The man in front of Liu Qian, without waiting for Liu Qian's voice to fall, smashed his fist at Liu Qian. With his fist rising, he saw only a fierce white tiger, 100 meters tall, in the downtown area, roaring up to the sky.

The roar of the tiger was extremely fierce, and many people were immediately shocked to bleed. The glass on the surrounding summer was also suddenly broken, and the ground was cracked with cracks, just like the tragedy after the earthquake.

Liu Qian stretched out his palm and wrapped the fist in an instant. At the same time, he smashed the fist at the man in front of him.


There was a huge bang centered around two people. At the same time, there was a terrible shock wave.

This "shock wave" is extremely fierce. It destroys everything in an instant and forms an extremely long ravine. An office building is divided into two sections from the middle. Many people who have not yet finished work are shocked to see this scene. Some are unlucky. I'm afraid they don't understand why they are so unlucky until they die.

"Get out of here!"

Looking at the disdainful sneer of the man's "lips" in front of him, Liu Qian suddenly opens up the small world, drags the man and the white tiger behind him, and disappears into everyone's field of vision.

It's not too late. There are a lot of pedestrians on the street, and even the effect of the attack just now makes countless people feel confused.

There's no way not to be confused. This area of at least several thousand square meters seems to have been hit by a six magnitude earthquake. The ground is cracked. Many cars parked on the side of the road are making a miserable alarm. Even a big summer has been split from the middle, and some people are even holding the steel bars in it and screaming desperately for fear of falling to death.

"Just, just what happened --"

"I don't know, but I just saw the monster, the big tiger, and I screamed. I feel my head is going to explode."

"Yes, and the two men just punched each other. This, this is too --"

Looking at the scene around us like the end of the day, many of the people present were completely shocked. They were like ghosts and gods. Some of them were so scared that they sat down on the ground. Some of them were even timid. After the powerful white tiger roared, they were already full of excrement.

However, the person who caused the biggest shock in this scene is Li Yanran.

Up to now she is silly, mouth open big, not only is the collapse of the three outlooks, he felt his life is also completely collapsed.

In particular, the villain who was considered a criminal by her at the beginning saved her life at the most critical moment. Such a change and experience made her doubt whether she was really stupid.

Just like the description of the man who is a little evil, now think about it, it's really that her provocations again and again can be easily erased by the other side, and they don't care about it, but the offensive and means of the other side are a little too terrible. Such a scene is just a little too big to be imagined.

It's just a "shock wave" of fist to fist collision. It's just a "shock wave". However, an office building with more than 30 storeys high is in half in an instant, and cries and wails are transmitted from time to time. It's really like the end of time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa——

There are waves of fire engines coming, and there are also many police ambulances.

Such a scene, for today's Jianghai City, has no intention of being a doomsday horror. All people are shocked to see such a scene for a long time and can't recover. They are still in this terrible disaster. Buzzing——

Just when everyone is a little silly, the helicopter of TV station in the sky has started to take aerial photos of the phenomenon here.

I can't help it. Even if I think about it, I can't hide it. The roar of the tiger is earth shaking, sweeping all over the world. Even hundreds of miles away, I can hear a faint roar. What's more, Jianghai city is so big, and the terrible damage caused by the shock "wave" between the fists just now, and the terrible ditch ploughed out on the ground, can't be covered.

For a time, Jianghai city fell into a panic.

In this kind of panic, some people see that there are fairy like people standing in the air, which makes countless people scramble to look up at the sky.

It's just that the two figures are hazy, and there is a smoke of white "color" around them, which makes people unreal.

"Is it difficult to realize the change of the sky?"

Some people looked at this scene in amazement, with an incredible face.

As for the two fairies, of course, ah Yin and Han Zixin, who are still accompanying Han's father for treatment, but Li Xiaomeng is still comforting Lin Shan, and does not stand up at this time.

"I didn't expect that the hand of Liangjie mountain was still extended into the secular world, but it was so destructive --"

Even though ah Yin and Han Zixin have seen the terror of the two boundary mountains, the destructive power is a little too shocking. It must be the result of that kind of people.

"Liu Qian and that guy should go to fight in the small world, otherwise, we can't bear their attack. I'm afraid the whole Jianghai city will be finished after a few moves."

Han Zixin has seen the horror of Gu Wu. Besides, she also has such means. Although she is weak, she can blow up the whole Jianghai city in a few moves if she wants to.

I can't help it. Her strength is now at the top of the level of Xuan. Although she's not that kind of person, with the promotion of Liu Qian who doesn't want money to smash the "medicine" madly, Lao Jiu and other people's careful teaching, her foundation is extremely stable. Even in the face of that kind of person, there is no room to return it.

"I hope this villain can solve the battle as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, the earth is too fragile for people in the two boundary mountains. It's just like the first-class level. It's just like the previous seven dragon ball cartoon."

A Yin thinks about it and finds a suitable metaphor. Han Zixin just nods. At this time, she doesn't know what to say. She is only worried about the villain who worries her.

"Let's go down too. There's always a feeling of being seen as a monkey."

Ah Yin gently frowned Xiumei. After seeing Han Zixin nodding, she dragged Han Zixin and leisurely disappeared in the world.

For a moment, people who see these two figures also feel that their eyes are "dazzled", but they are just there.

In a word, there are all kinds of legends that begin to be staged nearby, but whether they will reappear or not is really something that many people dare not predict and ponder.

In the small world.

On the blue sea, there is no end to Buddhism. Under the blue sky, white clouds are floating, and the sun is shining. It's warm.

An indifferent figure in ancient clothes stands on the sea, and opposite him, naturally, is Liu Qian, who has become colder and colder“ The people of the three families don't stay in your two boundary mountains. What are you doing here? What's more, I wonder why you are not restricted by the world! "

Liu Qian asked about his doubts and doubts. According to the truth, people in liangjieshan or in the secular world should be bound by the laws of the world. Even if they are strong, they will be suppressed to a certain extent. Otherwise, the world will not be able to withstand each other's attack and will be crushed.

"Sacrifice, don't you understand such a simple truth? Liu Qian, you are rising so fast that you have no foundation at all. You should have failed."

The young man is free and easy to smile, even if he is in Liu Qian's small world at this time, he still does not have the slightest worry, on the contrary, the whole person has a light arrogance.


Hearing this, Liu Qian couldn't help laughing and said, "you said I failed, so I'm very curious. Did I fail?"

"So, people like you don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin. Although you are in the middle of success, you are doomed to fail next. For example, I seem that your success is just a coincidence in my eyes. Without the help of separation, what is your Liu Qian?"

With a free and easy smile, the young man raised his hand and said, "I'll show you what kind of means I want to use to end your dirty lifeblood!"

"We'll see."

Liu Qian pursed a smile and quietly looked at the man in front of him.

"Let's all come out. Although we have been restricted, the good thing is that there are more sacrificial creatures. Therefore, our strength will not be suppressed here."

In Liu Qian's astonished eyes, the young people who spoke opened a "door" of time and space. They only saw one figure after another coming out of the "door" of time and space, but they were one after another. Not long ago, dozens of people came out of the door, looking at Liu Qian not far away with a victory like smile on their faces.

"As long as you die, everything you have in liangjieshan will fall apart. I don't believe that there will be separation after you die."

"Yes, there are such means, but your separation comes from your talent, so it is impossible for you to achieve it."

"Liu Qian, sometimes fate is like this. Let's make a fool of people."

"In principle, according to the arrangement of your ninth division, you may even have the capital to unify the two boundary mountains in a short time. But now, you don't have this opportunity, because we won't give you such an opportunity again."

Someone laughed and whispered, "because if we give you such an opportunity, then we don't even have the chance to turn over. The inheritance of thousands of years will be lost once and for all!"

"There's so much nonsense. If you kill him, nothing will happen."

Some people are already unhappy. They look at Liu Qian standing on the sea with an indifferent smile on his face and hum, "I really don't understand what qualifications you still have to smile here, and why can you still smile so happily!"

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