A Bao and others are usually fighting maniacs. Many thorny things in qingfengtang are "handed over" to them. However, they never thought that this time they would meet a fierce character here. What's more, this guy is still a migrant worker!

Twelve big men attacked Liu Qian from all directions, and twelve heavy steel pipes also shot past. Han Zixin, sitting in the car, was terrified and her pretty face turned pale. Although she knew Liu Qian's strength, such a terrible scene of group fighting still made her a "female" God in a cold sweat., visit: ШШШ 79。

But ten seconds later, I only heard ah ah's scream, and all the twelve men were shocked out. One by one, they were lying on the ground, crying and howling, and their faces were extremely frightened.

"Are you brother leopard?" Liu Qian went to a Bao and asked with a smile.

Although Liu Qian's tone is smiling, the terrible strength he shows has already shocked a Bao's heart to an overwhelming degree.

"Ah, no, no, it's not. Brother, you can just call me leopard."

Leopard dare not continue to play big head, because just now the opponent's skill is simply terrible to the extreme, he now feels that the body's bone seems to be broken, it is pain to the extreme.

Therefore, a Bao did not dare to continue to speak wildly. Although he was numerous and powerful, in other people's eyes, he was just a group of ants.

A group of ants have no right to speak.

Especially at the moment when Liu Qian took the hand just now, a Bao obviously felt murderous. The other side absolutely killed people, not one or two, but too many!

Think of here, leopard and the surrounding "Hun" is the soul of the dead!

"That little leopard, when you see me later, remember to call my grandfather, and then stay away, you know?" Liu moved to Gao Linxia, patted each other on the shoulder, and then said "color" to Yan Yue.

A Bao had been frightened for a long time, and immediately cried out, "spare my life, hero. As long as you let me go, everything will be easy to say!"

"Well, just call me grandfather. I'm in a good mood today, so I won't care so much with you." With a wave of his hand, Liu Qian showed his generosity.

"Thank you, Grandpa. If it's OK, we'll leave first." A Bao said humbly.

It's a great shame for a "Hun" boss like him to say that he has fallen in price in front of the public, especially his younger brother. However, a Bao is a person who knows current affairs and knows that people in front of him are not easy to provoke. If he doesn't pretend to be a grandson, he will die today.

"Wait a minute." Liu Qian looked back and said thoughtfully, "you broke my wife's windshield. Do you want to forget it?"

"Grandfather, grandfather, you have to be merciful. We just have to lose money..." ah Bao and others are so scared that their legs soften. If the other party gets angry, they will be overwhelmed.

"For the sake of filial piety, you grandsons should pay a hundred thousand. Take the money quickly." Liu Qian said with a smile.

A Bao and others were stunned when they heard the amount of 100000. They came out to pick up Qing Guoliang's business and only made 50000 yuan. Now they have to spit it all out without saying it, and they have to pay for it themselves. It's a terrible thing.

"Grandfather, my good grandfather, can you be less? I really can't afford so much!" Leopard looks sad.

It's really a sad thing that a "gangster" was blackmailed by a migrant worker in public, and he didn't dare to resist. It's amazing to see such a funny thing“ Yes, grandfather, please spare us. We won't dare next time! "

"Good grandfather, for the sake of filial piety of our grandchildren, please let us go."

Liu Qian knew that these guys were perfunctory and it was not so easy for them to pass the test, so he sneered and said, "since we can't afford it, let's forget it. Let's leave each one a hand."

This sentence scared ah Bao and others.

"Don't, don't, don't, Grandpa, it's easy to discuss something!"

"It's a fart. My grandfather only knows my grandfather Mao. He can't afford 100000 yuan. None of you want to leave today!" Liu Qian cheered.

In desperation, a Bao and others immediately began to raise money.

But seven to eight, twelve people actually only gave 90000 yuan, and there was a gap of 10000 yuan from 100000 yuan.

"Grandfather, we really can't take so much, or we can send it to you another day. What do you think?" Leopard carefully holding 90000 Yuan said.

"That's OK. You can send me 100000 yuan at that time. I'll have to charge some interest." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Ah? Don't be kidding, Grandpa. Ten thousand yuan will cost one hundred thousand yuan? " A Bao has no desire to cry.

"Well, I don't want to talk nonsense with you kids. Take off all your clothes and throw all your pants at me!" Liu Qian cheered.

"Ah? Grandpa, you, you, what do you want to do? " Leopard and others are confused, Ya's not a fag, want to take the opportunity to make a base?

At the thought of getting fat soap, a Bao and others shuddered and shivered.

"Take your clothes' pants' as a mortgage for ten thousand yuan. Don't talk so much. Take them off quickly!" Liu Qian cheered.

"OK, OK, OK, as long as grandpa is happy, we will do it..."

Although these little "Huns" were very aggrieved, under Liu Qian's powerful pressure, they obediently took off their clothes and left only one pair of inner "pants".

Liu Qian threw his clothes and trousers into the river and said, "OK, Grandpa, I won't embarrass you today. Goodbye!"

With that, Liu Qian got into the car and left.

The dust from the car was sprayed on the bare bodies of a Bao and others. Everyone was disheartened and embarrassed.

Ten minutes later, a Porsche Cayenne arrived.

"Isn't this a Bao? What's the matter with you?" After rolling down the window, qingguoliang stretched out his head and asked, looking surprised.

After all, ah Bao is famous in the world, but now she stands naked on the national highway, shivering with cold, covered with dust and in a mess. It looks like she just came out of the refugee camp.

What's going on here? Qing Guoliang only remembers that he told a Bao to take people to test Liu Qian's strength. He didn't expect that things were "done" like this, which made him very puzzled.

After hearing the cry of a Bao and others, Qing Guoliang was extremely surprised and immediately made a phone call“ Duan Feng, please help me investigate immediately. What is the origin of Liu Qian

"Got it, boss."


An hour later, Han Zixin and Liu Qian came to the company, and the protesting employees had already dispersed.

"Mr. Han, you are here at last. I can't find you anywhere!" Secretary Xiaoyun flurried said.

"What's the matter?"

"Just now Mr. Li called to say that there was something wrong with the construction site and that he wanted to cancel the cooperation with our group."

"What? I'll call him right now. "

With that, Han Zixin immediately rushed to the elevator.

Liu Qian went to the security department to report, because he is now a regular employee of the security department, so he naturally has to go to work. Otherwise, he doesn't look like a security guard.

When he came to the "door" of the security department, Liu Qian found that all the security guards were here, and they all looked grim, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, a big guy in a security suit came in with a baton under his arm.

"I'm wang Daming, the new security captain. I'll take charge of you in the future. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will not let him go!" As soon as the man came in, he put on a bad face and said aloud.

Many security guards are silent. Looking at the tone of this guy's voice, he may be a psychopath again. It will be hard for him to live.

"Roll call now, Zhang Dabiao!" Wang Daming said aloud with a list.

"Here it is

"Wang Fei!"

Said several times, the result did not have this to call Wang Fei's person's consent, Wang Daming suddenly was angry "Wang Fei this grandson went where?"

At this time, everyone looked at each other, and the scene suddenly quieted down. As a result, at this time, in the small room in the East, there were men and women "making friends" with each other, moaning and groaning, and the sound was incomparable.

This kind of thing surprised Liu Qian. He wondered if Wang Fei was so bold as to bring people here in broad daylight?

"Who, who, who called me?"

At this moment, the door of the small house was opened, and a thin, wretched looking, rat eyed guy ran out of it. He also had a pair of trousers in his hand with some unknown liquid on it.

See this situation, Liu Qian can't help but feel sick, don't want to know, Ya's definitely hiding in it secretly watch love action movie, and love to thick place, also can't help but have a self consolation.

Liu Qian always scoffs at such a wretched guy.

"Are you Wang Fei?" Wang Daming asked coldly.

"Yes, elder brother, who are you?" Wang Fei was puzzled.

"I'm the new team leader of the security department. I called your name several times just now, but you didn't say a word. According to the rules I set down, once the roll call fails, you have to do 100 push ups. Now do it immediately!" Wang Daming cheered“ what? A hundred? " Wang Fei immediately cried and said that he was so thin and thin that it was difficult to make ten, let alone a hundred.

"Why, is there any doubt? If there are any, add another 100! " Wang Daming cheered.

"No, no, no, I'll do it right now." Wang Fei said in a hurry.

Everyone is shaking their heads. The new captain is too strict. It's just a small mistake. It's just cruel to take people to death.

However, although they were dissatisfied, because Wang Daming was the new captain and had a high position, naturally no one dared to ask for help.

After punishing Wang Fei, Wang Daming rescheduled his patrol. Liu Qian and Wang Fei were assigned to a group, two of whom were responsible for the security of the "gate" of the public relations department on the third floor.

On hearing this arrangement, Wang Fei was almost ecstatic and almost jumped up.

As we all know, the public relations department of Hanqing group is full of beautiful women. All the beautiful women in it are charming and charming. Anyone who goes out is the strength of a model champion.

To be able to take charge of the security of such a department is naturally a great thing.

"Brother, you are new here. I haven't seen you before." Two men led the baton out of the "door" of the security department, Wang Fei warmly hugged Liu Qian's waist and said.

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