This is a community with a long history, but also a relatively dilapidated community. A few street lamps have already broken down, and the surrounding area is black, except for a few families.

Walking in the dark community, looking at some strange and familiar residential buildings around, there have been many changes in the past eight years. Liu Qian couldn't help feeling.

Finally, he came to a familiar downstairs and walked up to the familiar sixth floor. Liu Qian looked at the hut which had no change from eight years ago, but hesitated.

He stretched out his hand to knock on the door, but he couldn't do it all the time.

Looking at the dimly visible light in the room, Liu Qian seemed determined and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice came from the door.

When Liu Qian heard the sound, he felt his eyes warm.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man with some rickets came out. His face was very kind and his temples were slightly white. Looking at Liu Qian, he was puzzled!

"You are..."

Liu Qian looked at the familiar figure, two lines of tears from the corner of his eyes, "Uncle Yi, it's me!"

"You... Are you..." the middle-aged man looked surprised and surprised!

Liu Qian nodded and did not speak.

"It's Xiaoqian!" The middle-aged man held Liu Qian's hand tremblingly. "For so many years... For so many years... I don't know how to face your parents after death... You finally..."

Looking at the excited middle-aged man in front of him, a familiar memory poured into Liu Qian's mind.

The middle-aged man is his adoptive father.

When he was six years old, his parents were killed in a car accident. All his relatives regarded him as a beast and refused to accept him.

Just as the police were about to send him to the orphanage, Yi Zhengxin, his father's best friend, took him home. From that day on, he spent ten years with Uncle Yi.

Because of his own reasons, uncle Yi and his wife had a big fight. Finally, because Uncle Yi insisted on keeping himself, his wife divorced him with his daughter.

At the same time, because of his own reasons, uncle Yi did not remarry for more than ten years, but a person with their own dependence.

But when I was young, I didn't know much about it. Because Uncle Yi wasn't his own father, I always sneered at him.

Eight years ago, at the age of 16, he had a quarrel with Uncle Yi because of something trivial, and then ran away from home. Later, he wandered around, and even drifted abroad. He met tiannu and his group, and formed a blood anger mercenary regiment.

He is the leader of blood anger - blood wolf!

When he thought about this, Liu Qian could not help feeling regret for his once stupid self.

He tightly grasped the middle-aged man's hand in front of him and called out "yes, I'm Xiaoqian!"

Hearing this, Yi Zhengxin was stunned. After a while, he murmured, "Xiao Qian! You've grown up!

Entering the hut, holding Liu Qian's hand, Yi Zhengxin looked at him kindly, and asked him where he had been in recent years and what had happened.

Liu Qian can't tell the truth. He just cheated him that when he was 16 years old, he ran away from home and went to sea with an ocean liner. He spent so many years abroad. Yi Zhengxin didn't study deeply, but stroked Liu Qian's back.

"Peace is good... Peace is good..."

Liu Qian took out a black bank card from his pocket and gently put it on the table. He said, "Uncle Yi, there are 100000 US dollars in it. It's my savings for so many years. Take it first."

Liu Qian has earned more than that for so many years, but it's not easy to spend too much. For Yi Zhengxin, a working-class man, it's barely a huge sum of money.

Uncle Yi said seriously, "Xiao Qian, uncle Yi is not short of money. This is your savings for so many years. You have to buy a house and get married. You can keep it yourself."

Of course, Liu Qian won't take it back. After explaining for a while, uncle Yi finally took the money.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, the layout of the cottage is no different from that of more than ten years ago. Looking at Uncle Yi's warm and concerned eyes, Liu Qian can't help feeling a long-standing emotion awakening from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps, this is the so-called family!

Yi Zhengxin looks at Liu Qian's face with trembling eyes and sees the vicissitudes on his face. Alas, Xiaoqian has suffered a lot for so many years outside!

"Xiao Qian, have you had dinner? Are you hungry?"

When Liu Qiangang wanted to refuse, he suddenly felt a sense of hunger in his stomach. Indeed, he had eaten on the plane last time. It has been more than ten hours.

Yi Zhengxin's face showed a smile: "it's OK, I'll go outside to buy something and make you something to eat."

"Uncle Yi, no! Just get me something to eat! "

"How can this work? It's OK. You have a rest here. If you are tired, turn off the light and squint on the sofa for a while!"

Yi Zhengxin kind to Liu Qian smile, pushing a bicycle, out of the room.

Looking at Uncle Yi's back, Liu Qian felt that his nose was sour.

The eyes swept the room at random.

Although the memory is a little fuzzy, but many are the same as the memory, a familiar taste.

That's the taste of home.

A feeling of exhaustion comes from the heart.

Yes, I'm so tired outside. When I get home, I can have a rest at last.

Remembering what Yi Zhengxin said before he left, Liu Qian turned off the light and lay comfortably on the sofa.


In his sleep, Liu Qian dimly dreams about the love scene of his life ten years ago.

However, a burst of clear footsteps awakened Liu Qian directly.

It turned out that someone was climbing the stairs. Liu Qian couldn't help laughing at himself. He should be a neighbor!

After so many years of intense life, I have become nervous. It seems that it will take me some time to adapt to the life in the city.

However, the man stopped at the door of 601, followed by the sound of the key opening. Liu Qian opened his eyes like lightning. In the dark, his face became dignified.

601, this is the cottage where Yi Zhengxin lives, which is his home!

This footstep is definitely not uncle Yi, but a small woman; And this woman is trying to be as quiet as possible.

Uncle Yi divorced ten years ago and never remarried. Just now they talked together for a long time. If Uncle Yi remarried, he would tell himself.

How could there be a woman with the key to this house.

Is it... Is it because of the exposure of his whereabouts that some ill intentioned people came to find him.

Oh, no!

Liu Qian's voice was dignified and his face was cold, but he was still lying on the sofa without any movement, just staring at the door.

It's like a cheetah lurking in the desert of Africa, jumping on its prey at any time.

A gentle sound of opening the door, a petite figure slowly pushed the door open, action is very light, did not make any sound.

Crept into the room, gently closed the door, did not turn on the light, and then ready to go inside.

In the dark, Liu Qian has a sneer on his lips.

Then, like a hunting cheetah, he pounced on it!

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