Liu Qian, who stayed in his study, felt Xiao Hei tremble. He took out Xiao hei and said, "that woman wants to talk to you."

Liu Qian nodded. He didn't expect that Meng Li would have new information to tell them so soon. He thought that after taking so many things, he would do things eventually.

Liu Qian said, "well, just open the connection."

Before long, the voice of Mengli came from Xiaohei.

"Is that Liu Qian?"

Liu Qian said, "yes, it's me. Do you have any new news?"

On the other side of Meng Li's face, he still hesitated a little, but he turned to look at the people lying on the ground. He was beaten like this by Zhong Shan, and the other one was full of remorse. He looked loveless.

What she intends to reveal is that this time, Zhongshan and they came to discuss with each other. He still vaguely knows who they are.

Dream glass where can think of, actually Liu Qian in their heart already had conjecture.

In Meng Li's eyes, Meng Li finally made up his mind and said, "I know that this time they came here to discuss things with the great man of your Yin merchant. As far as I know, this man is from your Taige."

Liu Qian was stunned. He and Yin Litian had already guessed that it was the elder of Taige who had been working all the time. This information was not of great value, but anyway, it also showed that Mengli was getting closer to them.

That's a good thing

So Liu Qian did not point out this matter, but said with a smile, "OK, this news is also good, we know, thank you, Mengli."

The highest authority of the Shang Dynasty was divided into three parts. Although the Yingling hall had a lot of top fighting power, the people in the Yingling hall would not do it easily without the kind of bare head.

The Taige and the Presbyterian Council divided civil and military affairs.

Among them, Taige mainly deals with some government affairs. The state policies of Yin merchants basically came out of Taige. If we adjust taxes, tariffs, trade priorities, who we trade with and who we cut off contact with, these things basically came out of Taige and then sent to the emperor.

The emperor and the three provinces and six ministries made some specific plans under these basic national policies. They can make some minor adjustments, but they must not violate this basic national policy.

The Presbyterian Church has absolute say in the war.

Taiwei Li Xin can be regarded as a deputy of the elder. The elder is the highest decision-maker in the military. He basically has the right to transfer all the troops in the country.

With such a structure, the Taige is naturally a little stronger than the Presbyterian Council, because the Taige has financial power in its hands. If there is not enough money, then the army is just a tiger without claws.

Fortunately, for a long time, the attitude of Yingling hall was more inclined to the Presbyterian Church, which was determined by Yin FA at the beginning of establishing this system.

The Yingling hall is more like a person to balance the two sides. Most of them are powerful. At this time, they will stand on the side of the Presbyterian Council.

In history, there was a time when the Presbyterian Church was very strong. At this time, the Yingling hall was inclined to the Taige. This delicate balance lasted for thousands of years, and Yin merchants were always under this balance.

The empire can last for thousands of years only with the addition of Tuen Ling. However, it seems that some changes have taken place in this situation recently. Liu qiancai can feel the abnormality of Taige in such a short time, and they seem to show an extraordinary interest in military power.

And Liu Qian can be sure that this kind of thing existed decades ago.

In fact, the Presbyterian Council has been seriously infiltrated. The seven elders and the two elders have completely fallen to the side of the Taige. The other elders are also wavering. It's just that they didn't go out in the final showdown because of the great elder's dignity.

Contact this time, sulao contact the demon people. Things have become more and more interesting.

Mengli was relieved to see that the news did help Liu Qianqi. In fact, one of the things he was worried about now was that they could not show enough value, and even Yin Litian abandoned them. In this way, Xiuling family was really helpless.

Other demon clan's malice to them has been undisguised, if they lose Yin Litian, the last straw, they Xiuling clan will be really dangerous.

Now Mengli has begun to think about migration.

He cut off the contact with Liu Qian and turned his head to look at the two people. His face became more solemn and said, "Xiao Wu, take Xiao Qi to leave this place first and return to our family."

Xiaowu is the Xiuling nationality with low head and deep wound. Because he can't defend his princess's dignity, he is constantly blaming himself.

Hearing Meng Li's words, he changed his face and said, "does the princess want to drive us away?"

This time they come here, they are the guardians of Mengli, but the strength of these two guardians is not as high as Mengli himself, which is ironic.

Mengli sighs and feels a little bored. He really doesn't want to comfort these people at this time. Mengli shakes his head and says, "now Xiaoqi is seriously injured. I'm going to let you take him away from this land of right and wrong. At the same time, I'll give you some supplies. You can take these things back to the clan first to ease the current situation in the clan."

Small five also want to speak, dream glass face dew dignified, way "this is my order, you must carry out."

Xiao Wu opened his mouth, but at last he didn't say anything. His face was a little complicated, and he nodded and said, "yes, your highness."

Mengli waved his hand wearily and said, "take Xiaoqi down and get ready. Leave this place as soon as possible."

Xiao Wu was about to get up and start, and Meng Li suddenly said, "wait a minute."

Later, Mengli takes out a pen and paper and writes a letter on the desk. This is a letter to their clan leader. Mengli explains clearly the attitude of other demon tribes towards Xiuling clan. He hopes that the clan can move away from the mountain as soon as possible.

After he wrote the letter, he gave it to Xiao Wu. He left it in the room and buried his head deep in his chest.

He felt unspeakable fatigue. He really tried his best for Xiuling clan, but there was a feeling that no matter what he did, Xiuling clan was unable to change. There were too many problems now.

It seems that the only way is to move away from Mt. 100000. They are on the outskirts of Mt. 100000, and they are vulnerable to attack by the Terran army.

Mengli thought that when he was very young, he found that when the Terran army attacked his own group, the reinforcements of other demons always seemed to come very slowly. He didn't think much before, but now he got Yin Litian's point in Luoxuan City, and suddenly understood that the whole demons' attitude towards them had not changed. The whole demon clan hopes that Xiuling clan is still the same race. It doesn't need strong fighting power. Men and women just need to be enjoyed.

"No, I can't let this happen. Xiuling people can't be enslaved again."

Mengli clenched her fist, and a delicate sword appeared in her hand.

The style of this small sword is much smaller than that of the ordinary long sword, and its shape is very gorgeous. The sword case is full of beautiful patterns, and the two ends are separated, which looks like a pair of wings.

Xiao Hei said, "this sword is extraordinary. I don't know what it is from."

Mengli didn't expect that Xiaohei was observing himself all the time. Thinking of the weakness she had just exposed to Xiaohei, she blushed and said, "this sword is the sword left by our holy King Yuntian."

Saint Wang Yuntian was the person who led Xiuling to rise again thousands of years ago, but after he died, Xiuling weakened again.

Although this sword belongs to Yuntian, it's not a war sword. It's the sword used by King Yuntian in the battlefield. It's more like an ornament.

But now in the eyes of Xiuling people, this item has a special meaning and is very precious. All along, only the candidate of clan leader is qualified to hold it.

Mengli has the royal blood of Xiuling people. He is the only one who has awakened the royal blood in the last thousand years. That's why so many people want Mengli.

Because his talent is incomparable, but it has not been shown at this time.

The whole Xiuling people also put their hope on Mengli, because in addition to the saint Wang Yuntian, Mengli is the only real royal blood.

Yuntian's sword is also because Mengli has the same blood as his former master, so he will recognize Mengli as the main sword.

"Oh, it's this man. He is also a hero."


During this period, he has been mending all kinds of knowledge, mainly the things that happened in the mainland in the past few tens of thousands of years. Xiaohei was originally a tool and received a lot of information. He also had time. Liu Qian got a lot of jade slips for him, and now Xiaohei is a master of the past and the present.

"It is said that this man was a character of the same era with Yin FA, and there seems to be a little friendship between them. Is it true?"

Xiao Hei suddenly asked a question which was not related to the wind, horse and cattle.

Meng Li is stunned. His family is not so clear about Yuntian's deeds. Few people know about this great man's private affairs. Only some major events are recorded in history books.

However, the story between him and Yin FA is very popular. It is said that Yuntian traveled to the border of Yin Shang when he was young, and met Yin FA at that time. The two heroes cherished each other, and they agreed very well. Since then, they became good friends, and then they supported each other.

One became the overlord of the Shang Dynasty, and the other became the leader of the revival of the Xiuling clan.

End of this chapte

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