Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 541: Master doctor, please accept disciples (18)

   Speaking of the legendary deeds, Wen Youling was a little embarrassed: "Those are all troubles."

   Xia Xia smiled and turned to look at Baili Yunyi: "Oh right, Linger, let me introduce you, this is my master, Baili Yunyi."

  Wen Youling still held Xia Xia's hand, smiled and nodded to Baili Yunyi with a friendly smile: "For more than half a year, I am very grateful to Baili Divine Doctor for taking care of Yan'er."

   "Yan'er is my apprentice, as it should be." The corner of Baili Yunyi's mouth had a polite and shallow arc, and the whole person looked quite gentle.

  Wen Youling raised her eyebrows. Although she only met twice more than half a year ago, why does she feel that Baili Yunyi now is different from Baili Yunyi half a year ago?

   is not a change in appearance, but a change in temperament.

   This question, Wen Youling didn't think about.

   Because Xia Xia introduced her calmness again, it took her attention away.

   "That's my senior brother, take it easy."

   "Senior brother?" Wen Youling looked at the handsome and calm, if I remember correctly, the calm should be Baili Yunyi's medicine boy.

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, half a year ago, Master accepted Calmly as his apprentice."

   Baili Yunyi thought that he had already accepted apprentices anyway, so he simply accepted calmness together.

   Actually, it doesn't make any difference whether he accepts Calm Rong as his disciple or not, because even if Baili Yunyi confiscated Calm Rong as his disciple, he still teaches him medical skills.

   What I used to be calm about was just the status of an apprentice.

   "Oh, that's what it is! Hello, Senior Brother Calm, nice to meet you!"

  Wen Youling's proactive greeting made the eighteen-year-old boy a little shy.

   He blushed, said "I'm going to make tea", and left as if running away.

  The calm eyes are no strangers to summer.

   She hurriedly looked at the list of male supporting roles in the novel world and determined that it was not calm.

   calmly in the original plot, but not even a soy sauce.

  So...she wasn't sure if Calm was falling in love with Wen Youling at first sight.

   "Have you been staying in the Magical Medicine Valley for the past six months?" Wen Youling asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, yes."

  Wen Youling was a little surprised and looked around at the Magical Medicine Valley: "This place is really beautiful, yes, but if I stay here for half a year and don't go anywhere, I will go crazy! Yan'er, you are amazing!"

   Hearing Wen Youling's words, he smiled in summer.

   Mainly, isn’t Baili Yunyi here? If Baili Yunyi was not there, she wouldn’t be able to stay—

  I calmly brewed tea, and in the summer I greeted Wen Youling to sit down and have a cup of tea.

  Xia Tian sat next to Baili Yunyi, and Wen Youling sat opposite her.

   This time, I came here to look for summer, not only to see if the summer is going well, but also to report safety.

  Because Wen Youling knew that the two sisters Wen Youyan had a very good relationship, and they had never been separated for so long, she felt that she should be worried about her in summer.

   Don't say, I really didn't worry about Wen Youling in summer.

   She knows how powerful Wen Youling is, and she also knows that at this time Wen Youling already has a male protagonist behind her silently protecting her, so there is nothing to worry about.

   calmly poured tea for Wen Youling, Wen Youling raised his head and gave him a smile and thanked him.

   Then I saw in the summer... Calmly's face turned red again.

   Xia Tian had a panoramic view of his calm eyes and expressions, but he was a little helpless.

  If the plot goes normally, Wen Youling will definitely be with the male protagonist.

   And in the summer, I also feel that Wen Youling is the most suitable only with the male protagonist.

   So take it easy, it's impossible!

  I just hope that calmly this is the beginning of love, and I will meet a girl he really likes and suits in the future...

  Wen Youling only looked at Cheng Rong once, then looked away and focused on talking to Xia Xia.

   said what she had experienced outside the past six months and what people she had met.

   It seems that Wen Youling really treats her like a family member.

   Probably because Wen Youling has no family in modern times, so she cherishes the original owner's twin sister more.

  Wen Youling was chatting with Xia Xia, and Baili Yunyi, who basically didn't speak much, spoke up.

   He asked Wen Youling: "I heard that you have collected all nine treasure maps?"

Wen Youling raised her eyebrows and grinned: "It seems that the news of Baili's magic doctor is still very well-informed! That's right, I have collected all nine maps, and now I have news of the tenth map, and I am preparing. Go there!"

   Seeing Wen Youling so confident, Baili Yunyi felt that she was the one who could collect all eleven treasure maps.

   After a pause, he said, "Tell me when you have collected eleven treasure maps."

   "Then Doctor Baili took the twelfth treasure map and went on a treasure hunt with us?" Wen Youling asked with a smile.

   Baili Yunyi did not deny it, and nodded lightly: "It's at Yan'er's place."

  Wen Youling refocused on Summer and asked her how she had been studying medicine in the past six months.

   "Very good, Master said that my current medical skills, few doctors out there can compare to me!"

   The main reason is that Baili Yunyi taught very carefully, and he also studied hard in summer.

   Now in summer, not only is medicine good, but poison is also good.

   It is no exaggeration to say that summer poisoning is better than medicine.

   Now Baili Yunyi doesn't receive much consultation in person anymore, so let Xia He take it calmly.

  The number of patients admitted has also increased from five a day to ten a day.

   All are Baili Yunyi's apprentices, and those patients don't mind whether they are healed by master or apprentice.

   "You're amazing! By the way, I'll sit and leave in a while, my friends are still waiting for me! This is for you."

  Wen Youling took out a large water bag, which looked like it was taken out of the clothes, but was actually taken out from the space.

   She handed the water bag to Xia Xia and said, "This water, if you drink it every day, is good for your health."

   When Xia was by her side, she also gave Xia a drink every day.

   Later, the summer went too fast, and she couldn't let the summer bring a little.

   "This water can't be kept for too long, at most a month, it won't be the same as ordinary water after too long."

   "What kind of water is this?" asked Wen Youling calmly on the side.

  Wen Youling smiled and said, "Spring water."

   As for what spring water it was, she wouldn't be foolish enough to tell everyone.

   "I'm leaving, take care of yourself, you know?"

  Xiamen stood up with a water bag: "I'll take you out."

  Wen Youling glanced at Baili Yunyihe calmly, nodded in response: "Okay, you send me!"

   In summer, give the water bag to Baili Yunyi, hold Wen Youling's hand, and send her out.

  There is a formation in the Valley of Magical Doctors, and this formation changes every day.

   So people who have come in once may not be able to come in successfully the second time.

   On the way out, Wen Youling asked Xia Xia, "What are your plans after that? Do you want to stay in the Valley of Magical Doctors?"

   "I won't stay in the Magical Medicine Valley all the time. I was telling Master two days ago that I should go out and play!"

   Of course, even if she wanted to go out, she had to pull Baili Yunyi with her.

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