This time, Aoguang's offensive is not so simple.

The so-called wind from the tiger, rain from the dragon, with his huge body rolling up, only to see the rain pouring down all over the sky, and in this endless rain curtain, there is an endless fear of cold blooming, what's more terrible is that this originally hundreds of meters long dragon suddenly disappeared.

It's like suddenly disappeared from the world. It's strange that such a huge thing can't be seen if it can't be seen.

Wang and others look at this scene in consternation, Ji Xiaoyin is scared to cover his mouth.

They are far away from the battlefield, but even so, they can still clearly feel the pressure from the battlefield, especially the crisis contained in the terrible torrential rain.

This heavy rain is aimed at Liu Qian. Of course, he's OK. If it's aimed at them, I'm afraid it won't be torn to pieces every minute. I don't need the automatic hand of Nao Guangqin. It's just that the rain is enough to strangle them, which shows their horror.

But the Dragon disappeared, but Liu Qian did not seem to find the general, still looking at a direction, lips slightly raised.

This is not a confident smile, but contempt, contempt, disdain!

In other people's eyes, Aoguang is gone, but in Liu Qian's unique vision, this guy is still there, without any action. A pair of dragon eyes are unwilling to look at him and are preparing to turn around and leave.

"That's the escape?"

Liu Qian looked at Aoguang's body shape, and said with a smile, "coward!"

Although Aoguang's heart is not reconciled to many things, it's not a good way to stay at this time. He didn't even answer the question, so he would travel away.

"Come as soon as you say and leave as soon as you say. You should be brother Qian. I'm an inn here. Oh, don't look down on you!"

Liu Qian sneered and said, "I really don't know what to do with you. I really think you can do whatever you want if you turn into noumenon and have a huge body?"

Liu Qian's words stopped Aoguang, who was going to leave. He frowned and stared at him with a pair of bloody eyes like a copper bell. He wanted to see what tricks the emperor had to play!

Even Ji Xiaoyin and others behind Liu Qian are staring at him at this time to see if Liu Qian has any unique skills.

"To tell you the truth, you are still too young to be compared with brother Qian. You didn't want to bully you at first, but now it seems that if you don't do that, you will lose the blood of the demon emperor class, which is hard to get to your door."

Liu Qian, with a light smile, trembles slightly. He sees only an ethereal and nihilistic power. In an instant, it permeates the heaven and earth. Looking at it, Liu Qian disappears. But after he disappears, the rain curtain between the heaven and the earth disappears, and the figure of Aoguang dragon appears immediately.

What's going on?

He suddenly felt out of control of the rain curtain, which made Aoguang feel a little flustered at this moment. After all, it was his natural instinct. In this way, time and space suddenly disappeared, just like he lost control of it, which made him feel uncomfortable and even afraid.

"Horizontal trough"

"Big, really, really big --"

"Good, strong"

Ji Xiaoyin and others are not like Aoguang. They are still concerned about the disappearing rain. They are concerned about Liu Qian. From his sudden disappearance to his sudden appearance, it takes only a few blinks of an eye. However, when Liu Qian reappeared, his body was like a mountain, his momentum was like a flood, and his hand was like a dark cloud that covered the sky. In a moment, he grasped the demon emperor Aoguang, who seemed to have no response at this time.

It's like Liu Qian's feeling of being caught by Aoguang at first, but Aoguang is a dragon after all, not a loach. It's not so slippery. It's not so easy to escape from Liu Qian's hands.


Scared!? Recumbent trough——

Aoguang was shocked to see the four or five kilometer tall super giant holding him at this time, with a face of muddled force.

Especially the terrible power from the big hands that grasped his body almost scared Aoguang to pee.

How can it be, brother? How can you be so big? You're a fool.

"That's fair. At first, I played with you for a while, and you arrested me no less than 30 times. Now you have to catch me well. I'm not too much and I don't bully you. Just tear it for me once."

Liu Qian grinned at Aoguang. He was tired of using it in Liangjie mountain. He didn't want to use it. Even many experts in Liangjie mountain didn't want to use it. He didn't want to make something big. Of course, he was confident. His little brother is the strongest in the world. There's no doubt about that!

One tear?

what the fuck!


Aoguang's heart refused, and his body twisted instinctively, trying to break away from Liu Qian's two big hands. But how could Liu Qian give him a chance? He just laughed and said, "Hey, be honest, otherwise, you will tear it too bad, and your dead face will not look good. Ha ha ha --"


Aoguang really collapsed. He was so confused. No, I NIMA. Why is it that his strength is obviously of the same level? He grabbed Liu Qian at first. This guy can leave easily and calmly, but at this time he was caught by Liu Qian, but he couldn't move.

"I don't agree."

Aoguang yelled out his own voice. He was not only unconvinced, but also unwilling, because it was not in line with common sense and beyond his prediction.

But he didn't know that the upgrading of Liu Qian's rank was due to the accumulation of endless demon blood. Besides, Liu Qian always paid more attention to the polishing of the foundation, because only in this way can he better stabilize himself, better to force, oh no, to help the chivalrous.

If you can't sweep with your level opponents, you'd better find a place to pee. Maybe it will be more interesting.

"All right, here we go."

Liu Qian's hands made a sudden effort to see what he looked like. It was like eating a snack. He wanted to tear the snack in half, because it was the only way to swallow it.

"My God, that's a dragon. It's going to be torn alive."

"It's incredible. They're all imperial. Why is the difference so big? This, this --"

"I don't know what to say --"

"This is simply abnormal -" not far from the old Wang and others, looking at this scene in consternation, even don't know what kind of words to use to express the inner shock at this time, because some things, really can't use shock to describe, this is the ultimate performance of evil, beyond their brain can imagine a limit.


The bleak cry, like the sound of a dragon, spread all the way to the edge of the battlefield, turned into endless sound waves, wave after wave, forming a terrible power. The earth was set off by gusts of wind, and the mountain like corpses, like waves, swept up and down again.

It's so miserable. I'm dead, and I'm still tossed about like this. It's bad luck.

Liu Qian glanced at the ground, but the Dragon tendon in front of him was hard to tear. It was too strong. If it wasn't for the toughness of the Dragon tendon, I'm afraid it would have been torn in half by Liu Qian.

Moreover, in order not to waste the blood flowing from Liu Qian's body, the entrance of the small world has been opened under the broken scales of Aoguang's chest. All the light gold color blood has been absorbed wildly, and not a drop has been wasted.

For Liu Qian, all these are great supplements, and waste is a shameful act.

"Around, around me --"

I feel like my body is being torn by endless force, like a grip bar being broken by Liu Qian. I'm really afraid, especially the loss of blood, which makes it confused and miserable. The whole body is shivering, like a shield, flashing cold scales, and even more falling pieces.

The appearance, which had attracted much attention, was now in a state of disrepair, in a state of embarrassment, stained red with blood. What's more, it was just like a dog who had lost his family.

"I haven't finished tearing it. If you don't die after I've finished tearing it, I'll leave you alone."

Liu Qian laughs and walks around you. How can it be? He finally meets a demon emperor. This is a door-to-door business. If brother Qian lets you go, where can he find such a simple and honest demon emperor.

Indeed, in Liu Qian's eyes, the demon emperor was arrogant, but it was this kind of arrogance that made him simple and honest. He played with Liu Qian for so long.

If the other demon emperor with a long brain, I'm afraid he'll run away long ago when he can't win. Is he really so confident that brother qian can't deal with him? It's ridiculous!

However, Liu Qian did not dare to have any carelessness. When he wanted to pull this guy's body in half, his eyes were always fixed on Aoguang's body.

It's a strange thing if the Super Master of demon emperor level doesn't have the ability to run before he dies. It's just because of this that Liu Qian constantly uses the spiritual power of internal concussion to sweep Aoguang's body again and again. He's afraid that this guy will suddenly mobilize his mysterious power or his skills will disappear. At that time, Liu Qian won't even cry.

Liu Qian will never let a duck fly away.

Click, click——

With Liu Qian's tearing, he has fainted twice and suffered from the hollowing out of his body. This time, he suddenly opened his eyes and his pupils were red. He looked at Liu Qian angrily and yelled, "I want to die with you!"


Without waiting for his words to finish, Liu Qian did not know where he had another hand, turned it into a huge fist, and without saying a word, he directly hit Aoguang's head, hammered it more than ten times, and then it disappeared after he fainted“ That's a lot of bullshit. "

Liu Qian hummed softly, but he didn't keep it. Since he was dizzy, he had no capital to resist.

Not far away, Wang et al. Looked at the scene in amazement. It seems that Liu Qian has been a long time since he became big. In fact, it's not long at all, even less than a minute.

But what's more terrible is that this super dragon demon emperor, which is nearly four or five hundred meters long, has a huge and strong defensive body, so it's torn up!?

In addition to the Dragon tendon is still unwilling to connect the body has been completely two sections, the dragon's blood is like a waterfall, spilled down, fell into a strange black hole, disappeared without a trace.

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