"Why do you want to fight with me?"

Without waiting for Liu Qian to take the lead in speaking, the young man gave a proud smile, looked at Liu Qian in front of him and said, "it's not me, man. Although you look very good physically, if you want to fight with me, you'll make a big mistake."

"Oh? How

Liu Qian is also a little curious now. This guy seems to have too much confidence in himself.

"Although I haven't practiced, I have a friend who not only practises his family, but also"

The young people here, pretending to be mysterious, said with a smile, "if anyone dares to do harm to me, I promise that he will beat that person, and even his mother won't recognize him!"


Liu Qian, who suddenly heard this, could not help pointing a middle finger at the man in front of him. He disdained to smile and said, "if you want to be the practitioner, maybe I can look up at you, but are you too cheeky to pull the flag like this?"

"I'll fuck you."


When the young man saw that it didn't matter that Liu Qian raised his middle finger, he shook it at him. He could not bear it. He roared angrily and slapped Liu Qian in the face.

However, without waiting for his slap to come, Liu Qian turned back with a smile.

Liu Qian can swear that he really didn't use half of his strength, but the young man's hand has been broken.

"Oh, my hand, my hand"

He screamed miserably. It seemed that he had been hurt like this since he was a spoiled child. When he cried, it was like killing a pig. Even the dynamic and violent music couldn't block his scream. For a moment, many people's eyes were attracted and looked this way.

"What's the matter?"

A few strong men in black came step by step. After seeing this scene, they also frowned.

"Man, I've had it. It seems that they didn't do anything to you. That's the waste of people's hands?"

There is a man who looks quite upright. Looking at Liu Qian in front of him, he is slightly displeased.

"Did I hit him?"

Liu Qian looked at the man in front of him strangely, shook his head and said, "I don't remember hitting him. It's just that he doesn't have eyes. Can't you see it, or are you blind?"

For the obvious partiality of these guys, Liu Qian said that he was very angry. Does he look down on people? How come Jianghai city used to be Liu Qian's territory? He was bullied on his own territory, but he was not allowed to be angry?

"Crazy, brother!"

At first, the man who was still long and short with Liu Qian's brother was slightly unhappy with his face, and the indifference in the God's color became more and more.

Along with a few strong men around him, he also went to Liu Qian's card seat and surrounded Liu Qian and Han Zixin.

It has to be admitted that these strong men, when they saw Han Zixin dressed in plain clothes, were also astonished. For a moment, they couldn't help looking at Han Zixin for a long time“ When I'm crazy, you may not know where to play with mud. "

Hearing this, Liu Qian grinned.

"Is it?"

That man ha ha a smile, way "interesting, interesting, dare here with me so person, have to admit, you are the first."

"There's always a first time, isn't there?"

With a scornful smile, Liu Qian shook his shoulders and said, "do you come horizontally or vertically? Let's draw a road."

"Yes, there is seed!"

The man grunted and gave his head to his brother.

"Let's go outside and have a chat. It's inconvenient here, isn't it?"

Someone gave Liu Qian a cold smile.

"Yes, baby. Wait for me here for a while. I'll be right back."

Liu Qian kisses Han Zixin's side face in the eyes of all the people. Then he strides out. It looks like he's going out to have fun, which makes the man's face more and more ugly.

He's really not an ordinary maniac!

For these things, Han Zixin really has nothing to worry about, is Liu Qian, in fact, is her own, now in this secular world, can walk horizontally.

What's more, such a scene can better recall Han Zixin's memories of that year. Every bit of being together with this villain "swings" back and forth in his mind. How do you think about it, how can you have a faint sense of happiness, which will haunt my heart.


Some people can't help but give a thumbs up to Liu Qian's back. Those who have seen cattle have never seen such an open and "swaggering" person. How come there are six or seven people here? Can this guy want to be a six?

For a moment, many people are curious to follow the outside.

Of course, there are also many people who are still in the bottom of their hearts, with Han Zixin's idea, are not so easy to meet. In the face of Han Zixin's best products, many people's hearts soared.

Liu Qian, who came out like a nobody, stood outside the door and looked at the group of people coming out from inside. He didn't care.

To be honest, Liu Qian also missed such a scene.

"Brother Qian?"

"Oh, I'll go. It's really you, brother Qian!"

"It's brother Qian!"

Just as Liu Qian walked out of the bar, stood outside the "door" and waited for the guards in the bars to come out, he saw one luxury car after another parked not far away, and one fashionable guy after another came out.

These guys were all "mixed up" in Qingfeng hall at that time, but now they are also "mixed up" and all of them are glossy.

But when these guys want to come here to have fun, who knows they will meet the idol of that year. For a time, a group of people's hearts are trembling. This is also very lucky.

"Oh?" Liu Qian couldn't help looking at these young people. For a moment, he couldn't remember where he met them. However, when the other party could name him, Liu Qian was more or less surprised.

"Brother Qian? What's brother Qian

"I don't know, but these guys are not easy to provoke. No wonder this guy is so bold and dare to be so horizontal in the bar just now. It turns out that he has a background."

"Yes, now they are talking about iron plate."

There are a lot of good people, see several guards in the bar come out, one by one high spirited, but when they see those big "Hun" who they admire in their mind, one by one like a wimp around Liu Qian, they are in a daze.

I can't help it!

Those young people, though not very old, are only twenty-three or twenty-four years old. However, these guys are all the most popular people in Qingfeng hall nowadays. They are very arrogant, and one of them is the person in charge of their OO bar.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, such a few people almost exist for days. At this time, in front of Liu Qian, they seem to be flattering one by one. Looking at their advice, they really caught this group of people off guard. What's the matter?

"Who are you?"

Liu Qian looks at these "Huns" and "Huns" strangely. It's true that no matter how they lead the way in other people's eyes, only in his eyes, these guys are really no different from the "Huns" and "Huns" on the roadside.

It's all cats and dogs that make people less interested. Even Liu Qian is more or less speechless. Why is it so difficult for him to lead his daughter-in-law to find what he used to feel like? Why don't you use such generous courage to help him resolve the crisis?

"Brother Qian, you may not know us. We used to belong to qingfengtang. Now because of the rectification, qingfengtang no longer exists. But brother Qian, your name and everything are the same for us. So it's our honor to meet you here today!"

"Yes, brother Qian, I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Qian's style is still the same. I don't know if we have the honor to invite you to have a drink."

These "Huns" and "Huns" looked at Liu Qian eagerly, as if they had met a big star. Their eyes were full of water and mist.

"No, since the Qingfeng hall is gone, let him go with the wind."

Although he was not happy, Liu Qian shook his head and strode toward the bar. After all, Han Zixin was still in it. Liu Qian didn't want his baby to be bullied.

"Brother Qian"

"Yes, it's only been a few years, but brother Qian's style is still the same!"

"By the way, have you found that brother Qian is the same as he was a few years ago? My age level is the same. It seems that there is no change at all. It's really amazing."

"How can it be strange? Brother Qian is well maintained."

After a few "Huns" and "Huns" murmured, they watched a lot of people around them. When they faced Liu Qian, they could be grandsons or punks, but when they faced these people, they were Wang.

"What are you looking at? Get out of here!"

There is a "Hun" sneer, that group of people who still want to see the play, but at this time, they were so scared that they left one by one“ Hey, stop. What are you going to do? "

"Hun" pointed to the guy who wanted to get along with Liu Qian in the bar at first. He pointed to his nose and said, "me?"

"Just you, come here."

Some "Hun" and "Hun" waved to him, smiling with evil spirits.

"Yes, yes."

Before he came to the side, he was fanned by the "Hun" and "Hun". He said coldly, "do you know who that is? That's Liu Qian. He's our brother's idol. Who are you going to offend? I'm sorry to offend him. It's really embarrassing for you!"


When I heard this, I was confused.

No, it's not. How many idols are your brothers?

What a situation!

Up to now, he has been confused and confused about the situation, but he can't help it. He has just come to work from other places, and he has just been "mixed up" for a short time,

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