Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 505: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (14)

   Although Sheng Yichen tried his best to appear natural, Xia Xia still saw his embarrassment.

   Although he was snickering in his heart, he didn’t show it on his face.

   She only left here yesterday afternoon, but she came back today.

   The flowers in the living room are still very bright and still look alive.

  Xiamen looked up at Sheng Yichen slightly, and asked him with a smile, "It's eleven o'clock, why don't I make lunch? There are still ingredients in the refrigerator anyway."

  Sheng Yichen was still thinking about how to relieve the embarrassment that he had taken Summer away inexplicably, and Summer had already stepped down for him.

  In this case, of course he went down.

   Sheng Yichen nodded, agreeing to the proposal to cook at his house in the summer.

   After getting Sheng Yichen's approval, he happily went to the kitchen to prepare dinner in summer——

   Hearing the movement from the kitchen, Sheng Yichen stood in the living room for a while before returning to his room to practice.

   He put on his robe and hovered cross-legged in mid-air in the room.

   Sheng Yichen closed his eyes and wanted to devote himself to cultivation, but his heart could not calm down no matter what.

   The mood swings are not big, and even he himself does not know why there are such inexplicable mood swings.

   The smell of the food in the kitchen drifted into the room, making Sheng Yichen even more restless.

   Not because he was greedy, but because he felt inexplicably that his house seemed to be different from the original.

  Is this the human taste that others say?

   But he's a monster, what do you need this human taste for!

  Since you can’t meditately cultivate, then you simply don’t practice.

  Sheng Yichen walked to the door of the kitchen and watched the summer cooking.

   Aware that Sheng Yichen was behind her, Xia Xia started talking to him.

  Although Sheng Yichen didn't respond to her very much as usual, it didn't matter what she said to herself.

   After chatting and chatting, Xia Xia turned the topic to Bai Xueer.

   "Mr. Sheng, you said that I exposed Bai Xue'er's identity today. Will she hold a grudge against me and come to Yu's house to find me?"

   She looked worried, as if she was really afraid of Bai Xueer.

  Sheng Yichen lowered his eyes and pondered, not knowing what he was thinking.

  It wasn't until the summer meal was ready that Sheng Yichen said, "I've thought about it."

   When Sheng Yichen said this, soup was being served in summer.

   She paused, looked up at Sheng Yichen: "Huh? What are you thinking about?"

   "Pretending to be Duan Linran."

  If he pretended to be Duan Linran, he would be able to stay by Xia's side and arrive instantly when she was in danger.

  Xiamen's eyes lit up instantly, and she looked at Sheng Yichen with joy: "Really?!"

   Sheng Yichen nodded lightly and added, "One month."

At most, he could only pretend to be Duan Linran for a month.

   In this month, if Bai Xueer really does anything to harm human beings, he has the right to send her back to the demon world and never allow her to come to the human world.

   "Good good! One month is one month!"

  Although Sheng Yichen said that it is only given for one month, one month is enough for summer!

   A lot can happen in a month and no one knows what will happen.

   Maybe, she can also use this month to increase her favorability to 80% or 90%?

  Being a human being, naturally you have to be more confident——

   After coming to the human world for so long, Sheng Yichen has never changed into someone else.

  Because he thinks those human beings are not as good-looking as him.

  kekeke...Although this is true, I didn't expect Sheng Yichen to be so narcissistic...

  Since he had promised to pretend to be Duan Linran in Summer, the first thing Sheng Yichen had to do was to understand what kind of person Duan Linran was.

   But, how do you know Duan Linran?

   This is not difficult for Sheng Yichen.


   After lunch, there were still classes in the summer afternoon, so Sheng Yichen drove her to school.

   And after Sheng Yichen sent the summer back to school, he went to the Yu Group to find Duan Linran.

   Duan Linran is twenty-five years old this year, and has only been working in the Yu Group for two years.

   Basically everyone knows that Duan Linran is the child husband of the Yu family's daughter, so it's not surprising that he took the position of president as soon as he entered the company.

   On the other hand, Duan Linran himself was very opposed to the name 'Tong Yangfu'.

   He felt that those people would never look at his own strength, but only saw his status as a 'child foster husband'.

   Originally, he had a good impression of Yu Qingru, and even when he knew that he would marry Yu Qingru in the future, he was not too reluctant.

   But then slowly, Duan Linran became unwilling.

   He desperately hopes that his strength can be recognized by everyone, and also desperately hopes that when no one mentions him in the future, he is talking about 'the child raising husband of the Yu family'.

   Fortunately, the doctor said that Yu Qingru might not live to be twenty years old, which reassured Duan Linran.

  The human heart is greedy, and the Yu family has a great career, can he not covet?

  Before getting to know Bai Xueer, Duan Linran was thinking of marrying Yu Qingru, so let's marry Yu Qingru, anyway, she will not live long.

  After getting to know Bai Xueer, Duan Linran wanted Yu Qingru to die early.

   In this case, he can be with Snow White.

  But, not everything develops according to Duan Linran's wishes—

   At this moment, Duan Linran is processing documents in the company.

   I spent a night outside for no apparent reason yesterday. There was a slap print on my face and a pinch mark on my neck.

   In order to cover up these marks, Duan Linran also specially asked a makeup artist to cover up his makeup.

   Although it was barely concealed, the makeup on his face was unnatural.

In the president's office, Sheng Yichen suddenly appeared in front of Duan Linran.

   Duan Linran was startled, and stared at Sheng Yichen with wide eyes: "Who are you?!"

  If he read it right, the 'people' in front of him appeared out of nowhere, right?

   This is really... too scary, okay?

   Sheng Yichen didn't speak, just looked at Duan Linran.

   Duan Linran was a little hairy when Sheng Yichen saw him, and reached out to the phone to call the security guard.

   But before he reached out, Sheng Yichen had already put his hand on top of his head.

   Duan Linran's eyes were dull for a moment, and his body was stiff and could not move.

   After a while, Sheng Yichen got all Duan Linran's memories.

   All these memories, of course, are Duan Linran's memories from childhood to adulthood.

   But there is a memory in it that makes Sheng Yichen feel a little strange.

   That was last night, Duan Linran seemed to be dealing with summer oil.

   But that memory... was very vague and fragmented.

   If it wasn't for Sheng Yichen's high enough cultivation, he wouldn't have gotten this part of the memory.

   Now there is no doubt that Duan Linran's memory has been erased.

   Who is the person who can erase his memory?

   Could it be... is it Cher?

   No wonder Sheng Yichen didn't doubt Xia Xia, because Xia Xia gave him the impression of being weak and weak, and he always felt like he could kill him with one finger.

How could someone like    have the ability to erase Duan Linran's memory!


  【I came home this afternoon, and I went out for a few days. Calvinka was so bad that I kept deleting, deleting, modifying.

  Mei Kai promises to update 10,000 words every day from tomorrow until this Sunday. I hope my lovers will forgive the Lun family for how little updates have been made these days~]

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