There is no secret about the war of seizing the legitimate rights in Yin Shang Dynasty. After the emperor of Yin Shang was in power, he did it for 50 years at most. When the time of 50 years came, even if you didn't go down, you had to force you to go down, and then he elected the prince in 30 years. The prince was chosen in the way of seizing the legitimate rights..

Yin Zong was the first person who won the battle of Di, so he was qualified to ascend the throne..

It is because of such a system, so to ensure that every superior emperor, even if there are obvious shortcomings, but absolutely not an idiot..

In a centralized country like the Empire, the ability of the emperor is very important. If the emperor is an idiot, many dynasties in history will perish because of the emperor's personal ability.

Of course, occasionally there will be some accidents. For example, some emperors want to abolish such a system and let their sons inherit it. However, because of the existence of the patriarchal clan, there is still great resistance for the emperor to do so. Although some Emperors tried to do so, they all failed without exception.

Although the clans of the Shang Dynasty generally did not come out to interfere in the government, their influence could not be ignored.

Such a system was first created by the Xia empire. Other countries basically imitate it, and then there will be some changes in some details. Generally speaking, they all follow such a system, including Tuen Ling.

There is also the imperial examination system, which is also a very important part, so that the people at the bottom can see the hope that the official positions will not be monopolized by the imperial family.

At the same time, the imperial examination of military merit was also very strict. Military merit was also a very important channel for the lower class to ascend. In other things, there might be corruption or some other small moves, but in the imperial examination and military merit, they were absolutely not enough.

Every emperor knows that this is the foundation of a country. Once there is no way to go up, corruption will breed, and the Empire will perish. This is the lesson of countless dynasties that perished before.

The founding emperor of the Xia Dynasty was brilliant and powerful. He built all these to ensure that his dynasty could continue as far as possible.

It's a battle of seizing the throne. It's like raising a poisonous insect. We put all the princes together to fight and choose the most powerful one.

The subjects of the Shang Dynasty were happy to see such things happen. This way has been deeply engraved in the bones of every Shang Dynasty. Even the most common people in Luoxuan city would talk about such things as the war of seizing the emperor.

Performing martial arts is the first procedure in the battle of seizing the throne. In fact, it is to put on a stage and let the prince show his own force. After all, this is still a world of power. Power is everything. In front of absolute power, everything can be conquered, so force is still the most important thing in the selection of the crown prince.

This time, in addition to the emperor's ability to see the martial arts performance, the civil and military officials will also be watching. This also makes the officials have a clear idea. Those people can support themselves, and those people have no potential. They can all be seen in the martial arts performance.

Princes will try their best to win enough political capital in this martial arts performance. Once the martial arts performance is over, basically all officials will have a bottom in their hearts. They will choose the prince they like, and there will not be much change in the future.

After the announcement, Yin Zong didn't seem to have anything to say. He waved his hand and said, "well, you Aiqing, if you have something to play, if you don't have anything to retreat."

In fact, what we really want to say has already become a memorial. Just now, Yin Zong would ask about some things because he wanted everyone to hear it. Just now, he asked Li Xin to let everyone know that he was a good emperor who was grateful for his subjects. Talking with several princes is to let others know that they are still a loving father. As for what they say to Yin Litian, it also helps Yin Litian a lot. At least, no one will worry about anything because the emperor doesn't like Yin Litian.

The civil and military officials yelled out a long live our emperor, long live our emperor, and then they slowly retreated. When they retreated, they were also very careful. The people from outside went out first. When they came in, the people with high rank came in first. When they went out, the people with low rank went out first.

When the people outside the xuanzheng hall were almost gone, the people inside the xuanzheng hall began to move. Liu Qian looked up and found that the emperor had already entered the side hall. The old Prime Minister also stood up and dusted his clothes. He didn't care about the rules at all, so he left directly.

In this way, no one dares to compete with him, and everyone honestly follows him out of xuanzheng hall.

After leaving the palace, Liu Qian followed Yin Litian to his palace. As soon as he entered, Yin Litian was quite excited and said, "I didn't expect that uncle would say that today."

Liu Qian didn't understand it at the beginning. After a while, he thought that what Yin Litian was worth was that Yin Zong said he would treat him fairly.

Liu Qian didn't know how he had been treated unfairly before, and he was so excited.

Yin Litian looked at Liu Qian and said with a bitter smile, "Liu Qian, you don't know, because it was said that my uncle didn't like me before, and I suffered a lot of unnecessary hardships. Ah, you won't understand these things."

Yin Litian was quite melancholy. His father, the brother of emperor Yin Zong, once competed fiercely with him for the position of emperor. At that time, the throne was basically decided between the two men, and finally Yin Zong won.

Later, Yin shenglai, Yin Litian's father, went out to practice after he failed to fight for the throne. There was no news for several years. Yin Zhenglin was born in this situation.

Until Yin Zhenglin was 15 years old, news suddenly came that his father had died in a wild mountain. If it wasn't for the royal jewelry on his body, he couldn't recognize it.

At that time, it naturally caused a great shock. The Shang Dynasty went back to the source to find out who killed Yin shenglai, but there was no way. All the causes and effects were eliminated by a great power.

People who have such means are also extraordinary saints at worst. After Yin Shang discovered this, they had to give up. It's not that they were afraid of an extraordinary saint, but it's unnecessary. After all, people are dead now.

Even if the extraordinary saint was found out, it would be useless to avenge Yin shenglai.

In this way, the cause of Yin shenglai's death became a mystery, people have a heart of gossip, about the cause of Yin shenglai's death, more and more rumors began to spread.

One of the most popular rumors is that today's emperor Yin Zong killed Yin shenglai. I don't know if this rumor has been spread by intentional people, and it is becoming more and more widely, and finally. Almost everyone thought that it was Yin Zong who killed his brother, and Yin Zong never explained these things.

Yin Litian told these things, and finally said with no expression, "in fact, my uncle has not upset me all the time, just because of this rumor, many people take it for granted that my uncle should not like me, so he made things difficult for me, but now that I have made my words clear, I think this kind of thing should be rare in the future. "

"And." Yan Litian's tone suddenly changed, his eyes became sharp, and his eyes were like a sword.

"Besides, there are not many people who can make trouble for me now." Yin Zhenglin. Yin Zhenglin rarely shows his hegemony. He used to be a gentle gentleman, but now he seems more suitable to be a leader.

"So, you don't think the saint killed your father today?" Liu Qian Road.

Just now, between the lines of Yin Litian, it was very obvious that he felt that his uncle was not the real murderer.

Yin Litian nodded and said, "yes, uncle's suspicion is very small, almost No. at that time, he just ascended the throne and had a lot of things to do. Moreover, my father even gave up the throne at that time and ran away directly. I don't understand why he wanted to kill my father, and he didn't have so many hands at that time, I think it should be spread by good people. "

Uncle, as a king, naturally disdained to explain such things. In the end, it almost became a reality.

Liu Qian nodded. This is the power of rumors. Three people become tigers, not to mention that millions of mouths in Luo Xuancheng are talking about the same thing. Even if it is false, it will become true.

Liu Qian suddenly thought of a very important place. He said, "Your Highness, it may be offensive, but I want to know when your father died?"

Yin Litian didn't know why Liu Qian asked this, but he still replied, "according to the situation of the corpse at that time, he died five years after he left home, and was not found until ten years later. Then we know, what's the matter?"

Liu Qian came to help Yin Litian this time because of the snow girl. At that time, Liu Qian was thinking about the relationship between Yin Litian and snow girl. He had guessed before that it should be the disputes between snow girl's parents and snow girl. Now that he knew Yin shenglai, Liu Qian was more sure.

After Yin shenglai went out to practice, he must have something to do with snow girl, so it's the same today.

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