Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 468: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (3)

   Xia Xia knew that Father Nangong must have planned to marry her to that violent man.

   But, will she get married honestly?

   The body Nangong Qingqing has a wish, that is, to kill the man who had abused her for half a year.

   Xia Xia also wanted to help Nangong Qingqing fulfill this wish, but when her eyes fell on Nangong Tianyu, who never said a word, she suddenly changed her mind.

  Nangong Tianyu left after Nangong's father's birthday banquet. In Nangong Qingqing's memory, Nangong Tianyu never came back until Nangong Qingqing died.

   But after the Nangong family went bankrupt, he took Nangong's father, the eldest lady and his sister Nangong Qingtong away.

   So in summer no matter what, you have to entangle Nangong Tianyu, no matter what method you use!


   After the 'family meeting' is over, it's free time.

   You don't have to eat together at noon. Nangong Tianchen and Nangong Tianmu went to Nangong Medicine Store after breakfast.

   Nangong Tianxiao slipped out to play, Nangong Qingtong went back to the room, and the ladies were chatting in discord.

  Nangong Tianyu went to practice the soldiers he brought back with him.

  Summer also went back to his room and checked his personal data.

   There is no memory of the first two novel worlds, and then she didn't check it out.

   I remembered it now, just to check it out—

  [Minor bug fixes: 100%, get a thousand interstellar coins]

  【Would you like to convert Interstellar Coins into points? 】


   The previous world dissipated the aura of the protagonist on Qian Qianqian's head, and she also got a thousand interstellar coins.

Although the    is a little less, it is not bad. After all, it is not a loophole that she deliberately repaired, which means that she has gained Interstellar Coins for nothing.

  I didn't exchange points, just clicked on my personal data.

  Restorer: Summer

   Age: 45

Gender: Female

  Points accumulated: 530

   Interstellar Coins: 73752

   Backpack: (empty)

  Cheat: Permanent Vulnerability Crisis Alerter (every time there is a bug in your world, it will automatically sound an alarm)

   The protagonist's halo perspective eye (you can see the male or female protagonist with the protagonist's halo)

   After reading the personal platform, I lay in bed in summer and read the personal details of Nangong Tianyu all over again.

  Nangong Tianyu's life experience makes summer a headache.

   Until his death, he thought he was the son of Nangong's father.

   So should she let Nangong Tianyu know that she is not the son of Nangong's father?

  To be sure, but definitely not now.

   At least, the favorability must be increased to more than 90%, right?

   Otherwise, even if she said it, it probably wouldn't help her.

  So this matter, we can't be in a hurry-

In the two days after   , Xia Xia wanted to find a chance to get close to Nangong Tianyu.

   However, it turns out that Nangong Tianyu is really not easy to approach!

   Not to mention that Nangong Tianyu only eats and sleeps at Nangong's house every day, and stays with his soldiers at other times. Even when he is at Nangong's house, there is no way to approach him in summer.

   Xia Xia didn't think about forcibly approaching Nangong Tianyu, but before she could speak, she was suppressed by his powerful aura.

   Of course, she was not so easily suppressed by Nangong Tianyu, but Nangong Tianyu's eyes clearly expressed that she did not like her approaching.

   And then... there is no and then...

   In the blink of an eye, it was the day of Father Nangong's birthday banquet.

  Nangong Tianxiao and Nangong didn't go to school in the summer, and in the summer they woke up early in the morning and dressed up like a doll.

   A girl who is obviously still very immature, but is about to be scrutinized like a commodity.

  If it wasn't for everything in her plan, she wouldn't be attending Father Nangong's birthday banquet this summer.

   "Okay fifth miss, are you satisfied with your outfit today?" the servant asked Xia Xia cautiously.

   Xia Xia, who had been dazed all the time, raised her eyes and looked at herself in the dressing mirror.

  Today, she wore a pink dress, and her hair was made into a royal curly hairstyle that was popular among wealthy families at this time.

   This curly hair alone took her a long time today.

   If she said, just put a ball on the head!

   Sitting here, my neck is about to cramp.

  The powder is applied slightly, and the skin is supple and tender at a young age.

   Nangong's father's genes are good, and Nangong Qingqing's mother is also pure and lovely.

   So the children of the Nangong family are not ugly.

   "Okay, that's it." Summer said lightly.

  Summer lifted his big skirt and got up and left the room.

   As soon as he reached the entrance of the stairs, he met Nangong Tianyu who had returned from training outside.

  Nangong Tianyu glanced at Xia Xia lightly, without the slightest emotion.

  Xiamen stood on the first stair, paused, and raised a sweet smile at him.

  There is no way, Nangong Qingqing is a fool who sees everyone smiling.

   "Big Brother!"

   Hearing Xia Xia calling him, Nangong Tianyu paused slightly and finally stopped.

   In the past few days, summer is really strong for him!

   At least Nangong Tianyu never paid attention to Summer, even if every time he saw him, Nangong Qingqing would call him politely.

   Seeing that Nangong Tianyu finally looked at her, Xia Xia immediately pulled up the skirt and turned around: "Brother, do you think I look good..."

  Because I was standing on the stairs, I stepped in the air when I circled in the summer, and my whole body leaned back.

   Seeing that Xia Xia was about to fall, Nangong Tianyu stretched out his arms and hugged her conditionedly.

   Then, Summer fell into the arms of Nangong Tianyu.

   This is the closest summer to Nangong Tianyu in the past few days!

  Xia Tian seemed to be frightened, his eyes widened, and he looked at Nangong Tianyu in shock.

Nangong Tianyu also looked at Xia Xia, and when their eyes met, Xia Xia heard the alert sound of the strategy system: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability to you is 30%, so as not to affect energy collection, please do so as soon as possible. Fill up your favorability!"

The    favorability has finally progressed, which made summer a burst of joy.

   This fall is really a crooked hit, she really didn't do it on purpose, I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

  Although I was so happy that I wanted to jump up, but the expression on my face did not change, and it still pretended to be relieved.

  Xia Tian patted his heart, blinked, and said to Nangong Tianyu: "Fortunately, eldest brother, you caught me in time, otherwise I would be miserable~"

  Nangong Tianyu pursed his lips slightly, supported Xia Xia to stand, and then released his hand.

   He raised his foot to leave, but Xia Xia grabbed his cuff.

  Nangong Tianyu frowned slightly and looked down at Summer.

   He is too tall, and in front of him only 1.6 meters in summer, he is a complete dwarf.

   was blocked, Nangong Tianyu was a little unhappy, and his eyes became sharper.

   If it were someone else, he would definitely be scared to see Nangong Tianyu like this.

  Summer is not afraid, except for a sense of oppression.

   "Brother, you haven't answered my question yet!" Xia Xia looked up at him with a smile.

   "Huh?" What's the problem?

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