Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 594: Sick Princess, Sister Xia (2)

   "Sister Xia! Sister Xia! Look what I brought you!"

   A young man in the distance, not knowing what to hold in his arms, ran towards her happily.

   Far away, he was already calling her with a smile.

   That is the current third prince, fifteen-year-old Yu Wenye, who is also Xia's cousin.

   Summer is the daughter of Prince Yan of the Long Dynasty royal family, surnamed Yuwen.

  Because Princess Yan's surname is Xia, Prince Yan named Xia Yuwenxia.

   was born in Xia Xia, so Lord Yan named her Xia Xia.

   is just right, using her own name.

   In this novel world, in addition to bad health in summer, luck is actually okay.

   Born in the royal family, frail but well-loved.

  Whether it was Prince Yan or the empress dowager in the palace, they always brought her good things every once in a while.

   Although those things are of little use for summer.

   Lord Yan and Princess Yan are very in love with each other. For Princess Yan, Lord Yan has no concubine, no concubine, and even a bed-warming maid is useless.

  She has been in this world for ten years, and what she sees is that Prince Yan has been as good to Princess Yan for ten years.

  Sometimes, Xia Xia really thinks that Lord Yan is not like a member of the royal family.

   He has no ambitions, he just wants to accompany his wife and daughter well, and after doing his due things every day, he stays in the palace.

  The women all over the world envied Princess Yan, and felt that she not only married a powerful person, but that this powerful person was willing to keep her alone.

  In this era when three wives and four concubines are very common, how many men can be like Prince Yan—

   Yu Wenye ran to Xia Xia, panting and looking at her with a bright smile: "Sister Xia, guess what I brought you!"

   Xia Xia didn't know yet, but after Yu Wenye finished speaking, she heard the soft meowing of a milk cat.

   She hooked her lips and smiled, opened her lips and said, "Brother Sanhuang, where did you get the little milk cat?"

  Yuwenye was stunned for a while, then looked down at the little milk cat in his arms: "Oh, let you be obedient not to bark, why are you disobedient!"

   After saying that, Yuwen Ye smiled and showed the little milk cat from his arms.

   "This little milk cat was born by Concubine Li's cat. I gave birth to three, so I went to ask for one and bring it to you."

   The little milk cat looks like a slap in size, with a snow-white body and ice blue eyes, which is very beautiful.

  Yuwenye put the little milk cat on the summer's lap and said, "It's just full moon, it can be fed."


  The kitten is very docile, and the soft one is particularly lovable.

   Xia Tian reached out and gently stroked the little milk cat's head, and the little milk cat squinted and meowed.

   "Thank you, Brother Sanhuang, I like this little milk cat very much."

   Hearing Xia Xia's thanks, Yu Wenye raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair: "What is there to thank my brother, as long as you like it, I'll be very happy!"

   It's not in vain that he begged Concubine Li when this little cat was born, and he begged for a full month!

  Xia Tian bowed his head and looked at the soft and cute little milk cat, and he really liked it very much.

   She can't run or jump, although she can sit still.

   But she has been sitting for ten years now, which is really annoying.

   When she is free, she reads books. She has no strength to pick up a pen and write, and embroidery is impossible.

   More often, in summer, I sit in a wheelchair and stare at the flowers and plants in the back garden of the Yanwang Mansion in a daze.

   A daze is a day.

   It's not that Prince Yan didn't want to take good care of his body in summer, and he did everything that should be done.

   In the first few years, they thought that the body was weak in the summer, so they would make up more, but they tried to bring those precious supplements to her.

   As a result, in the summer, he was not able to make up for it, and he almost didn't make up for the remaining Half-Life.

   From then on, Lord Yan no longer dared to give summer supplements casually.

   "The weather is very nice today, Sister Xia, why don't I take you out for a lake tour?"

   It is early summer now, and the weather is neither cold nor hot.

   Yu Wenye thought that he would be fine with taking the summer out just like that.

   I rarely go out in summer, only two or three times a year.

   Hearing Yu Wenye say that the weather is fine, he looked up at the sky in summer.

   The weather looks really good at the moment, but at most it will rain lightly if it doesn’t rain in an hour or so.

  When it rains, you have to blow the wind.

   "I'm not going, next time."

   Actually, I really want to go in summer, but if she gets sick, her body will be exhausted.

   As soon as I finished speaking, I started coughing in summer.

The maid next to   , Qiaoer, hurriedly brought Xia Xia tea to moisten her throat.

   "Sister Xia, are you alright? Are you feeling sick again? It's alright, you can go next time, you can rest well!"

   In summer, because of coughing, there was some blood on both sides of his cheeks, but his lips were even paler.

   Finally stopped coughing, Xia Xia looked up at Yu Wenye and smiled: "Sorry, I spoiled the happiness of the three emperors."

   "Oh, sister Xia, don't say that, fortunately you rejected me, otherwise I'll take you out like this, and Uncle Wuhuang can't let me go!"

   Yu Wenye squatted beside the wheelchair in summer, grinned, revealing a good-looking pear vortex: "I'm here to accompany you and chat with you."

  The skins of the royal family are all very good, Yuwen Ye is very handsome, with red lips and white teeth.

  The reason why Yu Wenye is so good to Summer is that in addition to the relationship between them being cousins, there is another layer of relationship.

   Yu Wenye's mother-in-law is the sister of Princess Yan.

   When he was a child, Yu Wenye often came to Yanwang's mansion to watch the summer season, and was instilled every day to 'be nice to Sister Xia'.

   This also makes Yuwenye and Xia Xia not brothers and sisters, but they become sisters.

   Yu Wenye is now fifteen years old, which is not considered young in ancient times.

   In two more years and the crown, Yu Wenye should start a family.

   In the past two years, Yu Wenye’s studies have become heavier and heavier, and he has come into contact with more and more people.

   He is a prince and an ambitious prince.

   Intrigues every day in the palace, Yu Wenye is more relaxed only in summer.

   In summer, although the action is laborious, there is no problem in speaking.

  Since Yu Wenye wants to accompany her, she will chat with him.

   It can be heard from Yuwenye's conversation that Yuwenye has gradually matured and his ambitions are getting bigger and bigger.

  Xiaomi always remembers that she is only a ten-year-old girl now, and when she understands some words, she pretends not to understand, and then changes the topic without a trace—

   After staying in the back garden for about half an hour, the weather changed and the wind started to pick up.

  Qiaoer saw that the weather had changed, and quickly said to Xia Xia, "The wind is blowing, miss, let's go back."

  The wind blows through my throat, and in summer, my throat is itchy and I start to cough again.

  Yuwenye stood up, frowning slightly, his eyes full of concern: "Sister Xia, I'll take you back, don't catch a cold again."

  Xiamen nodded and coughed for a while.

   When she stopped coughing, she felt dizzy again.


  【Sudden headache in the afternoon, the remaining chapter is a little later. 】

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