Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 537: Master doctor, please accept apprentices (14)

   Baili Yunyi got up after resting on the shore.

   It's just that he just stood on the shore and didn't move.

  After returning from picking up dry branches in summer, he saw Baili Yunyi silently looking at the river.

   She knew why Baili Yunyi kept looking at the river, he was worried and calm.

  Although he has always refused to accept Zeng Rong as his apprentice, in fact, in Baili Yunyi's heart, Zeng Rong is already his apprentice.

  Being together for ten years, it is impossible to have no feelings.

  In the summer, I went to the platform mall to buy a location searcher and searched for Calm's location, and found that he had already landed and was looking for them.

   Well, it seems, calm is nothing.

  In summer, put dry branches on the ground, and then look for flint and fire to make a fire.

After the fire started, she walked to Baili Yunyi's side, grabbed his arm and said, "Master, don't worry, you will be fine!"

   "Hmm." Hope.

   Calmly has always been very independent, there should be nothing to do.

   "Let's go, Master, let's bake the fire first, it's too cold!" Xia Xia took Baili Yunyi to the fire and sat down.

   There was a fire, and the body that had been soaked in the river for several hours finally warmed up.

   "While it's still dark, Master, shall we take off our clothes and make a fire?"

   Although he was asking Baili Yunyi, he had already started taking off his clothes in summer.

  It is really uncomfortable to wear wet clothes, which are close to the body and make people feel uncomfortable.

  Three or two times, and in summer, only the apron and underwear are left.

  Take branches to make two brackets, and put up the clothes.

  Summer's performance is very magnanimous. It seems that there is nothing wrong with wearing so little in front of Baili Yunyi.

   She was completely misleading Baili Yunyi, making Baili Yunyi feel that this is really no problem.

   Seeing that he took off his wet clothes in summer, Baili Yunyi also took off his own clothes.

   In summer, he still wears a bellyband, Baili Yunyi is directly shirtless.

   This is the first time I saw Baili Yunyi's "beautiful color", and I was amazed in summer.

   Baili Yunyi's skin is very white, and he didn't expect to look at a very thin person. After taking off his clothes, he still has eight pack abs and a mermaid line...

  This flesh】body] is too tempting] people, I don't dare to look at it in summer, for fear that I will show an unbearable look of hunger and thirst.

   "Master, you said, should we go to Calgary first, or go directly back to the Magical Medicine Valley?"

   Hearing Xia Xia asking him, Baili Yunyi, who was looking at the silk handkerchief given by the old woman, thought for a while, and said, "Return to the Valley of Magical Medicine."

   The world is so big, he doesn't know where to look for calm.

  Calm If everything is okay, I will definitely go back to the Valley of Magical Medicine.

   Therefore, Baili Yunyi felt that it would be better to return to the Valley of Magical Medicine.

   "Oh, let's see where this is when it's dawn, and then continue on our way."

  Jump into the river too quickly, they didn't get anything.

  No clothes, no money.

   But in summer, I don’t worry about running out of money. Anyway, as long as Baili Yunyi sees a doctor, the money will come.

   "Master, what are you holding in your hand?" Summer pretended to be curious and walked to Baili Yunyi and sat down.

  The silk handkerchief is embroidered with some winding routes with gold thread. I don't have twelve treasure maps, and I can't understand it.

   "Treasure map." Baili Yunyi replied.

"Treasure Map?!"

   Xia Tian thought that Baili Yunyi might not know what this was, but he didn't expect him to know!

  Why, does Baili Yunyi also want to share a treasure?

   If so, should she help Baili Yunyi?

   "Well, the treasure map divided into twelve pieces, everyone wants it."

   "Master, do you want to?" Xia Xia asked curiously.


   Baili Yunyi didn't nod or shake his head, just said, "I just want to see the legendary magic medicine."

   Over the past few years, he has also been researching drugs that can increase people's strength.

Although    is effective, it definitely cannot achieve the effect of the legendary magic medicine.

   So Baili Yunyi wanted to see how magical that magic medicine was and what medicinal materials were used to make it.

So this is ah!

  How about she take him to the place where the treasure is located to see the magic medicine, and then leave?

  Think about summer, forget it.

   Even if Baili Yunyi's thinking is relatively simple, he can't treat people as fools.

   She is a daughter-in-law, how does she know the location of the treasure that no one knows about? This is so weird!

  So, she should give up this idea.


   "I seem to have this silk handkerchief too, but I didn't take it with me."

   In fact, the two sisters Wen Youyan and Wen Youling each have one, which was left by their mother.

  The heroine, there is always a mother with a mysterious origin.

  The plot can always involve the heroine.

  Wen Youling likes to collect treasures the most. Her space is the ring she bought in the antique street.

   I heard that there are a lot of strange treasures in that treasure, Wen Youling thinks that if you are idle, you are also idle, why not take a step?

   That's how Wen Youling started to collect treasure maps and made a lot of friends.

  Twelve treasure maps, one for Wen Youyan and one for Wen Youling.

   In the plot, Wen Youyan is dead, so both pieces are in Wen Youling's hands.

  This time, summer was not interested in treasures, so I left without taking them with me.

   Hearing that Xia Xia said that he hadn't taken it away, Baili Yunyi didn't react very much either.

   If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would have jumped up excitedly and asked why I didn't take the treasure map in Summer.

   But because others want treasures, Baili Yunyi simply wants to know what the legendary magic medicine looks like.

   Influenced by that crazy master, Baili Yunyi only had medical skills and poison skills in his heart, and nothing else.

   He took the treasure map in his hand to Summer and said, "You keep it."

  Xiamen didn't answer, just blinked and looked at Baili Yunyi for unknown reasons: "Why do I keep it?"


  Summer: "???" What are you waiting for?

   It took a while for her to react.

   Baili Yunyi meant to keep this treasure map well, and they waited to see who collected the eleven treasure maps first, and then went to find the treasure together.

  If the plot is correct, of course, Wen Youling and the male protagonist will collect the treasure map in the end!

  Xiamen took the treasure map with a smile, and asked Baili Yunyi, "Master, should I go back and get my treasure map back?"

   "One is enough." Baili Yunyi said.

   He didn't want to go and **** it from others, so one piece in his hand was enough.

  Summer oh, just right, she doesn't want to go back and get it--

   There was a fire, and when it was dawn, the clothes were almost dry.

  After getting dressed with Baili Yunyi in summer, they left the grove.

   came out of the grove, luckily met a farmer, and only after asking did I know that this place is not far from a small town.

   Baili Yunyi and Xia Xia walked to that small town.

   As soon as he entered the city, Baili Yunyi was recognized by someone.

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