Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 507: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (16)

   Xia Xia's tone of voice was very relaxed, but it was a little distressing to hear.

  Sheng Yichen looked at the summer, thinking about whether to cure the heart disease in the summer.

  It is actually very easy to cure heart disease in summer.

  If the heart disease in summer is cured, she will not have to worry that she will die at any time——

   After dinner, Sheng Yichen went to the summer room and said that it could cure her heart disease.

Of course   Xiamen refused. If she wanted to get better, she would buy medicine directly from the platform mall.

   "If you cure my heart disease, how am I going to tell my family that I'm okay?"

  Although what Xia Xia said made sense, Sheng Yichen didn't understand why Xia Xia wouldn't let him cure her heart disease because he couldn't find a suitable explanation.

   He didn't know that there was no problem with Xia's body, it just didn't look good.

  Since summer says no cure, let’s die.

   Wait until the summer when he needs her to treat him, and he can treat him again


  Staying in Yu's house, Sheng Yichen is quite used to it.

   But he didn't live in Duan Linran's room, but the room opposite Xia Xia.

  Sheng Yichen cultivated all night, and fell asleep peacefully in summer——

   The next day, after having breakfast in Summer, he asked Sheng Yichen to take her to school.

  Sheng Yichen did not refuse, and was going to go to the company after sending the summer to school.

   He thought that since he impersonated Duan Linran, he would naturally have to do his duty.

  Sheng Yichen drove by himself and sat in the co-pilot seat in summer.

   "Is Mr. Sheng still used to living in Yu's house?" Xia Xia asked Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen hummed as an answer.

   In fact, for him, wherever he lives is the same.

   Anyway, when he was cultivating, he habitually set up a barrier, and no one could disturb him.

   After getting Sheng Yichen's answer, Xia Xia said: "If Mr. Sheng is uncomfortable or something is wrong, be sure to tell me!"

   Sheng Yichen turned his head and glanced at Xia Xia.

   Summer is always smiling when he is in front of him.

   She looks so peaceful and beautiful, it makes people want to keep her in peace for a lifetime.

   But in Sheng Yichen's mind, some vague memories of Duan Linran appeared.

   The summer in Duan Linran's memory and the current summer seem to be very different in temperament.

  Sheng Yichen wanted to ask Xia Xia if she did something to Duan Linran that night.

   But the memory is incomplete, and Sheng Yichen can't be sure who it is.

  Sheng Yichen has always been interested in nothing but cultivation.

   But this time, he was curious about the part of Duan Linran's lost memory.

   It seems that he can think of a way to retrieve that part of Duan Linran's memory...

  Sheng Yichen's idea is completely unknown in summer.

   She didn't even know that Sheng Yichen went to get Duan Linran's memory yesterday, she just thought he was going to observe Duan Linran.

  Last night, Xia Xia told Sheng Yichen a lot about Duan Linran, and wanted him to know more about Duan Linran.


  The car drove to the school gate, and in the summer, while unfastening the seat belt, he said goodbye to Sheng Yichen.

After   , he asked Sheng Yichen uneasy: "Can you handle the company's affairs?"

   Sheng Yichen nodded: "Yes."

   Xia Xia raised her eyebrows, Sheng Yichen said that she could handle it well, it must be handled well, she believed him.

   "Then I'll go to school first, let's call."

   After saying that, I got out of the car in summer.

   Watching Xia Xia walk towards the school gate, Sheng Yichen did not leave immediately, but wanted to watch her walk into the school and then leave——

   As soon as Xia Xia walked to the school gate, he was stopped by Qiao Zirui.

   As soon as I heard Qiao Zirui's voice, I felt a little irritable in the summer.

   Was it clear enough yesterday? Why is this person still looking for her!

   In summer, I plan to pretend that I didn’t hear it, and keep walking forward.

  Qiao Zirui saw that Xia Xia ignored him, and quickly chased after him.

   Sheng Yichen was about to start the car and leave after seeing that Xia Xia had walked into the school gate.

   But before leaving, he saw Qiao Zirui grab Xia Xia's wrist.

   Sheng Yichen frowned slightly. He still remembered that the person who grabbed Xia Xia's wrist was the human being Bai Xueer liked.

   Shemales have a different path, and Snow White will actually fall in love with humans.

   And this human, doesn't seem to like her...

  Summer's wrist was caught, and his footsteps were naturally stopped.

   She looked back at Qiao Zirui, her eyes full of impatience: "Qiao Zirui, what are you doing?"

   Qiao Zirui was very haggard, with two dark circles under his eyes, and it seemed that he knew that he didn't sleep well last night.

   He let go of Xia Xia's hand and apologized to her before saying why he stopped her: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you."

   Qiao Zirui's attitude made Xia Xia feel relieved.

  Although the heroine is a bit powerless to complain, Qiao Zirui is slightly better than Bai Xueer.

   took a breath, Xia Yuguang glanced at Sheng Yichen who had not left, and said to Qiao Zirui, "Okay, let's talk about it."

   Hearing that Xia Xia agreed to talk to him, a smile finally appeared on Qiao Zirui's face.

   "Then let's find a place to sit down and talk!" Qiao Zirui said.

   Summer also nodded and agreed.

   Watching Xia Xia walk into the school with Qiao Zirui, but did not go to the teaching building, Sheng Yichen suddenly wondered where they were going and what they were going to say.

  So, Sheng Yichen followed in stealth——

   Summer and Qiao Zirui came to a school lake, and the two sat on the bench without speaking.

   After a while, Qiao Zirui said, "Things... I have already figured it out."

  Yesterday, he also asked Bai Xueer, which confirmed the authenticity of those things.

  Xiamen still didn't speak, waiting for Qiao Zirui to continue.

   "Before yesterday, I never believed that there were monsters in this world. I'm an atheist..."

   Don't say it's a demon, even if someone told him that there were ghosts in this world, he wouldn't believe it.

  But: "I didn't expect that there would be a demon who would turn into you and still associate with me."

   Last night he didn't fall asleep all night, and he felt horrified when he thought that the person who had been greasy and crooked with him for half a month turned out to be a demon.

   "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble these two days." This apology came from Qiao Zirui's heart.

   Thought that the one with whom he was dating was not Xia, but he was stalking Xia.

  Think about it, even he would be very annoying.

  Qiao Zirui took a deep breath, as if he had made a very important decision.

   He looked at the summer, very serious, but also very reluctant.

   He said: "Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore..."

   That means, starting from today, Qiao Zirui decided not to pursue Yu Qingru anymore.

   Even in my heart, I still like it very much.

   Xia Xia didn't expect Qiao Zirui to look for her to say these words.

   is also good, so you don't have to worry about being stalked by Qiao Zirui when you come to school later.

   Qiao Zirui said so much, and Xia finally spoke up.

   She nodded and said, "Well, I see."

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