"Plunder, maybe more than that --"

Hearing this, Liu Qian couldn't help laughing., visit: ШШШ 79。

As he initially guessed, it's lucky to meet such a world as "fight and break". Who knows what will happen to that unknown place.

What's more, it seems meaningless to just plunder. If you can find a very good protagonist to invest, then you may be able to play a good role at some key points.

Thinking of this, Liu Qian said, "just let them go and let us keep up. Now that we are in the new territory, are we afraid that they will run away?"

Old fourteen and others were right when they thought about it. Then they followed Liu Qian and walked towards the entrance.

Time and space shuttle, they met not once or twice, after a touch of some not quite adapt to the feeling, a new bright world, in an instant set off in front of a group of people.

"The whole power has been suppressed. It seems that it is not easy to plunder this world."


"What are you, eh?"

"It's not like you haven't met it before, but it's a challenging world. Don't you feel it?"

"Challenging sex?"

Old six, old eight and old fourteen three people looked at each other, and then they put their eyes on Liu Qian.

"It's really challenging --"

Even when Liu Qian saw the new world in front of him, he was a little confused.

Primitive man, NIMA, what's the challenge? Dinosaurs are the most. What resources are there?

Is it wood or stone?

Their overall strength has indeed been suppressed a lot, but here, it seems that there is nothing worthy of their operation. For a moment, Liu Qian also has a headache. He does not know what these guys think.

"My dear, don't underestimate these dinosaurs. Look there!"

Old fourteen couldn't help but smile and pointed to the distance.

Curious Liu Qian, looked up in the past, this look, even Liu Qian's eyes are once again staring round.

Not far away, there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex fighting with an iron spine backed dragon. The huge battle scene was so bloody that Liu Qian could hardly see it.

In particular, the terrible form of T. rex, the bloodthirsty bite of Spinosaurus, and the roar of both deeply shocked Liu Qian, who had never seen such strange pictures.

"Everything in this world seems to have been reinforced. I'm looking at it!"

Without waiting for Liu Qian to recover from his shock, Lao Shi took his three pointed two edged knife and smashed it at a rock.


With this smash, the rock immediately fell apart.

"There seems to be nothing wrong - wait!" Speaking of this, Liu Qian was shocked and said, "do you mean that all the products of this world have been promoted and consolidated? Now, I would like to ask, "what resources are available here?"


"The best medicine!"

"In the age of dinosaurs, the best resource is" medicine ", all kinds of precious" medicine "that you don't expect but have never been touched by people!"

The brothers laughed and said, "well, what's good about the wood and stone? It's better to use medicine. Ha ha ha --"

I love grass, laugh at me!

Liu Qian has a black face. He has just come here. To tell you the truth, apart from dinosaurs, there are only wood and stone. What else should he pay attention to.

But these guys are very careful. One of them focuses on all kinds of precious medicines.

"Since the things in this world have been reinforced, even if it's a 'medicine', even if it's just an ordinary wild ginseng, it can exert at least dozens of times more 'medicine' power, even hundreds of times in some places."

Think of here old 14 ha ha a smile, way "you don't don't don't believe Oh, my Lord, the world is big, there are many things you don't expect."

"Give full play to the power of" medicine "dozens of times?"

Liu Qian rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "in that case, why don't we plant our own" medicine "here? The" medicine "here is like Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng. Is there anything else? Why don't we plant all kinds of precious "medicine" materials we bring here, and cultivate a "medicine" garden that belongs to us



Liu Qian's words, like a word to wake up the dreamer, the presence of the old 14 people's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, I didn't think of it!"

"My Lord, your method is good. In the past, what we came here to do was plunder and plunder and plunder!"

"Why don't we build a two-way transmission array here, and then find people who specialize in the" gate "to cultivate the" medicine "materials here? If we cultivate them, they can exert dozens of times the" medicine "power, then --"

Speaking of this, a few guys are a little afraid to think, no way, no wonder they can't think of the way Liu Qian just mentioned, but a lot of people will subconsciously understand that they are here to plunder, since they are here to plunder, they won't think about anything else, just want to take away all the useful things in the world, they won't care about other things.

It's a good inspiration to think that there are "medicines" in the resources here.

"Ben Zun is Ben Zun, but, Ben Zun, of course we didn't think of what you thought of, but Lao Jiu also thought of it. Look what this is!"

Then Lao Ba suddenly took out a few small silver plates from his small world, on which many mysterious runes were depicted.

Liu Qian has seen this. It's the transmission array.

"In a more stable world than here, Lao Jiu has sent many people to plant" medicine ". Oh, yes, it's not only planting" medicine ", but also transplanting various iron ore crops and so on. Lao Jiu's idea is exactly the same as his own." When Lao Ba mentioned it, he was a little complacent.

Before I could think about it, Lao Jiu had already made full arrangements. Especially seeing Liu Qian's surprise, Lao BA was even happier, as if Lao Jiu had done what he had done.

There's no way. Among all the parts, he has the best relationship with Lao Jiu.

You know, even in Liu Qian's 15 parts, there are also factions, like the old 14, the white bone and the old 11. They are all the same kind of people who like to kill carelessly, or the old 3, the old 7, the old 13. They are all crazy guys who never care about the consequences.

Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. Therefore, in Liu Qian's separation, there were also factional differences.

However, this kind of separation has no harm. On the contrary, it will bring a lot of convenience to Liu Qian at many key time points, which Liu Qian already felt at this time.

If Lao Ba didn't follow, I'm afraid Liu Qian didn't expect to make a small contribution here. How could he expect that Lao Jiu would have deployed a huge amount of resources long ago!

"If so, go to them!"

At this time, Shatian stood up and said, "it's just that the world is too big, and our power has been suppressed. It's not easy to find it."

After hearing this, Liu Qian said with a smile, "nothing. If you can't find it, you can't find it. Anyway, the" woman "is no longer of great use."


The elder brothers took a look at Liu Qian, but they saw Liu Qian's self-confidence floating on his face. With this thought, they immediately thought that someone called Fei Lin to let him add buf at first. For a moment, they also looked at each other and laughed. After all, considering the strength of several people's sudden enhancement, they didn't need to say anything more.

"This" woman "can send treasure."

Lao Ba grinned and said, "but, my dear, there seems to be other treasures besides the" medicine "materials."

"Other treasures?"

On hearing this, Liu Qian was curious and asked, "what other treasures are there?"

"Every world has one or more brewing natural resources and local treasures. This is one knowledge. There can be unlimited suppression of strength here, so it shows that there are also. Moreover, the number should not be less than five. Maybe there will be more!"

Lao Ba thought for a while, and told him all the knowledge he got from Lao Jiu. He said, "however, it's hard to find such a treasure."

"Hard to find?"

Liu Qian was also stunned and said, "what should I do then?"

"Of course there are ways."

Lao Ba laughed and said, "after exploring many worlds, we have experienced many such worlds. Naturally, there are many such treasures."

Speaking of this, eight and six looked at each other and said, "brother six, it's up to you."

"It's a small idea."

Under Liu Qian's curious gaze, old Liuyi raised his hand and saw several small eagles flying out of his small world. These Eagles were not big, but they were extremely powerful, especially a fierce breath. They were even more startling than the wind dragon, which had just taken off from the sky. They were an extremely powerful force“ Are these Eagles sure

Liu Qian took a look at the past, and saw that these Eagles must have been released and flew in the same direction.

"Come on, master, follow them, and we'll be at the location of the treasure."

Lao Liu laughed and said, "these are the ones that I specially cultivate. Each one is extremely valuable."

Liu Qian, oh, he also knew the function of the eagle. Relying on them, he should be able to easily collect the world's treasures. This is a good way.

But I don't know why, Liu Qian, who has no idea about treasure, has no interest in the process of searching for treasure.

"Ben Zun, do you feel bored?"

Broken face went to Liu Qian's side, said smilingly.

"Yes, I'm not really interested. I find that I can't really feel much about these treasures. After all, you guys have stuffed so many treasures for me in my small world."

Liu Qian pinched his nose and said, "besides, we didn't seem to rely much on foreign things along the way. Everything depends on our own ability. The reduction of dependence on foreign things seems to make us feel less about these treasures."

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