"I like you, who are not afraid of death. Unfortunately, the ants are strong, so how can you still crush them to death?"

Young captain cold baa a smile, figure such as light such as electricity, once again toward Liu Qian bumped over!


Still the same as just now, without the slightest accident, Liu Qian was still released by him, and he was shocked back four or five steps again.


The young captain gently frowned, and also sighed that Liu Qian's Liu Qian was really big, and his power was not enough to kill him!

In order to avoid the long night dream of young captain, at this time is also slowly from behind, pulled out a three edged spear, the sharp blade, just a look, it is frightening, let alone really want to and it on.

The cold "Yin" blood tanks are not so simple on the surface, but if they are put in a bucket, the consequences can be imagined. The blood can't stop. Even in a strong man, he will be drained alive and die.

"Come again!"

Young captain, this time with Mitsubishi spear, toward Liu Qian continue to rush in the past!

However, to his surprise, when he saw the three edged spear in his hand, why did Liu Qian continue to attack?

What the hell, this kid is looking for death!

Young captain cold baa a smile, continue to rush to, not long, two people once again bumped together.

The young captain was waiting for this opportunity. He didn't give Liu Qian any chance to escape. The three edged spear in his hand ran over Liu Qian's neck!


Just when the team leader thought that the three edged spear could release a blood hole in Liu Qian's neck, who knew that Liu Qian's clever evasion instantly avoided his attack. At the same time, he also felt that he was caught by something at his feet, followed by the young team leader who was still jumping up in mid air, and the whole person fell to the ground in an instant.

"Didn't you start practicing martial arts at the age of four? Aren't you better than the eye of heaven? In my opinion, you are just average! "

Liu Qian, standing behind the young captain, lowered his head. His long red hair was dancing with the wind. His eyes were red and frightening. They were as red as two pools of blood.

"Is it?"

Young captain got up from the ground, his face "color" is not very good-looking!

Ya, he clearly broke out all, but this Liu Qian, it is with a clever, easy to break his offensive, this let him not accept!

Ya, if you are a man with ability, you should try to be tough. You should play with "female" means, and you should be clever. It's nice to say. It's just a way of "feminine" skill!

"Isn't it? Don't you practice martial arts? I'd like to know what kind of martial arts you have practiced! "

"The golden bell covers the iron cloth shirt!"

"Good at defense!"

Liu Qian was stunned for a moment. No wonder he just used all his strength to grab his ankle and tried to grab the bone of his "leg" but failed. So it was.

The young team leader's external practice of Kung Fu has also reached the point of participating in nature. Otherwise, how can he practice his bones so hard. For ordinary people, that hand has long been crushed by Liu Qian. Even if it is a stone, Liu Qian can easily crush it into residue, not to mention human bones!

"Yes, are you surprised? You've got a lot of Kung Fu in your hands. Unfortunately, it's all inferior. Do you know where I got the golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt from? "

The young captain shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm practicing ancient martial arts, not Shaolin Kung Fu. How about it? Is it good? Is my bone hard? Ha ha ha -- "

As if the young captain had mentioned something that satisfied him in particular, the whole man burst out laughing wildly.

You know, the golden bell covered iron cloth shirt was given to him by the young and the old. He was good at Kung Fu, but it was also extraordinary. It came from ancient times. It was really ancient martial arts!

If not, how can he be qualified to be the captain of the left hand of heaven? It's not because he is very strong, because he was very generous at that time!


Liu Qian was stunned, this NIMA not in the thing, how to run in the reality!

However, it can be seen from what he said just now, and his horizontal training skill is really strong. Maybe what this guy said may be the truth. For a moment, he was stunned when he got up. Is Gu Wu's saying true in the world?

"I'm scared!"

The young captain sneered, but he didn't wait for Liu Qian to answer. What he wanted was this opportunity, and what he wanted was this effect!

Sneak attack——

The young captain's body suddenly moved, almost instantly, jumped in front of Liu Qian, and the three edged spear in his hand stabbed fiercely.

It's just a little cold that comes first, and the gun goes out like a dragon!

The three edged spear with fear and awe, crazy attack, just as the young captain thought at this time, it attack, is to take Liu Qian's life!


Seeing that the three edged spear was about to hit Liu Qian's heart, the young captain was surprised that Liu Qian took a side step, which not only avoided his sneak attack and gave way to his body, but also raised his fist and hit him hard on the back.


A light sound, the young captain, the whole person fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood is sprayed out of his mouth, rendering the ground.

"Is it fun?"

Liu Qian's evil spirit laughs. This time, it doesn't look like the boxing style just now. It spreads from Liu Qian's hands like a storm. Wave after wave, like rain beating banana, it hits the young captain on the back.

they hurt!

Liu Qian retreated abruptly, and when he saw that the young captain was desperate to sweep the three edged spears in his hand, he chose to avoid.

But what makes Liu Qian more and more astonished is that the young captain's performance is really more and more fierce.

In particular, he said that the golden bell covered iron cloth shirt was even stronger than the strong one. He ignored his boxing style and perfectly resisted his attack.

The young captain who got up from the ground suddenly gave a grim smile and said, "it's interesting, it's very interesting, it's really interesting, Liu Qian. It seems that from the beginning to the end, not only I underestimated you, but also our seven children underestimated you, and all of us underestimated you!"“ You really didn't disappoint people. You are really strong. If I hadn't cultivated the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover, I would have been hammered to death by your fists. You are great and awesome

Speaking of this, the young captain pulled out a crumpled cigarette, lit it and coughed. His face was covered with dust, but the ripples on his cheek were extremely bright.

"However, it's only so far, because, you have completely ignited my anger, I will let you know, we two, who is the king, who should stand, who should lie down!"

The young captain roared, the cigarettes in his hand were shaking, and the cigarette ends almost fell off.

But this did not prevent his anger from exploding, just like his blood red eyes at this time, which made his image as terrible as death in the cold night wind!


Han Zixin, on the balcony on the third floor, looks at the scene anxiously. Just now, the man's performance is too strong. Every time Liu Qian is knocked down, Han Zixin jumps with fear.

The tears like pearls could not stop falling, just like her mood at this time, full of dark clouds.

However, in any case, if Liu Qian really wants to fight this war——

Han Zixin didn't dare to think about it. She was afraid. She was really afraid. She had never been so helpless as now. This feeling was very bad. Her mood fell from the clear sky to the bottom in a moment.

And all these actions, all from the ground that young captain, let her angry, but let her helpless.

"It's lighting your cigarette. What's the point of talking without practicing? Come on!"

Liu Qian took a look at Han Zixin on the balcony, and saw that she was worried about him. Liu Qian's heart was very painful, and it hurt to the bone. In that case, let him go crazy once.

Then Liu Qian slowly took the beads from the four Buddhas and put them into his pocket.

At this moment, without the suppression of Buddhist beads on all sides, a ferocious and violent breath constantly burst out from Liu Qian's body. His eyes have become the "color" of human beings. Some of them are all blood, just like the tears under his eyes.

At this moment, he roared like a wolf, a mouthful of blood was spurted up by him, and the blood flowed down his neck, down his neck, and down the corner of his coat.

Faintly, the blue pendant under his neck, in this dark twilight, is blooming with little cold light. Even the Buddha beads in his pocket seem to be the same thing that drinks blood. They constantly pick the blood from his clothes and dye the whole Buddha beads red.

However, Liu Qian didn't pay attention to this scene, and the young captain didn't pay attention to it.

Two people four eyes opposite, a ferocious momentum, at the moment completely burst out!

As the young team leader said, who is the real king, and as Liu Qian said, you are a 13 peddler!

This battle is destined to be equally matched, but it is also very hot blooded! At this moment, Liu Qian, who was almost "lost his mind" completely, was laughing with cold evil spirit. He was so rampant and arrogant that the young captain wanted to beat him up!

"You can still laugh at this time!"

With a grim smile, the young captain pounced on Liu Qian with a three edged spear. The speed was extremely fast. First, he played a whip "leg" on Liu Qian's face!

With a light bang, Liu Qian tilted his head, grabbed his ankle, and then grasped it!


Nima, I've been cheated!

The young captain's heart trembled, a bad feeling, spontaneously!

"Why can I still laugh? Because I'm qualified to laugh! "

Liu Qian didn't wait for the young team leader to struggle. He grabbed the young team leader's ankles with his two hands and held them to the sky. Then, he smashed them to the concrete ground.

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