and Summer looked at the clock on the cabinet, it was nine o'clock in the evening.

   reached out and turned off the light in the room, and only began to receive the plot of this novel world in summer——

  Nangong Qingqing, sixteen years old, just as Xia Xia guessed, the age of the host is not very old.

  Nangong Qingqing was born into a business family in the Republic of China. In addition to his real wife, his father also had four concubines.

  Nangong Qingqing was born by the fourth wife, and she was considered a prostitute.

  The Nangong family is indeed a big family with a large population.

   Not counting the children of Nangong Fu's brothers, but even Nangong Fu's own children.

  The doctor gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter.

  The second wife gave birth to a son, and the third wife also gave birth to a son.

  The fourth lady, the mother of Nangong Qingqing, besides Nangong Qingqing, also has a son, who is the twin of Nangong Qingqing.

  The fifth lady did not have any children, although she had been in the Nangong family for three years.

   Do the math, Father Nangong has six children!

  The family is so big, and there are concubines and so on, intrigue is absolutely indispensable.

   Growing up in such a place must be a very scheming person.

   But Nangong Qingqing is not. Nangong Qingqing is a simple and kind-hearted fool who thinks that people all over the world are kind.

   There is no way, she has a mother who has stayed in Nangong's house for seventeen years and is still silly and sweet. She was taught that she is different from other brothers and sisters.

   Nangong Qingqing's twin brother, Nangong Tianxiao, was also taught by the fourth lady to be like a foolish white sweet, although his temper was a little grumpy.

   I received a lot of information this summer, in addition to Nangong Qingqing's memory, the plot of the novel world, and the basic information of everyone in the Nangong family.

Madam   , the original wife of Father Nangong, is a particularly aloof person. She usually doesn't even care about Father Nangong and her own children, let alone those concubines.

   However, the eldest lady is very caring for her son, Nangong Tianyu, the eldest son of Nangong's father.

   People who don't know only think that the eldest lady is patriarchal, and loves her son rather than her daughter.

   Of course, the eldest lady really does care about her son but not her daughter.

   After reading the basic information of the eldest lady in summer, I will watch the eldest brother Nangong Tianyu in summer.

   As soon as I saw 'Nangong Tianyu, 25 years old', I heard the warning sound of the strategy system in summer.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is zero percent. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Nangong Tianyu? !

   Gu Yanyu's body is Nangong Tianyu? !

   Are you kidding her!

   Her host was Nangong Qingqing, while Gu Yanyu's host turned out to be Nangong Tianyu.

   Let her attack her own brother? !

   Even if they are half-parents, they are still relatives!

   Xia Xia collapsed a little, and felt that her relationship with Gu Yanyu's body was a bit outrageous this time.

   She took a long time to accept this fact, and then continued to look at Nangong Tianyu's profile.

  Because he was her target, the information on Nangong Tianyu became very detailed.

  Detailed to...including the fact that he is not the son of Nangong's father.

   is not the son of Nangong's father!

   In other words, her body and Gu Yanyu's body are not related by blood? !

   There is no blood relationship, which is really good news for summer.

   However, this strategy is still very difficult for the summer.

   Except for Da Furen and Xia Xia, everyone, including Nangong Tianyu, didn't know their true life experience.

   That is to say, Nangong Tianyu, who she wants to conquer, only treats her as her sister and family.


  Xiamen regrets it now, she should let Gu Yanyu attack her.

   Nangong Qingqing, who has a silly and sweet personality, should be a good strategy.

   However, it is difficult to attack Nangong Tianyu, who has a somewhat uncertain personality and does not compromise his means to achieve his goals!

  Xiamen sighed, and continued to read the basic information of everyone in the Nangong family, and received the plot.


   After reading all the materials and plots in summer, it is almost dawn.

   She didn't sleep all night, and she was very sleepy.

   I closed my eyes and slept for two hours before being called by a servant at seven o'clock.

  The Nangong family has rules, breakfast and dinner must be eaten together as a family.

   At half past seven, we must appear at the table together.

   Xia Tian, ​​who did not wake up, sighed and got up from the bed resignedly.

  Today is Saturday, no need to go to school.

   The most important thing is that Nangong Tianyu is at home today!

   Since Nangong Tianyu joined the army five years ago, he has not been at home much.

   This time, it was only because of Nangong's father's 50th birthday, so it was rare for Nangong Tianyu, who was already a first-class general of the country, to come back once.

   According to Nangong Qingqing's memory, Nangong Tianyu would leave the day after Nangong's father's birthday banquet.

   In other words, it is really very difficult to attack Nangong Tianyu in summer!

   Not only Nangong Tianyu treats her as his own sister, but also distance.

   She usually doesn't even see Nangong Tianyu's people, so how can she improve her favorability?

   And most importantly, Nangong Tianyu is not close to his siblings at home.

   Just look at the 0% favorability rating and you will know, 'Kin' sister, there is no favorability rating!

  Summer can already be foreseen, how difficult it is to increase the favorability this time——

  Wash and change clothes under the service of the maid, and then go downstairs.

  When I went to the dining room in summer, the second wife, the third wife, and the fourth wife were already sitting at the dining table and chatting.

   The second brother of the second wife, Nangong Tianchen, is also there. Nangong Tianchen always has a smiling face and looks gentle and elegant.

  The Nangong family has a wide range of businesses, including clothing, medicinal materials, and banks.

   When Grandpa Nangong divided the property, it happened to be divided equally among the three sons.

   Nangongfu is the eldest and chooses medicinal materials.

  The second child chose the bank, and the third child chose the clothing.

  Nangong Tianyu was not interested in the Nangong family's business, and even voluntarily gave up the right of inheritance.

   On the other hand, Nangong Tianchen has been helping in the management of Nangong Pharmacy, and his usual performance is quite satisfactory.

   In Nangong Qingqing's opinion, the second brother Nangong Tianchen is a very good and very good brother.

   But in fact, Nangong Tianchen's ambitions are very big!

  In the plot of the novel, some intrigues and unknown secrets of the Nangong family are mentioned a lot.

  For example, the twenty-four-year-old Nangong Tianchen is related to the fifth wife of Nangong's father.

   Hooking up women all hooked up to his father's concubine, Xia Xia only felt that Nangong Tianchen was disgusting.


  【Note: The background of the Republic of China is completely empty, please don’t be elegant~】

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