"Here it is. This is the intermediate class. Look, that's my cousin. Cousin --"

Li erhu led Liu Qian to the "door" of a large bungalow where the intermediate class was located. As soon as he arrived, he saw a few people who were in groups with a few friends, waving hello with a smile.

Liu Qian also looked at the past, which made his heart tremble.

Nima, all the people in this room are first-class geniuses. None of them is weaker than that beautiful boy Zhou Xun, and there are even many. In essence, they have surpassed too many of them.

This is just the middle class, and the scene of the high class is even more unimaginable. All of them are powerful. Moreover, Liu Qian roughly calculated that there are at least hundreds of people in the low class alone. This scale is really beyond Liu Qian's imagination.

Originally, he thought that there were dozens of people at most, but now there are hundreds of people. If such a lineup is taken out, it is simply appalling, beyond the imagination of many people, and it is too terrible.

"Hi, cousin! What's this

At this time, Li erhu's cousin also came here, looking at Liu Qian a little curious.

"Oh, cousin, he's Zhou Xun, and he's my good friend. Hehe, how about that? He's also an ancient bodybuilding skill!"

Li erhu excitedly said, "right, brother Li Yang!"

Li erhu called Li Yang elder brother, it is his cousin Cao Yun's friend, and at this time Liu Qian master the same ancient physical skills.

"You boy."

Li Yang laughs and looks at Liu Qian and says with a smile, "I'm also an ancient bodybuilding skill. I didn't expect to meet you. Hello."

Liu Qian politely held out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, I didn't expect that there are people in the world who have the same talent as me. I'm really surprised. My name is Zhou Xun."

The man nodded and said, "Li Yang!"

"Well, don't stand here. The devil instructor will come later. That's the leader of the devil team. This time when we go out, she will lead the team. Be careful. Don't chew your tongue. You'll chew it off."

Cao Yun took a deep breath and said to Liu Qian, "since you are erhu's friend, that's our friend. You'll be grouped later. If there's no accident, you'll join us. I hope there won't be any problems then."

"Thank you."

Liu Qian said politely. He was very clear about his current identity, that is, a newcomer, and he still saw Zhou Xun who was "forced" by such a big battle.

Now he has basically put Liu Qian's business under pressure for a short time. If not, it's still the spleen "nature" of his ID. I'm afraid it's not surprising that he doesn't make a mess here.

After them, looking at the different teams and small teams in the class, Liu Qian's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Hi, Zhou Xun!"

At this time, someone came up to Liu Qian and said to Cao Yun and others, "he's my friend. Can I have a few words with him?"

It's him!?

Cao Yun and others looked at the man in surprise and knew that he was not easy to provoke. In this intermediate class, he was also the leader of the strongest team. But they didn't expect that Zhou Xun would be his friend this time. For a moment, he was also a little surprised, but he nodded his head very quickly. Li erhu even laughed at Liu Qian and said, "remember to come to me later!"

"I see."

Liu Qian nodded to Li erhu. Then he looked at the strange man and said, "it's like us."

"My Lord!"

Standing in front of Liu Qian, the handsome young man said with a smile, "I'm old 14!"

Liu Qian was stunned for a moment, and looked at him in amazement. His appearance had completely changed, even his temperament and so on. Liu Qian couldn't recognize Lao Shi, and said in amazement, "my day, you, you are Lao Shi!"

"Well, Lao Qi is in the advanced class and is the Deputy captain of the angel. Haha - just our two brothers came to Senluo. Most of the other brothers are in the world. Eh, by the way, bones and broken noodles are great people in heaven. They all occupy a very important position."

Old fourteen pinched his nose and said with a smile, "it's OK. I didn't let you down."

My grass——

Even Liu Qian could not help but burst out with rude remarks, but when he looked around, no one noticed.

"I used a small means of sound insulation, and outsiders can't hear you and me. I said, you're here. How good it was to follow Lao Jiu's way at the beginning, and now you're expected to have made a good start."

Old 14 muttered with some dissatisfaction and said, "our brothers are all separated. If we all come here, I'm afraid we can easily win the whole Senluo."

Liu Qian, who heard this, only felt that the corners of his eyes were jumping. He knew the spleen "nature" of old fourteen best. This guy was the kind of goods "color" who was afraid that the world would not be "chaotic". He wanted to fight all over the world, this guy——

Liu Qian gently smile, way "still into, I said, my own way to go, and, here, had better leave me alone."

"You know, old seven didn't care about me, so I just found an identity and played as a team leader here."

Old fourteen laughed and said, "everything is in old nine's expectation. You know, old nine even predicted that you would come to Senluo, so he asked me and old seven to wait for you here."

Liu Qian was once again surprised by Lao Jiu's intelligence quotient after hearing Lao Shi's words. This guy is just a monster, and nothing can escape his expectation.

"Well, if you want to play, you can play. I have to go back to the team."

Liu Qian pinched his nose and said, "now that you guys are OK, I'm relieved."

"Oh, by the way, I have three things to remind you! First of all, you are not easy to change your face, so it's easy to make mistakes. Just as I know, there are many people who have ideas about you here! "

"The second point is that you must be careful of the instructor here. She is not simple. She is a" female "madman. She is a very arrogant smelly girl. She is not stopped by Lao Qi. She says that she may have some affinity with you. I have already abandoned her!"

"And the third point, my Lord, here, you can show your talents to your heart's content. Don't hide them. The more powerful you are, the better. Hehe, you will find the most wonderful use of them. By then, you will definitely get the most resources."

Old 14 laughs and says, "the information here has been inquired about by old 9, but there is no clue about the most confidential things. However, it is undeniable that controlling the terrorist existence of these three families is really a fraud. At that time, I must pay attention to it. Here, I want to shine my light. I should never mind my own business." "Of course, it all depends on what you think. If you want to take care of it, our brother will help you. Hehe --"

With these words, the old 14 pulled off the sound barrier, and then he said with a smile, "OK, go and find your friends."

"You son of a bitch."

Liu Qian scolded lightly, laughed and went back to his own team. Liu Qian then walked towards Li erhu and others.

Now it seems that his power to explore alone is limited, and the ideas of the three big families are right after all. One person's power can't rival a strong team.

However, at least, Liu Qian himself has a team in the dark, rather than fighting alone.

Old 14 said he would not do it. Is that possible?

If he doesn't know how to do it, he won't come here just now and recognize him. After all, Liu Qian doesn't recognize him. If he doesn't say it, Liu Qian can't judge the hidden capital of this guy.

"Here we are, Zhou Xun."

Li erhu, with a smile, was as straightforward as before. However, the attitude of several other people towards Liu Qian was much more polite, and they asked him to sit down.

Seeing Liu Qian here, he couldn't help but stare at Lao Shishi not far away. This guy still has a face to smile at him.

The reason why he just came to recognize Liu Qian is to remind Liu Qian and his team that he is covered by someone. This "bastard" needs to be covered by someone else. Bullshit!

However, although a little angry, Liu Qian's heart, or very happy, at least, was concerned about the feeling, really good ah.

A small group of people soon gathered together. Liu Qian saw that there were nine people in this group, including him and Li erhu.

It's a small-scale team, but this team has both offensive and defensive talents. There are sword and shield talents as well as speed talents. The match is very harmonious.

Now there is another giant God and his ancient physical training skill. This team will only become stronger and stronger.

Just after Liu Qian came here, he had already introduced himself. He also had a general understanding of other people. Most of them are members of a family. They are a team composed of different branches of a big family. However, Liu Qian is also impressed that there are so many experts in a family.

Even Liu Qian is looking forward to how much his family will surpass these guys, such as Liu Xiaotian.

It's a pity to think about it. Before he saw the birth of other children, he left like this.

However, it is also a man's responsibility. As for what he owes his children, he will make up for it and return it.

Just as each team began to be active, from the outside of the classroom, a very beautiful "woman" came into the room.

She was wearing a tight leather suit in black, especially her black cloak, black high heels, black silk stockings, and black frames on her white cheeks. She was very moving, and she was enchanting. Her figure is also very attractive and confusing. She is slender and plump, especially a pair, which is as straight as two chopsticks.

She came in with a smile, two buttons on her full chest were opened, and there was an extremely white appearance. She was very charming, but she didn't feel much about these. She just gave a cool smile and said, "be quiet and go back to her team."

What she said was understated, and the appearance of holding a whip in one hand gave people a different kind of charm.

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