Hanqing group, the retail giant in Jianghai City, is second only to Wal Mart. It has more than ten branches in Jianghai City alone, ranking among the top enterprises in Jianghai city.

Han Qianye, chairman of Hanqing group, is a famous person in Jianghai city. He started his business from scratch more than 30 years ago.

People in the upper class of Jianghai city know that he has only one daughter, Han Zixin, who is said to be very beautiful.

Han Zixin is not only a beautiful man with outstanding temperament, but also has great talent in shopping malls. At the age of 20, he has become the best helper for his father, and now he is the president of Hanqing group.

There are naturally many suitors for such good conditions. However, people who are familiar with Han Zixin know that she is a real cold beauty.

According to one of Han Zixin's best friends, Han Zixin grew up not only without a boyfriend, but also with men other than her father.

Those so-called pursuers, if only to say hello to her OK; If it is the intention of exposure pursuit, waiting to be killed by her cold eyes.

But now the man kisses her on the lips while she is in a coma.

Han Zixin's eyes seemed to freeze the whole car. She stretched out her hand and was ready to slap the man in front of her.

However, the hand stopped in mid air, and Liu Qian easily grasped the little hand. With Han Zixin's strength, he couldn't break free at all.

Liu Qian got up and looked at the little girl under him.

"Hooligans!" Han Zixin stares at Liu Qian and scolds coldly.

"You're in a coma. It's just artificial respiration. You think I would? I'm going to gargle later! "

Liu Qian sneered at Han Zixin and made a gargle.

Han Zixin choked and blushed. She has also learned some first aid knowledge. Liu Qian's action just now is indeed the action of artificial respiration. She has wronged him.

But how can he also be regarded as belittling himself, but make such a indifferent even disgusted expression.

Everyone loves beauty. Although Han Zixin doesn't like men, Liu Qian in front of her belittles her, which makes her very unhappy.

Open your mouth, ready to say a few words.

Liu Qian covered her mouth with one hand and then lay down on her.

What is he doing! Don't you want to! no way!

Han Zixin is ready to struggle.

"Two cars, about seven people, should come to you. If I were you, I would be quiet."

Liu Qian's cold voice sounded in Han Zixin's ear, which made her ears itch.


In the wilderness in the western suburb of Jianghai, a black Mercedes Benz and a green taxi stop here, and three people in black clothes lie on the ground.

Two black cars sped up and stopped.

As Liu Qian said, seven men in black stepped out of the car and looked at the scene in front of them, a little surprised.

Walking in the front row, a bald man looked back at the sunglasses man who was surrounded by seven people. He frowned and said, "brother Li, ah Hei, they seem to have been fooled!" Li Ge raised his hand, moved his sunglasses, and ordered, "their car is still here. The Han family is not far away. Xiao Mao, what's the situation with ah Hei? Others search around here! Be sure to find her for me! "

This is exactly what Liu Qian expected. When people see this situation, their first reaction is that they have already run away, so they will definitely give priority to looking around, so they have a chance.

Han Zixin's cold eyes turned into a bit of panic. The seven people Liu Qian said and the three people who kidnapped him should be in the same group. Most of these people are because of their father's opponents in the mall. If they are caught and taken to blackmail their father, it's OK. If they vent their anger on themselves, the consequences will be

Han Zixin is very clear about her beauty and her attraction to men. If she is caught by these people, she may suffer from hell.

And in front of this man, although very frivolous, but inexplicably feel that he will not be bad for himself.

But the next second, Han Zixin's body suddenly stiff.

She clearly felt that a salty pig's hand touched her peaks.

"Forget to say, I always want to get a little reward for helping people!"

The little girl under her is in good shape. She is much bigger than the little stewardess just now. She has at least 36 days. Can't help it, Liu Qian's salty pig hand used force.

Han Zixin's body trembled slightly, but listening to the little movement outside, she did not dare to make any sound, or even tremble too violently.

But how can the man in front of him be indifferent when he teases him so much

The corner of Shuiling's eyes can't help showing some tears; She has always been strong and arrogant, but now she shows the girl's most vulnerable side.

"Don't cry out, if we make a sound, we will be exposed!"

Liu Qian looked indifferent, but after thinking about it, he shook his head helplessly and took back his hand.


"Ah --"

Just as the people in black were about to spread out and search, a woman's scream came out of their original position.

The people who were about to leave immediately woke up and looked back at the black car.

It turned out that it was ah Hei's car. When they got here, they saw Ah Hei fall on the ground and the target disappeared. For the first time, they were a little flustered and inadvertently ignored the car in front of them.

A man and a woman climbed out of the back seat of the car. The woman was pale, but the man was helpless. Women are the target of their trip, Han Zixin.

"I'm... I'm... Afraid of blood!" The pale Han Zixin stammered to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian sighed helplessly, the woman is really troublesome!

When he was in the car, seeing Han Zixin's pathetic appearance, Liu Qian was a little softhearted, so he took back his hand to cover Han Zixin; See the corner of Han Zixin's eye to have tears again, prepare to use hand to help her wipe.

However, Liu Qian had just had a fight with ah Hei, and they still had their blood on their hands... Han Zixin screamed when he saw the blood.

After all, for people with phobia, it's a natural reflex that doesn't go through the brain at all.

The man's cold eyes swept a man and a woman in front of him, full of killing intention.

"Boy, are you sent by Han Chiba?" The glasses man stares at Liu Qian and asks in a threatening way.

He reacted quickly. He was almost cheated by the boy in front of him just now. If this story is spread back, it is estimated that the brothers will laugh at him in private.

"Han Chiba? Who is that? " Liu Qian asked with some doubts.

Glasses man's expression is more gloomy, this boy's appearance also does not seem to be pretending, is he not Han Qianye's person?

Han Zixin whispered, "it's my father!"

Liu Qian nodded and asked, "how can I be your father's person? If it's really your father's person, I dare to touch you like this! "

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