Liu Qian's words, the classroom immediately fell into absolute silence!

"Now that the victimized 'female' classmate has awakened, then I guess the malicious' fans' and 'traitors'.. More visit: ШЩЩ 79。。 And that's it! "

Liu Qian's cold eyes swept all the people present one by one, but he couldn't see the difference from someone's emotion.

"You're kidding! It's just a chance for you to be cured

"It's not enough to be a miracle doctor, but also a detective?"

"Without evidence, we will sue you for libel!"

Seeing that Liu Qian had come to such a conclusion, the students could not help but question it.

Liu Qian turned a deaf ear to the voice of doubt.. He likes to answer everyone's questions with facts.

"Excuse me, do you feel something wrong when you drink this glass of water?" Liu Qian's eyes burned, staring at the victims of the "female" students, serious

"Tell all the murderers you think may have sex with! I'll have a way then

The victim's face was still pale. After all, she was just out of danger. When she learned that it was the man in front of her who saved her, the victim threw a look of gratitude at Liu Qian.

"I.. This glass of water is hot boiled water from the crowdfunding water dispenser in the corridor. The source should be no problem. Later, I took this cup of hot water to the classroom, only took a sip, and there was no discomfort reaction. Later. "

The victim's "female" student recalled for a moment, and her face suddenly became more and more shocked. "Later, I left the classroom, because I went to the classroom earlier, so there were very few people in the classroom at that time. When I left, there was no one in the classroom! When I come back.. There are just a few more people in the classroom! "

"OK, in the very short time she left, the most suspected criminals were the people who appeared in the classroom." Liu Qian snapped his fingers.

"It's really a joke. If you don't have such a simple logical reasoning thinking, don't disgrace yourself here!"

Just then, a female student with eyes and almost no words like "I'm Xueba" on her face suddenly "interjected" and said, "don't you allow the suspect to come to the classroom and throw in the" fan "or" medicine "and then leave the classroom? Which criminal will stay at the crime scene after committing a crime! "

"I can only say that you are too stupid and naive." Liu Qian sighed helplessly, "it seems that your logical thinking ability of college students is not so good. It's a" fan "and" traitor "! Of course, the suspect must stay at the scene, and watch the victim drink the boiling water with the "fans" and "medicine", then he will feel relieved. Otherwise, he will go out to slip around and come back again. The injured "girl" student will be sent to the medical room long ago.

Xueba's "female" is speechless because of Liu Qian's reasonable words. She wants to see that Liu Qian, who is not startling in appearance but not in body, can accomplish something!

"According to my guess, the suspect used an expired" fan "drug, causing the injured female student to have symptoms similar to epilepsy's discomfort. At that time, he should have been too nervous to leave the classroom.

Liu Qian sneered, "what I want to do is to find out the murderer among you! Believe me, I have the strength. "

Hearing Liu Qian's words, the students all looked at each other. Moreover, the students who are usually naughty and frivolous are aware of the suspicious look in other people's eyes when they look at themselves“ I believe you Zhang Ying took the lead to stand up "as long as you are reasonable and based, I can support you unconditionally!"

Zhang Ying now has an almost instinctive trust in Liu Qian. There are so many shocks and surprises that she can't help believing them.

"Well, now.. Please tell the names of the boys who stayed in the classroom one by one Liu Qian casts an excited look at Zhang Ying, and then looks at the victimized female student.

"The first one is Li Wenxuan. Although he was on the platform of the classroom at that time, I saw him as soon as I came in, and he was also looking at me."

The victim's "female" student recalled for a moment and turned her eyes to a tall and thin male student.

Liu Qian followed the victim's eyes and saw a tall, thin boy standing nervously in a corner of the classroom. Moreover, Liu Qian found that he seemed to have deliberately hidden his body behind the circle of onlookers.

"You.. Come here Liu Qian stretched out a hand and hooked his finger at the tall and thin boy.

As if he had thought of something, the boy calmed down and went to Liu Qian with a calm gesture.

"I'm willing to be investigated." The tall, thin boy said calmly, his face colored.

"Very well, thank you for your cooperation." Liu Qian frowned and then said with a faint smile.

When Li Wenxuan was picked out, the students and Zhang Ying were all filled with incredible "color" in their eyes.

Next, the victimized "female" students named three boys, plus Li Wenxuan, a total of four. These boys were all those who stayed in the classroom at that time!

"Well! Do you know him? Who do you think you are? Ah?! You think you're a character behind Miss Zhang Ying? You look like a dog. At most, you just graduated from junior high school. It's very interesting to point fingers in our university classroom? Brain damage

One of them, a boy with striking red hair, suddenly blew up his hair. He pointed to Liu Qian's nose and roared fiercely

"If you save people by chance, do you dare to put on airs in front of me? Lao Tzu's medical examination is the top three in medical college! what about you? At most, you are the first hanging wire among the migrant workers who move bricks in the construction site, right? I tell you, my backstage is hard! It's not your turn to judge me! "

"Ha ha, if you don't have a ghost in your heart, do you need to be so excited? I didn't step on your tail, so you put it up in the sky? "

Liu Qian's eyes were full of coldness. He said coldly, "as for you, I'm a migrant worker? ha-ha! I laugh to death. A migrant worker carrying bricks saved a patient in front of you, a top student of medical college. Why don't you have the consciousness of looking for a "hole" to get in

"I.. Why should I take your test! Who the hell do you think you are! Can you slander a college student for his misdeeds The red haired boy saw that he couldn't find any advantage in choking, and he cleverly changed the topic.

In Liu Qian's view, the red haired boy is a well-educated hooligan. He knows how to stand on the moral high ground and win the sympathy of others.

Unfortunately.. Liu Qian doesn't like to look at other people's faces.

"I didn't do anything wrong to a college student, I was.. In the trial of a criminal suspect! "

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Qian grabbed the red haired boy's arm and refused to let him leave“ Yes, I have to go out on a date. I have no time to waste my time with you. Anyway, I didn't do it The red haired boy frowned and looked at Liu Qiandao

"You'd better let go. I tell you, I'm very angry. It's your business to investigate. Don't involve me!"

With that, the red haired boy wanted to "pull" his hand and leave the classroom, but Liu Qian held his hand tightly without any sign of loosening it.

"He's right. You're really toasting. I don't think so."‘ The hot red haired boy just wanted to get angry, and a huge force came from the hand that Liu Qian held!

"You'd better stay here. If it's none of your business, I won't trouble you." Liu Qian's face is cold in color and shade.

The red haired boy snorted and threw away Liu Qian's hand, but he stood aside obediently.

Everyone on the scene looked at Liu Qian with astonishment, including the rich young master who had always looked down upon Liu Qian with high self-esteem. He was really surprised that this not surprising bedbug had such great strength that he could easily suppress Zhang Zhen, who was the most powerful and "sexiest" in the class!

"Well, I'd like to see what good means you can have, you useless firewood who haven't even studied in University!"

Heaven looked at Liu Qian coldly. "I guess it was" fan "and" Yao "before. It was just your luck! Now Li Wenxuan, who is good at both character and learning and has won scholarships for several semesters, has been included in the list of "fans" and "traitors". I'd like to see how bloody you are! "

"Please shut up when you lose." Liu Qian didn't want to pay attention to heaven's mental handicap. He said this without looking back. However, his face turned black and speechless.

"Well, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I'd like to see what you can use to prove that Li Wenxuan is a" fan "and a" traitor "who is generally acknowledged to be excellent in character and learning."

"I've been humming all day. I know you're pretending to be cool, but I don't think you're an old sow." Liu Qian did not forget to choke the sky before he got down to business.

"According to this prescription, get it for me!"

Liu Qian tore off a page of white paper and wrote down the name of the Chinese medicine. Then he handed it to the male student who had gone to catch the medicine for himself once.

Liu Qian wrote the prescription. Looking back, he saw that heaven, who had been beaten with his professional knowledge before, looked at himself and whistled. He seemed to think that Li Wenxuan was the murderer. It was impossible for this to happen.

Liu Qian sneered to himself. It seems that the childe of this second tier city has never seen the means of mercenary!

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