In Luoxuan City, the take-off of the warship is imminent. In the control room, it is the captain and the people on the warship who are responsible for it. Yuan Shoucheng is just watching, but no one can ignore the suggestions put forward by this man. The captain has been looking at Yuan Shoucheng's face all the time, as long as Yuan Shoucheng's face changes a little, He would ask nervously.

After an hour, the commissioning was finally completed. The captain thought he had done his best, but he was still afraid of missing something. He asked yuan Shoucheng nervously, "Mr. Yuan, do you think I can do this now?"

Yuan Shoucheng looked at him with a smile and said, "this is your warship. Don't ask me. You should have confidence in yourself. You will be with him for a long time in the future."

The captain was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of enlightenment appeared on his face. He nodded with a smile and said, "thank you, Mr. Yuan."

He knew that he was too nervous. As the highest commander on the warship, he had no confidence in himself. This was a fatal thing on the battlefield. Yuan Shoucheng had always paid close attention to it. He didn't put forward his own opinions on the side. On the contrary, he had some affectations.

After he reacted, he immediately changed his appearance and said with high spirits, "everyone, get ready. In one minute, the warship will start and leave Luoxuan city!"

Everyone else in the control room let out a shout, and the morale was high

They have been living in this place for more than ten years, and they haven't seen the sun for more than ten years, so that they can make a big splash today. Naturally, they are very excited. After more than ten years of efforts, we can finally see the results today.

With a huge roar, the bottom of the warship ejected a large mass of white fog, and then, under the eager eyes of many craftsmen, the warship slowly rose up.

Liu Qian suddenly heard a lot of cheers, some from outside, but also from inside the warship.

This kind of laughter with full pride, and gratification, more than ten years of efforts, the results will be displayed in front of everyone.

This warship is like a child, and those craftsmen are the parents of this warship. After more than ten years of hard work, they are very proud and gratified to see their son grow up.

However, the people in the control room are still very calm. They are the most important part. It's better not to have too much fluctuation in emotion.

Liu Qian knows that most of the people here are dug up from Daxia, and some of them are trained by the hands behind them. They came as early as the captain for more than ten years, and they came as late as two or three years. They used to be with warships every day in Daxia, but they haven't been here for a long time, and now they are very excited.

Some people's hands and feet began to shake gently.

Liu Qian was able to understand the excitement of these people. He could clearly see the outside from the huge glass window. The dome of the factory opened slowly at this time, revealing the sky outside. The sky was cloudless. The sun just came out at this time, plating a layer of gold armor on the warship.

The warship rose steadily, and finally walked out of this huge factory, sending out the first greetings to the world.

The great news has long been noticed by the Shang people.

People in Luo Xuan city have seen the world. There are so many aristocratic families here. At this moment, all of them put down their work and went out of their own home, staring at the giant in the air.

The warship stopped steadily in mid air, and the captain issued orders one by one in an orderly way. At this time, he had entered the state. He was an experienced man in the summer, leading the fleet and the demon clan to fight many times, and his strength was also a talent. It's just that I haven't touched the warship for many years, so I was a little nervous at the beginning.

"Look what that is."

The people of the Shang Dynasty took to the streets and pointed at the huge ships in the sky.

"I don't know. It looks like a big ship. What does he want to do? Do you see the black barrel? Is it the demon clan coming?"

"No, we are Luo Xuan city. How can the demon clan come to this place?"

People are talking about it, but in the end, there are still some uneasy emotions brewing in it. At this time, all the officials who had been prepared appeared.

"Don't panic, everyone. This is the latest secret weapon developed by Yin merchants. It is specially used to deal with anti thieves and demons. Don't be afraid."

Countless officials joined the crowd of Luo Xuan city and began to dispel this feeling of fear. With the efforts of so many people, the uneasy mood was finally suppressed.

"Oh, so this is our stuff. It looks really big."

When he appeared on people's heads, he felt very shocked.

Those aristocratic families also came out and looked at the warships in the sky with complicated eyes.

Some of them know it, some don't.

Some of the people who know about it have a little understanding, but they don't have a deeper meaning. The other part wants to have a deeper study, but it's too difficult. Most people just give up after a little persistence.

But in the end, only Yin Feiliu persisted.

The people with the most complicated mood are the gate Lords. They know what the appearance of this warship means. Yin Renfeng and the demon clan are certainly going to have bad luck, but they may not have a better life in the future. In the final analysis, the royal clan is also a gate, just the biggest gate.

Now that he has become so powerful, he will naturally occupy more resources, which, in the final analysis, flow out of their hands.

But there's nothing they can do.

They know about warships in intelligence and how terrible the big guy in the sky is. Only Skywalker level strong men can break through the defense of the main ship, but the main guns on the main ship are also enough to threaten Skywalker. Ordinary Skywalker can't survive if they get close to each other.

Several lords of the Shang Dynasty sighed at the same time, and then they began to hesitate to see if they had already seen it. Yan Feiliu moved out of this thing. Although Yan Feiliu had been negotiating with them all the time, the most important thing was to ask them not to help Yin Renfeng, and they were happy to see Yan Feiliu.

But now, maybe Yin Feiliu didn't want their power from the beginning.

Many of the lords were in a complicated mood, but their faces changed at the same time, and then they walked slowly towards the palace.

At the same time, they all received a vague idea from Yin Feiliu, asking them to go to the palace for a chat.

With a complicated mood, the Lords of the Imperial Palace moved towards the palace. Yin Feiliu stood in front of xuanzheng hall and looked at the main ship in the sky.

With a happy smile on his face, he finally succeeded. In fact, he has been under the greatest pressure for so many years. He has invested too much resources, manpower and material resources in it. If the main ship still can't operate well in the end, he will be at a great loss. Finally, there is no such thing.

The Lord of the gate is very fast. Today, there is no court meeting, but these people who are at the top of the Empire are here. This conversation is more meaningful than any court meeting.

Yin Feiliu said with a smile, "everyone, come in with me and have a seat."

Although the Lords of these sects had titles in the imperial court, they did not necessarily have exact official positions. Even if they had, most of them were empty positions, and their rights were still great. Yin Feiliu, the follower, walked into the study. For these people, Yin Feiliu was very polite and asked them to sit down one by one.

Then he said, "it took me more than ten years to get that thing out there, and countless human and material resources were invested in it. At the beginning, I was very worried about it. If it can't be used normally, I would really cry. Now I'm moving. I just don't know if it's OK when I fight."

His tone was relaxed, but among the people who did it again, there were those who had fought the warship and paid attention to it, but they all gave up in the end, because there were so many things to put in, they didn't have the courage to do it.

Finally, there is humanity, "Your Majesty is really wise and powerful."

This sigh is sincere. At this time, people finally admit that his majesty is really better than themselves.

Yin Feiliu looked at all the humanitarians present. "You should all know the hatred between Yin Renfeng and me. At this point, we have no way to do it. In order to defeat him, I have exhausted all the ways. I hope you don't interfere in the affairs between me and him. In return, I promise you that if I win this war, Everyone in this room will not change their seats. "

The position will not change. Naturally, it does not mean the position they are sitting now, but the resources they occupy in the Shang Dynasty will not change.

However, many powerful families are not three-year-old children, so it is impossible to believe in Yin Feiliu unconditionally because of these words. Some people laugh to cater, while others are silent.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you won't be at ease. It doesn't matter. I'll show my sincerity. In a few days, I will go to war myself. In the west, the Lord of the dead has existed for too many years. His existence is a huge hidden danger. I've made up my mind to fight him. If I win, the land of the dead will no longer be a problem."

End of this chapte

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