Although Liu Qian is very strong, his body doesn't look like a strong man, but closer to the lean type..

Liu Qian's coat has all been broken,,. The muscles of the upper body are just like those carved by the sculptor according to the most perfect proportion of human beings, giving people a kind of full of power, but it will not appear too exaggerated..

Liu Qian holds the tip of the sword in both hands. The tendons on his arms burst up, and even his muscles swell. His hair and beard are all spread out. His appearance is extremely violent. The enlarged Longxiao sword is constantly struggling in Liu Qian's hands. This picture looks strange. It seems that he is such a small man, but now he seems to dominate the huge sword.

Yin Guang put up his fingers, and his fingers were shaking uncontrollably. He wanted to take back the Longxiao sword, but a strong force was preventing the connection between him and the Longxiao sword.

All of a sudden, Yin Guang faltered, and his face showed a trace of shock. Looking at Liu Qian's reassurance, he saw that Liu Qian held the tip of Longxiao sword, swung it round, and then threw it out.

Longxiao sword is no longer as beautiful as it was just now. Its body has lost its luster at the beginning. It looks no different from ordinary swords.

After being thrown out by Liu Qian, Longxiao sword gradually becomes smaller in the wind. At last, it is no different from ordinary long sword.

Yan Guang responded, and he wanted to grab the sword formula and summon the Longxiao sword back. But before he could squeeze the sword formula out, Liu Qian had already come to him. He punched Yan Guang in the face and said, "don't use weapons, talk to me with fists."

All along, weapons are a weak place for Liu Qian. In fact, the importance of weapons is self-evident at any time. Even the great emperor has to exhaust his mind to refine his own weapons. Only when he has his own weapons can he fully show his fighting power.

However, all along, Liu Qian did not have his own weapons. He also held the mentality of being at ease with the situation. This kind of thing also depends on the chance. The weapons must fit well with himself, otherwise, even if they are very powerful weapons, they will not play a big role in his hands.

For example, Emperor's utensils have real power only in the hands of the great emperor. It's not easy for the younger generation to urge the emperor's utensils, and at most they can exert three or four points of the power of the emperor's utensils. But even so, only a little bit of the power of the great emperor can suppress most emergencies.

Liu Qian didn't think much about it. He came here without weapons. His pair of meat palms are the most powerful weapons. However, as the level of fighting rises faster and faster, Liu Qian gradually feels that it is still a troublesome thing to have no weapons of his own.

With the help of Longxiao sword, Yin Litian's fighting power went up to a higher level.

Just now, Liu Qian temporarily cut off the connection between long Xiaojian and Yin Guang with the power of the great emperor, and then threw long Xiaojian far away. However, Liu Qian knew that it would not be long before Yin Guang could get in touch with long Xiaojian again, and then long Xiaojian would come back at that time.

Now Yin Guang is a good scholar. He knows that he can't take advantage of Liu Qian's close combat, so after being suppressed by Liu Qian at the beginning, he keeps a long distance with Liu Qian and attacks Liu Qian with magic and sword

There is no doubt that this is a very unique method of war. Yin Guang is not only strong in physical skills, but also has profound attainments in magic and swordsmanship. He has no less understanding than Daosheng who specializes in swordsmanship.

It did cause a little trouble for Liu Qian, and there was a suppression on the scene. However, Liu Qian broke the deadlock by relying on the power of the great emperor who was a cheater.

He came to Yan Guang.

Looking at the bigger and bigger fists in front of him, Yin Guang didn't mean to eat them. His body and back, and his hands kept forming Dharma seal. There was something harassing Liu Qian's attack all the time. The thunder, fire and ice didn't have much influence on Liu Qian, but it was also annoying. Liu Qian couldn't recognize the sarcasm and said, "well, are you going to beat me by running?"

If Yin Guang had been so excited by him, he might have stopped to fight with Liu Qian, but now Yin Guang has completely changed his face, and he laughs, "I think that kind of playing method in the past is just like a stupid cow, so I rush up with my head buried. Well, naturally I can't change other people's ideas. In this case, as long as I don't do it myself."

As expected, Yin Guang was not angry. Instead, he stabbed Liu Qian and mocked Liu Qian for being a stupid cow.

Liu Qianmo was silent, and his words could not stimulate Yin Guang.

At this time, Yan Guang's eyes flashed. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and thunder. A purple lightning with wind and rain hit Liu Qian. Liu Qian reached out to stop it. The lightning hit Liu Qian's arm. Liu Qian felt numb and lost his control of his body.

This situation should not be what happened to Liu Qian's present state. This purple lightning is strange. Although it has no power, the effect of paralyzing people's perception should be even more terrifying.

Liu Qian dropped from the sky at a very fast speed.

Yin Guang saw the opportunity. Long Xiao's sword was in front of him. His fingers played several times in the three parts of the sword body. Without playing it, a sword light shot out. The speed of the sword light was not suitable, but it was from every angle. He attacked from different directions, but the final target was Liu Qian.

Liu Qian was in the middle of the sky and had no control over his body. He could only watch the sword light shoot at him. He could neither dodge nor use his magic power to resist.

But Liu Qian didn't show a flustered expression. For him, even if these sword lights hit him, he couldn't fight with himself. He would only get a little hurt.

On the contrary, this purple lightning has some troubles. This purple lightning is so strange that it can directly hurt his body through his prohibition. For such a strange trick, I must take precautions as soon as possible.

He looked inside his body and found that there was a kind of purple energy moving slowly in the meridians. These things would not hurt his body, but would hinder the operation of his true yuan.

His Zhenyuan is dormant in the sea of Qi. He doesn't know why. He doesn't move. No matter how he moves, he doesn't respond. It's like he's asleep.

Liu Qian thought for a moment, simply gave up the transfer of true yuan, but mobilized the power of the emperor in his body, rushed to these purple energy.

These things, seeing the power of the great emperor, just like seeing the natural enemies, fled aimlessly, but they were caught one by one by the power of the great emperor and finally destroyed.

At this time, Liu Qian regained the control of his body, and the sword light from Yin Guang just came in front of Liu Qian. At the last moment, Liu Qian cut through the space and got in. The sword light collided in mid air and burst into a very bright light.

All the people present thought that Liu Qian had eaten this, even Yin Guang was no exception. The purple lightning was a lightning method he learned from the natural disaster. At that time, in the natural disaster he faced, one of the lightning hit his body and made his body lose consciousness for a short time.

It's very fatal for them to lose control of their bodies. Fortunately, Yin Guang used his body to carry the next few robberies. He also learned something new in this scene. There is such a Leifa.

He was planning to leave this place and organize another attack. He thought Liu Qian couldn't react so quickly. Just when he was about to move away, he was alarmed. His body flashed to the side, but he didn't completely dodge. Liu Qian's right leg seemed to appear out of thin air and kicked Yin Guang's belly.

Yin Guang's face turned red, and Liu Qian's all-out attack, of course, was not easy. He spewed out a mouthful of blood directly, and the Dragon Xiao sword flew to Yin Guang to protect the Lord.

Liu Qian wanted to take advantage of the victory, but long Xiaojian cut off his way. Liu Qian frowned and sneered, "well, well, since you are in my way, I want to get rid of you."

Liu Qian stretched out his hand and grasped the Dragon Xiao sword.

Long Xiaojian kept shaking in Liu Qian's hands, but even if Yin Guang's traction just now had no effect, now it is more impossible to break away from Liu Qian's control

Yin Guang made several turns in mid air, and finally he got steady. He stood firm, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Qian. He didn't expect that Liu Qian was about to find something wrong with the purple TV so soon, and gave him the wrong information. He should have left something in the place where he disappeared, so that place has the flavor of Liu Qian. He thought Liu Qian didn't leave and ate his own attack. In fact, Liu Qian had already torn the space away.

Yin Guang wants to take back the Dragon Xiaojian, but this time Liu Qian is determined to keep the Dragon Xiaojian here. A dense golden gas surrounds the Dragon Xiaojian. Yin Guang feels that the connection between himself and the Dragon Xiaojian is getting weaker and weaker. He is very anxious. Now the Dragon Xiaojian is a big reliance for him, and the most important thing is that he has to rely on it, Long Xiaojian now has his own sword spirit. When he fully grows up in the future, he will become the most suitable weapon for himself. His power is not small. Liu Qian must not suffer any damage.

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