"Our Hanqing group's corporate culture is to produce elites under competition! No matter the management, regular staff, or even toilet cleaners, they all need to be elected! "

"Of course, security is no exception."

"Don't beat around the Bush, play with the empty ones." Liu Qian sighed, "if there's any way, I'll catch up with my sister at school."

It seems that the boy is quite conscious. Is he ready to be beaten?

Qingguohua, with a smile, pointed to the crowd nearby and said, "in short, if you beat down the competitors who came to apply for the job one by one, you will get the opportunity to enter the company."

"I object!" Liu Qian suddenly said with a reluctant face.

"I'm sorry, the security position of Hanqing group has no chance with you." Qing Guohua showed a sneer, and he guessed that Liu Qian, who can only choke with his mouth, would be counselled.

"No, what I object to is not to fight down one by one. It's too troublesome. Time is money. Wasting time is tantamount to murder!"

Liu Qian licked his lips, and his body exuded a taste of bloodletting, which is a unique temperament that only people who have really experienced a sea of corpses can have.

"What do you want?" Qing Guohua didn't notice the change of Liu Qian, and he laughed

"Do you want one for ten? Ha ha ha, you are so interesting. If there is a boasting department in our group, I will hire you as minister with high salary. Ha ha

"One for ten?" Liu Qian touched his nose, ignored the sarcasm in Qing Guohua's tone, and said solemnly

"It's too much trouble. Why don't we all go together?"

Qingguohua saw that Liu Qian didn't look like joking. He was shocked and said, "are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"Well, since you want to die, I'll help you! If you can win those dozens of people, I'll call you brother Liu in front of Hanqing group

Qingguohua sneered and said, "but I declare in advance that if you have any personal accident in the security position assessment of the group, the group and I will not be responsible for it!"

"What you should consider is the compensation for these dozens of people who have been injured." Liu Qian kindly reminded that "when you call me brother Liu, remember not to roll your tongue. In that case, it's easy to be called Hu Ge."


Qingguohua really doesn't understand. Where did Liu Qian come from? Say such water blowing words, even the skin has never been red!

"Come on, everybody come on!"

Qingguohua clapped his hands, and dozens of strong men who came to apply for the job saw that it was the director of qingguohua, and they all got together obediently.

"As long as you can beat him down, everyone will get a big red envelope!" Qing Guohua said excitedly

"And his injury, you don't have to be responsible, even if you didn't pass the final interview, you can still come to me to get an assessment fee!"

Dozens of people looked at each other, and then looked at Liu Qian beside qingguohua.

Liu Qian's stature is not tall, and the muscle pimples on his body are not very obvious. Although he looks tough, there is nothing special about him“ Is it really unnecessary to be responsible for hurting him? "

"Is it true what director Qing said? It won't be for our amusement

Qing Guohua looks at Liu Qian provocatively and says, "as long as you don't kill him."

Seeing such good things, these dozens of people put down their worries, rolled up their sleeves one after another, and stormed away to Liu Qian.

Qingguohua slipped out of the encirclement, moved a stool, and looked at the fight on the square under the company building.

"Fight! It's better to beat that hateful boy into a pig! Let him always a pair of choking hanging sample, also dare to let our qingguohua lose face, really do not know how to die Qingguohua clenched his fist and said in a low voice.

Liu Qian saw dozens of people surrounded him fiercely, but he was not nervous at all, with a sneer on his lips.

Since you are asking for trouble, no wonder my blood wolf trained with you.

At first, Liu Qian felt very sorry that he used these dozens of candidates as his "companion". However, when he saw that they decided to promise qingguohua to cheat more and less for an interview, his sense of shame disappeared.

A few belligerent guys took on the role of the punch. They took a few steps and used straight fists to swing their legs, aiming at all parts of Liu Qian's body!

Liu Qian, who has been as immovable as Mount Tai, suddenly has an action!

Quiet as a virgin, moving as a rabbit!

Liu Qian's temperament changed dramatically in an instant, just like a sharp sword hiding scabbard!

Like a bloodthirsty lone wolf, Liu Qian leaped forward and knocked down a young man in front of him. At the same time, he avoided the attack from all directions!

Although it seems that the lineup of dozens of people is quite shocking, in fact, there are no more than ten people who can compete with Liu Qian. Most of them are crowded in the periphery of the battle circle, and they can't even touch Liu Qian's clothes.

What Kwai Shou Liu Qian is good at, such as quick hand Sanda and judo capture, is really not a difficult thing to do with ten men who are single and one with good physical quality and no trained people.

Liu Qian used all kinds of techniques to bring down people. Liu Qian used seven or eight of them to fall over his shoulder. The remaining 20 people were beaten by Liu Qian to find their teeth!

Qingguohua was stunned to see the situation in the square, and the people who poured tea to him were numb. He looked at Liu Qian in surprise, just like a murderer. He didn't even know that the tea overflowed all over the place.

Where Liu Qian passed, some people were either knocked down or beaten to fly two or three meters!

However, in a quarter of an hour, dozens of people who had been aggressive were all lying on the floor of the square, covering different parts of the square, crying and crying with pain

It's obvious that the numb qingguohua has been so shocked that he can't speak. This... Is not the same as what he expected?

no No, it's not different. It's a complete transposition!

Liu Qian, who is the target of public criticism, has no problem. The mighty dozens of people are black and blue! Liu Qian clapped his hands, stretched his waist, walked slowly to qingguohua step by step, and said with a smile, "director Qing, the tea is almost in your crotch."

Qingguo Hua was stunned. He looked down and jumped up in a hurry. He slapped the tea pouring man and said angrily, "how do you do things?"

The man was obviously flustered. He kept shouting "I'm sorry for director Qing, I'm sorry for director Qing" and quickly patted the water stains on his body for Qing Guohua.

"Useless waste!" Qing Guohua kicked the poor man, then looked at Liu Qian and said

"I'm in charge. I'm not pleased with you today. I announce that I will cancel your interview qualification and entry opportunity. The reason is that I'm not pleased with you!"

Hearing this, Liu Qian showed a very kind smile.

Qing Guohua is still in a daze. How could Liu Qian suddenly smile so amiably? Suddenly, a huge force came from his belly!

Liu Qian suddenly kicks, and his aggressive front kick is directly printed on qingguohua's belly. Qingguohua's painful ghost screams, and Liu Qian kicks him two or three meters away!

With a cold smile, Liu Qian sprints a few steps to catch up with qingguohua, who is still in midair. He holds his wrists in one hand and twists them. With two clicks, qingguohua's wrists are dislocated by Liu Qian!

Liu Qian grabbed qingguohua's wrist, pulled it back, pulled qingguohua back, then jumped up high and kicked qingguohua's chin with his right knee!


With a crisp sound, qingguohua's chin was kicked wrong by Liu Qian!


"This... What happened?"

Han Zixin, who has parked the red Maserati in the parking lot, just stepped up the steps of the company's downstairs square and saw such a scene——

Dozens of bruised and bruised people follow behind Qing Guohua, whose chin is misplaced and his hands are shaking, like a group of defeated cocks, while Liu Qian sits on Qing Guohua's seat as if nothing had happened, holding his arms and whistling happily.

"Liu Qian, what happened to them?"

Han Zixin came to the recruitment registration office and looked at Liu Qian sitting in qingguohua's seat. With her intelligence, she had already guessed the course of the matter. She was angry and funny, but she could neither be angry nor laugh, so she had to ask Liu Qian with a clear and confused attitude.

"Oh, it's director Qing. He gave me an assessment and asked them to beat me one by dozens." Liu Qian patted qingguohua on the shoulder and said with a faint smile

"Is that so, chief Qing?"

Qingguohua dislocated his chin and wanted to sue Han Zixin. There he faltered and said, "Mr. Han... Yes... It's him... He... He hit..."

Before qingguohua finished, Liu Qian slapped qingguohua in the face!

Qing Guohua's eyes are full of burning anger. He can't beat Liu Qian, so he can only complain to Han Zixin, but his chin is dislocated. The speaker is not like a ghost. It's funny.

"Mr. Han... This boy... He... He... He dare... Attack me..."


A clear sound, covered up the voice of qingguohua, also let his words suddenly stop. Liu Qian clapped his hand and looked at Qing Guohua with a smile on his face. It seemed that he was saying, you say, you continue to say, anyway, it was you who were beaten, not me.

Qing Guohua's chin is almost crooked to the root of his ear, where can he make a sound.

Liu Qian winked at Han Zixin. Han Zixin understood, coughed and said, "since director Qing has nothing to report, I'll go first. I'll hold a meeting later."

With that, Han Zixin ignored qingguohua, who was still hemming and hawing there. He turned and left. Liu Qian gave Han Zixin a big thumb behind his back.

Liu Qian stands up, pinches qingguohua's face, twists it and straightens his jaw. Qingguohua is in pain and sucks cold air. He stares at Liu Qiangang and wants to get angry. But when he thinks of Liu Qian's thunder tactics, he turns into a cucumber and can only smile at Liu Qian with a flattering face

"Liu Qian, oh no, it's not brother Liu. Please sit down and talk well!"

Liu Qian is not polite either. He sits on the seat of Qing Guohua and says with a cold smile, "director Qing, have I passed my security assessment?"

"Passed, passed perfectly!" Qingguohua really didn't expect that Liu Qian, who is not amazing in appearance, could fight like this. Now he can only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

Those people who followed qingguohua suddenly felt very sorry. Who was wrong to provoke them? Why did they want to provoke Liu Qian? I don't know if he will retaliate in the future!

"In front of the whole company, call me brother Liu's bet..." Liu Qian looks at Qing Guohua with a smile on his face.

"My name! Of course I will Qing Guohua had already accepted the advice. He said with a dispirited face, "I'll call you when you are employed."

"Well, good." Liu Qian suddenly sighed and said with regret

"Director Qing, I've already given you a kind reminder. You don't know how to play 120 well. Look at the people lying on the ground just now. They are like a group of wailing beggars, which affects the appearance of the city."

Hearing this, dozens of people behind qingguohua subconsciously touched their wounds and buried their heads lower. They didn't look like a defeated rooster, but like a giraffe who had been taught a lesson.

"Yes, what brother Liu taught me."

Qingguohua can't help shivering when he thinks of Liu Qian's fierce and quick way of catching and fighting. He says with a low brow

"If it's all right, I'll go through the entry formalities for you."

Some security guards of Hanqing group, who have been working for a long time, have also witnessed the farce. They are very pleased to see that Qing Guohua, who is used to being arrogant and domineering, is as docile as a Persian cat in front of Liu Qian.

Several people also discussed in private, after Liu moved into the post, we must make good friends!

"Go ahead." When Liu Qian remembered that he had to pick up Yi Kexin, he was too lazy to waste time with Qing Guohua.

Qingguohua heard this, such as amnesty, gray with dozens of people left.

Qing Guohua, who came back to the office, was more and more upset. There was a fire in his heart that could not be dissipated. He suddenly hit the wall with a fist. Without holding his grim expression for three seconds, he covered his fist and cried out in pain

What a shame! Looking back at his life of more than 30 years, Qing Guohua, in addition to the toilet paper stolen in school when he was a child, is the most frustrated today!

Originally, I was choked by that boy, and I wanted to take the opportunity to beat him down. But I didn't expect that I couldn't do anything wrong. How much I feel!

"No! I can't just let it go! "

Qingguohua looks resentful. He takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and dials a number.

A moment later, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Master Wang? I have a thorny problem here. I'd like to ask you to do it... Don't worry... The money will not be less... "


"Ha ha ha, I can't see. You can fight so well! I've heard from people in the company. They say that you're like the protagonist in a martial arts movie. You've easily got dozens of people, more powerful than Jackie Chan and Jet Li! "

Han Zixin ran out of the company and caught up with Liu Qian who was walking away. He curiously pinched Liu Qian's chest muscle and was surprised

"It's really tight. I've heard a saying that only elastic muscles can give full play to fighting skills and strength, and those rigid muscles are only suitable for bodybuilding competitions. So, you are still a master of fighting? "

Liu Qian was pinched by Han Zixin's soft, boneless hand.

They were very close at first. As soon as Liu Qian lowered his head, he saw two white regiments in Han Zixin's collar, and the two regiments were still up and down with Han Zixin's breathing

Liu Qian swallowed his saliva, but he didn't understand Han Zixin's question at all. He scratched his head and said, "Xiaoxin, actually I find that you are quite cheerful. Why do you always pretend that strangers are not near and acquaintances are not near?"

Han Zixin changed her look and said with a smile, "you are just my temporary boyfriend. You don't need to know too much. You just need to play your role."

"All right, Miss Han." Liu Qian is not the one who sticks his hot face to other people's cold buttocks. He shrugs and says, "but I still want to say that you look really good when you smile, ten times better than when you are taut."

Han Zixin's round and pretty face turned red. He wanted to say something, but Liu Qian had already turned around and left.

Looking at Liu Qian's back, Han Zixin suddenly felt a little lost

Hell, he's just my temporary boyfriend. Why is it so natural to call me Xiaoxin now?

And damn, why did I promise so naturally!

Why do I laugh so much as I stay with this villain? I hate him very much!

Do I like him?

Han Zixin's cheeks are stained with two bright red... This villain, just peeping at my place, really think I don't know

This villain is so bad that I can't like him!

Looking at Liu Qian's figure slowly disappearing in the line of sight, Han Zixin, who remembers the past, is restless and has mixed feelings.

A gentle sigh.


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