Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 489: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (24)

  Summer got off the bed and went to open the door.

   Outside the door, Nangong Tianyu stood there wearing a military uniform, his handsome face was still cold and serious.

  The whole person, with a taste of abstinence] is a male god.

   is simply the temptation of uniforms!

   If you have a weak point of concentration, just jump up and tear off that military uniform!

   Xia Xia couldn't stop YY in his heart, but his face was very calm, pretending to be innocent, and looked at Nangong Tianyu with a smile: "Good morning, big brother!"

   Looking at Xia Xia's bright smile, Nangong Tianyu raised his hand and rubbed Xia Xia's slightly messy black long hair.


   Nangong Tianyu seems to be the same cold Nangong Tianyu, but the way he looks at Xia Xia is obviously different from before.

   is filled with love, joy, and even possessiveness.

   "Go wash up and have breakfast." Nangong Tianyu said to Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded and turned to get his clothes for a change.

   She thought that Nangong Tianyu would close the door for her, and Nangong Tianyu did close the door for her.

But! ! !

   Nangong Tianyu's people are still in her room!

What does    mean? Would you like to see her change clothes?

  Xiamen turned his head to look at Nangong Tianyu and blinked: "Brother, you...Aren't you going out?"

   "Well, I'll wait for you." Nangong Tianyu still looked calm.

  Summer: "…"

   Okay, just wait for her!

   In summer, he opened the wardrobe and took out the clothes to change. Nangong Tianyu, who was standing by the side, saw it, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

  A strange yet familiar woman, she was changing clothes, he was standing beside him...

The    picture just flashed by, and he thought it might be his own illusion.

   When he came back to his senses, Xia Xia had already taken the clothes into the bathroom——

   I changed my clothes in summer, and only went out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

  Nangong Tianyu stood outside and seemed to be in a trance, not even noticing when she came out.

  Xiamen walked over and tilted his head to look at him: "Brother, I've washed up, let's go down!"

  Nangong Tianyu nodded, reached out to hold Xia Xia's hand, and led her downstairs.

   Xia Xia followed Nangong Tianyu while peeking at him.

  Nangong Tianyu was still expressionless, if it wasn't for his favorability, or if she wasn't sure last night that he slept with her arms around her, she really thought that Nangong Tianyu had no idea about her!

   Fortunately, there is also a strategy system to indicate the favorability, otherwise, if she ran into Nangong Tianyu, how would she know if he fell in love with her——

After    went downstairs, the two came to the dining table, and Nangong Tianyu asked Xia Xia to sit next to him.

   Except for the eldest lady, no one seems to think that there is anything wrong with Nangong Tianyu's request.

   Of course, the eldest lady didn't think anything was wrong.

   It's just that the way she looks at Xia Xia is different from the way others look at other people.

   Just because the eldest lady had a showdown with Nangong Tianyu last night, the eldest lady's attitude towards summer is obviously different today.

   When the fourth lady told Xia Xia to go to Rongcheng to take good care of herself, the eldest lady reassured the fourth lady and said that she would take good care of Xia Xia.

   That loving tone is really flattering!

   During breakfast, although Nangong Tianyu didn't say anything, he seemed to be declaring his ownership of her all the time.

   However, no one could see anything——

   After breakfast, they were about to leave.

  Nangong Tianxiao took Xia Xia aside and asked her in a low voice, "Qingqing, are you sure you really want to go to Rongcheng?"

   Last night, Nangong Tianxiao came to the summer room and chatted with the summer for a long time, and also chatted a lot.

   In the summer, let Nangong Tianxiao stay away from Nangong Tianchen. You can get closer to Nangong Tianmu. If you have something to do, you can call Nangong Tianyu or her directly.

  It was already agreed last night, so why ask again today?

  Nangong Tianxiao just felt that Xia Xia came back last night and had to leave early this morning. It was too fast.

   And looking at the meaning of Nangong Tianyu, it seems that he wants to marry the summer to Rongcheng.

  In that case, wouldn't he be able to see summer again for a long time? !

  Although she had already answered this question yesterday, she still answered Nangong Tianxiao: "Well, I'm definitely going to Rongcheng."

   After getting Xia Xia's answer, Nangong Tianxiao gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll go with you!"


   The word 'no' was not said in summer.

   Xia Xia and Nangong Tianxiao turned their heads at the same time and looked at Nangong Tianyu who said "no".

   "Brother, why not?! I...I don't want you to support me, I can be a soldier like you!" Nangong Tianxiao really didn't want to be separated from Xia Xia!

  Nangong Tianyu's face was cold and majestic: "You must finish your studies."

   "I can..." completed in Rongcheng.

Before    said the following words, Nangong Tianyu added: "Complete your studies in Tongcheng."

  Nangong Tianxiao: "..."

   In the end, Nangong Tianxiao still could not resist the pressure of Nangong Tianyu, so he gave up and went to Rongcheng.

When    watched Xia Xia leave, Nangong Tianxiao was about to cry.

   "Qingqing, wait for me! I'll find you after I finish my studies!"

  Xiamen nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

   Looking at the car that was going further and further away, Nangong Tianxiao suddenly remembered something.

   He and Qingqing are in the same grade and one class, why does the eldest brother require him to complete his studies in Tongcheng, but not Qingqing? !

   Eccentric! Too eccentric!



   From Tongcheng to Rongcheng in summer, what they do is a train. There are single and double rooms on this train.

  Nangong Tianyu told Xia Xia that there were only two rooms left on the train.

   So the eldest lady shares a room with Nangong Qingtong, and in the summer with him.

   Xia Xia knew that Nangong Tianyu was definitely lying to her, there could be only two rooms on the train.

   Even if there are really only two empty rooms left, with Nangong Tianyu's official position, he can make a third room anyway.

   However, she is 'Silly White Sweet' and 'Little White Rabbit', how could she know that Nangong Tianyu lied to her!

   So she twisted a bit and said that she was embarrassed to sleep with her big brother or something.

  Nangong Tianyu was also very serious, and said indifferently: "I'm your brother, not an outsider."

   That's right, summer almost couldn't help laughing.

   She blinked her innocent eyes, 'hesitating' for a long time, before nodding and agreeing to share a room with Nangong Tianyu.

Nangong Qingtong next to    actually wanted to say that the bed was big enough for the three of them to squeeze together.

   But before she could say anything, she was stopped by the eldest lady.

  Nangong Qingtong turned to look at his mother, full of doubts——

   Her doubts were quickly answered. After Nangong Tianyu brought Xia Xia back to their room to rest, the eldest lady told her a secret.

   After hearing this secret, Nangong Qingtong was speechless for a long time.

   Da Furen didn't speak, she just waited for Nangong Qingtong to digest it by herself.

   After a long time, Nangong Qingtong finally found his voice, but his emotions still did not calm down.

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