They both let go and bumped into each other, just like two bulls. They gave up their defense with one punch and the other, leaving only constant attack. Soon, their bodies were covered with scars. If they were put on the ordinary saints, they would have lost their fighting power, but their strength and speed were not affected at all, On the contrary, the older you are, the better you are.

The ordinary and light fist and palm have great power, at least the people who watch are frightened. The scene is far from the grand feeling of the two people at the beginning, but the degree of thrill is still beyond it.

They are now concentrating their strength to a extreme point, and there is no leakage, so it's not surprising to hit them with a fist, but if a mountain stands in front of them, their strength will be broken immediately.

Liu Qian seems to be in the downwind, he has been a passive defender, rarely had the opportunity to attack Yin Guang.

However, Liu Qian's face was very calm, and he didn't seem to worry that he was at a disadvantage.

Because the discerning people can see it, the main reason why Yin Guang is able to show off his power now is that he urged the spirit of the wild beast, and now his physical quality has been greatly improved, but this state can't last forever. Liu Qian doesn't need to get too much advantage in this time, and when the time of Yan Guang's being a beast is over, he will naturally fall into a weak period, That was the time for Liu Qian to win.

Now it's a time to catch. It depends on whether Yin Guang can defeat Liu Qian in his own beast like period of time. As time goes by, he will lose.

Liu Qian knew this, and Yin Guang knew it.

At last, he was a little impatient, but Liu Qian's defense didn't leak. His fist fell like raindrops and was accepted by Liu Qian.

Yin Guang had nothing to do with Liu Qian.

The reason why he was able to hit Liu Qian on the ground just now was that Liu Qian himself was trapped in a magic barrier. He thought he had an advantage with a powerful magic weapon.

In fact, Liu Qian doesn't use magic weapons very much all the time. The most powerful thing is a pair of fists. It's like a skilled swordsman gets a sharp sword, but no matter how sharp the sword is, it's not as powerful as his own iron sword.

Liu Qian didn't realize this at the beginning, so he was attacked by Yin Guang and beaten. However, this beating also made Liu Qian wake up and give up black stone immediately.

Black stone lay quietly on one side, but what Yin Guang didn't know was that they were still communicating.

Blackstone head said, "boy, thanks to your early awakening, you don't have much experience in using magic weapons, and I haven't recognized the LORD yet, so there's no tacit understanding. You're right to give up on me, and your fists are also powerful. If this little bastard doesn't become a beast, he's not your opponent."

Liu Qian evaded a fist of Yin Guang, where the powerful fist stopped, the air was pressed together, forming an air gun, which hit the shield

The elder ran to the place with a depressed face to stabilize the shield. There were even faint black spots in the place where the circle fell. This was the scene that would appear after the space was cracked.

Liu Qian dodged the blow and replied, "if you didn't tell me earlier, I was beaten for nothing by him."

Blackstone head naturally said, "how can I do that? I'm an invincible magic weapon in the world. If I tell you that you are stronger than me, where can I put my face? I can only let you understand this. Fortunately, your boy's savvy is not too late."

Liu Qian was speechless, and a short body escaped one of Yin Guang's whip legs. Bai MI was finally spared. Yin Guang finally found a flaw and hit it with one punch, which was unavoidable. Liu Qian could only protect his chest with his arms. When he was hit by Yin Guang's one punch, his arms felt a burst of pain. Yan Guang's eyes brightened, and after so long, he finally found a chance. He strode out, which directly made the challenge arena ground broken to pieces.

The soul of Taotie behind Yin Guang roared up to the sky, and a magnificent purple light slowly flowed from Taotie to Yin Guang.

Now there is no Taotie in the world. I don't know, the reason why Yin Guang can get the Taotie spirit is not that he really met Taotie, but that he just got some remains of Taotie left in the world. Fortunately, he got the Taotie spirit, but he can still get some power of Taotie.

Although he didn't get much effect in every punch, as long as he had physical contact with Liu Qian, he could absorb some of Liu Qian's true elements to supplement his losses.

Now the gorgeous purple was the power that was transmitted to Yin Guang from the Taotie noumenon.

Black stone Yi a, way "look like that greedy guy is still alive."

This is easier to understand. Since he still has power to give to Yin Guang, it shows that Taotie is still alive.

Yan Guang's appearance changed a little, his right arm became much stronger, and the little clarity in his eyes was completely replaced by the fury.

He looked at Liu Qian's eyes, but it was more like looking at food. Yin Guang stretched out his red tongue and gently added it to his lower lip. His right arm was purple, and his breath was terrible.

Yan Guang suddenly raised his hand.

Liu Qian's right arm was caught by Yin Guang's arm. At the moment of release, Liu Qian found that the real yuan in his body flowed into Yin Guang's body like water, and Yin Guang's strength was also growing.

Black stone voice with a bit anxious, way "boy, stop him, this little son of a bitch is too small to look down on the soul of Taotie, he has now been occupied by the soul of Taotie body, now Taotie on your body has a lot of ideas, you now face is not a person, but a part of the face of Taotie."

Liu Qian was startled. He just wondered why Yin Guang had such a change. It turned out that he was given the body by Taotie. He wanted to laugh at it, but now he had to go through the crisis first.

The power of the great emperor in Liu Qian's right arm was instantly concentrated in the right arm, and the passing speed of Zhenyuan was much less.

Yan Guang's arm was extremely ugly. It was like meridian things exposed outside. Some were red and some were green. It grew out of the meat under the arm. One by one, there were bumps on it. It would jump every time. An evil and strange smell came to Liu Qian's face. Liu Qian felt very uncomfortable.

The thickness of this arm is like the stake of a hundred year old tree. His palm is not like a person's palm, but like the claw of a wild animal. There are long wise men growing on his five fingers, and there are many animal hairs.

Liu Qian cut it with one hand, but it had no effect. He still grasped Liu Qian's arm tightly. Yin Guang laughed wildly and pulled his hand. A huge force attacked Liu Qian like a tide. Yin Guang wanted to pull Liu Qian over, but Liu Qian took a deep breath and stood still.

The deep roar of the beast sounded again in Yin Guang's throat.

Everyone could see that there was something wrong with Yan Guang's appearance. The corner of the star soul's eye jumped. He had just seen the appearance of Yan Guang's urging the spirit of Honghuang beast, and it didn't become like this. Now, in addition to a face, Yan Guang is no different from the beast. The star soul looked at Lin Feng and said, "will the wild beast soul be like this

Lin Feng was also blinded. Compared with other people, he saw that Yin Guang used the spirit of wild animals more often, but he never saw such a picture of Yin Guang.

He hesitated and said, "there seems to be something wrong."

The emperor at the top frowned at the gluttonous shadow behind Yin Guang. Duke Chen said, "Your Majesty, something seems to be wrong."

The emperor nodded and said, "yes, there seems to be something wrong with this gourmand."

The elder looked up at the sky, and Liu Qian looked at the sky at the same time. The sky was still clear just now. Now there is no sunshine. The whole sky is dark and there is no luster. It seems that something has come to this place.

Liu Qian felt vaguely that there seemed to be a consciousness above the sky.

Yan Guang gave a painful roar, and the whole person suddenly seemed to be crazy. He took back his arm, and then charged Liu Qian again.

The emperor's face changed and he said to Duke Chen, "go down and stop him."

Mr. Chen nodded and wanted to rush down the challenge arena, but he was stopped by the elder. Mr. Chen frowned and asked, "elder, why are you stopping me? The fourth Prince is in danger now. This gluttonous spirit has obviously taken charge of his body. If you don't stop it, the gluttonous spirit will swallow the fourth Prince's own consciousness."

Because the elder has always been neutral in this party struggle, Mr. Chen is still polite.

But the tone is still very anxious.

Da Changlian nodded and said, "I naturally know that, but Yan Guang's current state is very strange. As for the gluttonous spirit, I've heard people say that he will take charge of other people's bodies because he sees delicious things and wants to eat them. Before he reaches his goal, he will never give up. We are outsiders, The power of his coming will be greater. "

End of this chapte

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