Although brother Qian really doesn't care about face, at this time, after all, it's a beautiful woman. There are so many eyes around him. If he doesn't do something, he seems to be a little sorry for himself.. шщш 7910s。

Thinking of Liu Qian here, it seems that he is back to his old days in the city. It's really not ambiguous to deal with the affairs of "women".

With a sneer, Liu Qian did not care who she was, what her background was, what her identity was, and whether there was anyone around her. He put his hands on her fragrant shoulder, and then left and right abruptly scored!


Around, many people are really in an uproar when they see this behind the scenes.

This, this "Hun" account has torn the clothes of the "female" God. It's still so blatant. Looking at the appearance of Liu Qian at this time, it's a villain. This "Hun" egg, how can he do this? That's the "female" God!

Yes, it's really the "female" God in their mind. It's even a "female" God that can only be hidden in their heart. Even when they meet, they are not qualified to express themselves.

However, Liu Qian's characters, who can only look forward to the future, are perfectly desecrated.

Even the female God was stunned at the moment when her clothes were torn!

This, this Liu Qian, he dares to do so!

But this was not the thing that made her feel most embarrassed. Even if the white fragrant shoulder was "exposed" and there was a corner of the snow-white mountains, it made countless eyes stare at her, hoping to grow her head on her.

What makes her feel most shy is that this villain actually lies on her "chest" and begins to gnaw at her. The fearless appearance makes her crazy.


Wait a minute, isn't there no temperature for the real gas?

How come there is still temperature? Is this guy really Qihua!

"Damn it, this guy is too pissed and sexual. That's a female God."

"My God, I can't even dream about it. He, how dare he do it!"

"People have the capital to do so naturally. Don't you see that the captains just showed respect to him? What are we

"Yes, too much urine and sex."

Many people tremble at Liu Qian's actions for a moment. They know that Liu Qian has capital. He should be a dandy in a super reclusive existence. It's maddening to see such a dandy's work style.

However, you have to be convinced of what others have done. It's really not the ordinary "urine" or "sex". It's very harmful.


Liu Qian, who hasn't been close to her for a long time, is really in a good mood. I wish I could give her the right way now, but he can't do it.

First, he's not a beast. Second, he can't be with other girls. After all, he's so sorry for his baby.

And the third, this in public, sister doesn't matter, he also want face!

However, it's really "Piss" and "sex" to do this and show so many people. Even Liu Qian himself has to admit that it's really cool for him to do so, not only physically, but also mentally. I really don't talk about the taste.

"You, you get off me --"

At this time, she was so shy that she didn't know where her strength came from. She pushed Liu Qian away. She quickly gathered up her clothes and headed for an exit not far away. In the blink of an eye, there was no trace. That speed was faster than that of brother Qian.

Hey, hey——

Looking at this girl's figure who was a little embarrassed to leave, Liu Qian also had a bad smile, and his eyes narrowed, "Piss" and "sex".

At this time, Liu Qian did not forget to light a cigarette, slowly "smoke" up, looked at the misty smoke, tut tut a smile, and then walked away slowly step by step under the gaze of countless people. His performance was really "pee" and "sex".

"I grass, this, this is too hanging --"

"Yes, it's hard to say what a cow is --"

"So cool"

For a moment, many people looked at Liu Qian's back. It was really a jaw that fell all over the ground. Their eyes were wide open. They really didn't know how to express their feelings at this time.

It's said that I've seen cow a and cow C, but I've never seen such cow B, it's just amazing.

Needless to say, after this time's brewing, Zhou Xun's great name will surely spread throughout the whole forest, the world and heaven.

After all, this guy is the best man in the legend!

I don't know what it would be like if Zhou Xun really lived and knew that Liu Qian had done such a big thing with his name. He would probably cry and climb out of the grave.

Out of this small world created for fun, Liu Qian also had a face of shame.

In other words, my friend was really too impulsive just now. It's a pity not to play with such a beautiful little girl. But if he did, Liu Qian would be a little afraid. Who knows what would happen if she fell in love with him.

It is said that this is the best "female" who can be compared with Fei ruozhen's younger sister.

Now, Liu Qian feels that a feiruoxian is enough to make her headache. If Lin ruoya and the little devil "girl" are taken into account, it may be enough for Liu Qian.

It's not his ghost idea. How could Liu Qian do this? Moreover, Liu Qian seriously suspected that the guy who had affected his mind at the beginning was definitely Lao San.

This guy's attainments in soul are almost unmatched, which can also affect his mind and make him do many things he doesn't want to do.

However, just like this, Liu Qian did not have the slightest worry.

If the old three and others conspire against him, they can at least lock him up in a dark room and let him not think about it every day. It's not impossible for them to stay like this. But these guys won't do it. On the contrary, they will do their best to help him. That's why Liu Qian doesn't have any worries at all.

Now that this matter has come out, Liu Qian will not think about anything else. Now his only concern is why he has been here for so long, but he can't find feiruo. After all, after Liu Qian took the oath, the only woman who really moved him was his mother-in-law. As for the one who just took the oath, although Liu Qian also had a heart attack, she didn't go too far and didn't really break the shackles of the oath for her sake.

How to say, straight white point is, love is not so deep, after all, just met once, kiss a few times, hold a few times, grasp a few times.

After returning to Senluo's territory, Liu Qian directly calls Lao Shishi with his mind and asks him to watch for him, while he goes back to his small world to have a rest.

To tell you the truth, he is not used to living in such a dormitory.

There are too few friends who can really "make" a heart. Li erhu is just a little too straightforward. If you want to talk to him, you may suffocate Liu Qian to death. So Liu Qian thinks about it, but he still feels that it's better to chat with him than to play by himself.

"I went to have a rest, but it's not peaceful here. Hehe --"

Looking at the ring in his hand, Lao Shi returned to his own territory, surrounded by his new brothers and sisters who were extremely loyal to him, which was also the backbone he could use in the future.

"What's the matter, boss? What's a person talking to himself?"

Someone came over curiously and looked at old fourteen and said with a smile.

"Nothing. It's just that we seem to have gone too far in the extreme."

Old 14 couldn't help rubbing his chin, sipping his mouth and laughing.

"It's over?"

The man was stunned for a moment and said, "is there any? Why don't I feel like that! "

Not only him, but also many people around him were laughing and said, "but boss, it's said that after we left, that boy almost gave Miss Lin ruoya what, ha ha ha --"

"That is, this guy's courage is a bit too big, I have to say, I'm not convinced!"

Someone couldn't help but give a thumbs up and snort, "that Lin ruoya is a real" girl "of heaven. She is better than we don't know. He dares to offend such a" girl ". Tut Tut, I have to admit that this is the real man's action. We are all a little bit stupid."

For a moment, a lot of people began to laugh. After laughing for a while, Lao Shishi laughed at a young girl on one side and said, "Shishi, what's the matter with Zhao mincha?"

"Well, it has been found out that this' woman 'should be able to compete with the elder sister who is not a sister in terms of talent and talent. However, this' woman' is also very good in appearance and has great influence behind her. It is said that one of the elders in senrory is her Godfather. Cough, boss, you should know the real meaning of Godfather. I won't say much about the rest, However, this "woman" is really difficult to deal with. Moreover, she is a bit abnormal in her heart, so -- "

After all, a woman like her is cruel in heart, cruel in hand, and extremely cruel in means. What's more, she is good at stirring up dissension and using the power around her. If there is no accident, it may not be long before someone comes to the door, I've had a fight with your friend

Shi Shi pursed her lips and said everything she knew. But from the point of view of the meaning of the lock in her mouth, Zhao Min is not easy to be provoked. She is too good at taking advantage of the situation. What's more, she is very clever in borrowing, and won't leave any handle to anyone.

She is always able to dig a hole for her opponent quietly, waiting for him to jump. There are many people who have been harmed by her.

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