Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 585: Celestial Master, it's time to take medicine (12)

Chongzhen's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say that he couldn't cook, but in the summer he blocked him: "I don't eat takeaway or instant noodles, if you can't cook three meals a day for me to eat and take care of everything If you have housework, then you are not allowed to live with me!"

   In other words, he would either be a home cook or just go back to his place.

  Chongzhen gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! I'll wash the clothes, sweep and mop the floor, cook the dishes and wash the meals!"

   Isn't it just cooking!

   He was just not happy to do it before!

   He can catch ghosts, but can't he cook a meal?

   "Okay, then you can just sleep on the sofa, I'm going to sleep too."

  Xiaomi patted Chongzhen on the shoulder with a smile, then went back to bed.

  This house has no separate rooms, the kitchen and bedrooms are open plan.

   So even in the living room, Chongzhen can see the summer when he is sleeping on the bed.

   Originally, Chongzhen wanted to climb the bed, but think about it and forget it.

   But the idea of ​​climbing the bed was not dispelled by him.

   He just figured out a way to get Xia Xia to agree to ‘cohabitation’ with him, but for the time being, he can’t just climb the bed to make Xia feel disgusted.

  It's okay, take your time, he has time anyway—

   Summer just knew that this time, even if she added Gu Yanyu's favorability, the positions of the two people changed.

The    favorability level has been increased to 90%, and she doesn't have to think about how to increase this favorability level now.

  Because she knew it would take a while to add the remaining favorability.

  Although Chongzhen likes her now, but even if she agrees to get a certificate from Chongzhen now, the 90% favorability will only add a few percent at most.

   That's why I decided to take it slow in the summer and agreed to get a certificate from Chongzhen in no hurry.

   Anyway, there is still a lot of time, so take your time——


   The next morning, Summer was woken up by the sound of heavy chirping and something falling to the ground.

   When he got up and looked, Chongzhen was standing in the kitchen like a child who had done something wrong. The pot was on the ground, and unknown liquid was spilled all over the place.

   It looks like Chongzhen is... ready to cook porridge?

  Summer's eyes move to the stove, which can be described as a mess.

  Chongzhen looked at the summer and said cautiously, "Xiao Qianqian... I just want to make you breakfast..."

   "Forget it, after all, this is your first time doing it." Xia Xia sighed and began to clean up the mess nimbly.

   After cleaning up, I will teach Zhongzhen how to cook porridge and how to fry poached eggs in summer.

  I thought Chongzhen might be stupid, but I didn't expect that the first poached egg he fried would look like it.

   She couldn't help but have some doubts: "You're pretending you can't, right?"

  Chongzhen shook his head quickly: "Before you taught me, I really didn't know how!"

   Although Chongzhen's small eyes tried to show sincerity, Xia Xia could still see the cunning in him.

  Chongzhen really knows how to cook, and his cooking skills are even very good.

  I was forced to learn to cook by my master before, but he didn't like cooking at all.

   When Master was away, he always ordered takeout.

   Later, there was a case of dismemberment, and he stopped eating takeaway.

   But he was too lazy to cook, so he just ate instant noodles every day.

   The reason why he pretended to make a mess today is to let Xia Xia help him helplessly.

   In this way, wouldn't the two of them be able to get close to each other?

   In the idol TV series he watched, the grass-roots female protagonists taught the CEO and male protagonists to cook.

  Although, he is not the president...

   "Okay, since you can't cook, then don't..."

   Before the summer words were finished, Chongzhen spoke quickly: "I can't cook, you can learn it! I will learn it hard! I will definitely make delicious food for you to eat!"

When    spoke, Chongzhen straightened his chest, expressing confidence.

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Okay, since you are willing to learn, then study hard."

   She put down the spatula in her hand and turned to leave the kitchen.

   "Hey Xiao Qianqian, where are you going?!"

  Xiamen looked back at him: "I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth, remember to fry two more poached eggs, and eat them for Xiaoxiao later."

   Chongzhen nodded and replied "Okay".

  Summer went into the bathroom and didn't see Xiaoxiao.

   Her eyes fell on the keychain, and she said with a smile: "Good morning with a smile~"

   The keychain shook slightly, and the bell on it made a crisp and pleasant sound

   The smile on Xia Xia's face deepened, but she was glad that Sheng Qianyu left this keychain that did not belong to her because she was too lazy.

  If Sheng Qianyu threw the keychain, Xiaoxiao attached to it doesn't know what to do.

   "Your brother Chong is making breakfast. I'll let him bring you two poached eggs later."

  Summer's voice just fell, and the keychain shook again.


  After washing up, the kitchen chef is also calling summer, saying that breakfast is ready.

   Xia Xia replied, put down the skin care products in his hand and went out.

  Chongzhen came over with a plate containing two poached eggs, two ham sausages and a piece of bread.

   "There is no milk and soy milk at home. I'll go buy some milk later." Chongzhen said.

  Xiamen nodded, walked to the dining table and sat down.

  Chongzhen took a dish into the bathroom and came out soon after.

   He sat down opposite Xia Xia and said, "Xiao Xiao is already eating breakfast."

  Xiamen hummed and took a sip of warm water.

   "Let's take Xiaoxiao to the amusement park tonight, can she go out?" Xia Xia asked Zhongzhen.

  Chongzhen nodded: "Yes, yes, but there are many people in the amusement park, and the yang is prosperous..."

   After thinking for a while, Chongzhen looked up at Xia Xia: "I know there is an amusement park with no people, but you can go there!"

   "Is that amusement park business bad?"

   "Well, the business used to be very good. The most popular amusement park in the city is that one, but it stopped working half a year ago."

  Chongzhen just finished speaking, when he remembered in summer: "Are you talking about Wonderful World of Joy? There was an accident in the amusement facility half a year ago, and three people died, and then there were accidents and deaths one after another."

   After seeing Chongzhen nodding, Xia Xia said again: "It shouldn't be that the business was affected after the death, but it's haunted inside, right?"

   "That's right, it's because it's haunted!"

   After three people died in an amusement ride accident six months ago, several more people died in an amusement ride accident.

   Strangely, the few people who died died accidentally while playing the same ride.

   Besides, all accidents happened at night.

  After the incident, the amusement park did a comprehensive safety inspection, and there was no fault at all.

   Delightful, he is indeed dead!

   Now if you do a search on the Internet, you can find 'N City's Wonderful Happy World Paranormal Events'.

   "I just received a business this morning, and they told me to go to the Wonderful World to hunt ghosts. I told them to close their business at night, and I can pass by tonight."

   "How is it, do you want to go?" Chongzhen asked Summer.

  Summer nodded cheerfully: "Go! Why don't you go!"

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