"I'll make you regret living in this world, I'll make you feel worse than death!"

This is the declaration of the seven little, but also seven little will do next, he for Liu Qian's pain, he wants a thousand times revenge back.. More visit: ШЩЩ 79。

This is not only about face, but also about his dignity!

How can the dignity of heaven and man be trampled by a mole ant? This is not allowed to happen. Now, he appears. Then, he will use his own blood to erase all these, and let everything return to its original appearance.

Heaven and man can not be profaned!

"Try it! You fool

Liu Qian clenched his teeth, almost all of his waist bent down, and his fingernails on both hands grew sharp, scraping out shallow marks on the concrete floor.

"Try it? Need to try again? Ha ha ha -- "

Qi Shao, with two flaming red ears, is as ferocious as a fierce beast. Looking at Liu Qian in front of him, he is as ferocious as ever. When he comes to Liu Qian, his figure disappears like wind and electricity. When he appears, he is behind Liu Qian.

Qi Shao, who wanted to kill Liu Qian alive with one punch, smashed his fist at Liu Qian's back. He just didn't wait for his fist to fall. At this time, Liu Qian suddenly threw a shot and grinned at him.


Seven little Zheng for a while, but is surprised to see, Liu Qian suddenly use both hands to grasp his fist!



What the hell?

Qi Shao was also stunned. He was stunned by the situation. He knew more about his strength than anyone else. However, Liu Qian's strength was more fierce and powerful than him!

Is this guy hard or reserved?

This idea just took shape in my mind. To Qi Shao's dismay, Liu Qian's feet collapsed and a big windmill threw him up in an instant and directly into the front of the villa, which had become half a ruin.


With a loud noise, Qi Shao's whole body was smashed through with a heavy floor, and his whole body was coughing and panting, and his viscera were slightly injured.


Qi Shao roared angrily and stood out from the ruins. He looked at Liu Qian who had come back not far away with a cold face. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll let you die!"

"You should be the one who died!"

Liu Qian evil spirit a smile, instant hit seven little body, together with seven little together, Za into the villa interior.

The roaring sound is incessant in our ears, and comes in bursts, deafening to our ears.

"This --"

"Brother Qian seems to have become more fierce --"


For a moment, tiannu and others only looked at the restless ruins of the villa, and they were also stunned. They looked at the "chaotic" flying appearance, the rolling sound of the shaking earth, and the roar from Liu Qian and Qi Shao. Now, it seems that only Liu Qian can make Qi Shao so embarrassed. It is true that at this time, Qi Shao is not only embarrassed, but his body is repeatedly beaten by Liu Qian, and even his face is covered with blood.

The blood is not from Liu Qian, but from Qi Shao himself!

He, he even let this strong enough to make people despair of seven less hurt, this——

At this time, Kerry, silly looking, his sight distance is very good, even if the villa is full of dust and smoke, he still can see clearly, at this time, the appearance of seven little, being trampled by Liu Qian, is even worse than the original team leader.

However, he can also see that even when Liu Qian was beating him so madly, the collision of Qi Shao didn't seem to have suffered much trauma. On the contrary, his face became more and more angry, and his anger could not be exposed!

My God, it's all right!

Seven little abnormal, Liu Qian is not weak, these two guys are not people at all!

If it's human, how can it cause so much damage, and how can it survive such a big impact? Obviously, these two people, in Kerry's eyes, have obviously gone beyond the scope of human beings.

Non human?

Kerry didn't know how to describe Liu Qian and Qi Shao Latin. In a word, these two guys gave him the feeling of terror, beyond everything!

Don't say that Kerry has this feeling at this time. Even Han Zixin, Li Xiaomeng and others have the same feeling. After all, the destructive power of these two guys is almost catching up with the superheroes and mutants in the movie. They are so terrible that they have gone beyond the scope of human beings.

But these two guys are still human. At this time, in the sight of the public, Liu Qian and the seven little Latins collided back and forth in the ruins without stopping.

Every collision, will send out a roar, listen to the hearts of the people are shaking up, very terrible.

"Come again!"

"Asshole, you hurt me. Damn, you stupid mortal!"

"You dare to be conceited. I tell you to shit. You are tuo. It's dirty to beat your Laozi!"

"Liu Qian, I'm going to kill you. No, now I suddenly find that I don't want to kill you. I want to be in front of you, the people you love, ha ha ha - that's a good idea. I'll make you look at me, your" female "people, and wait. This day will come soon!"

"Damn you

"Grass - you still come!"

"It was you who did it!"

For a moment, in the ruins, Liu Qian and the seven young people come and go. Liu Qian's move is very simple. The muscle splitting and bone breaking hand can't do anything for the strong seven young people. However, this move can still make the seven young people panic. After all, he is not a God and can make mistakes.

As long as his mistake is caught by Liu Qian once, Liu Qian will catch it and enlarge it to ten times and a hundred times, so that he has no room for regret!

Therefore, at this time, Qi Shao was in a mess. His Versace suit, which was rather "coquettish", was beaten by Liu Qian. At this time, he seemed to have no image at all. At first glance, he looked like a beggar coming from an abandoned road. Ah——

Qi Shao, who can't stand it, bumps into Liu Qian again. His anger is increasing without limit. Soon, it will reach a critical value.

However, it is not enough now, far from enough!

Qi Shao also wants to see how great Liu Qian's potential is. He hasn't found a mortal who can hurt him for a long time. Maybe he has a mind to play "Nong". At this time, Qi Shao is just like taking him as a target and practicing to play.

Although two people fight very fierce, but at this time two people's appearance is the biggest proof.

Qi Shao looks very embarrassed. He looks like a beggar. It's really a bit of a joke, but he doesn't hurt much except a little hurt.

On the other hand, Liu Qian is not quite right. At this time, Liu Qian is bathed in blood, and his whole body is swaying, but he is still struggling with his life.

The blood flows to the bottom of Liu Qian's neck, and then is absorbed by the mysterious necklace with blue light. It's very secretive.

However, when the necklace absorbed blood, it didn't look obvious at all. It was hard for outsiders to notice him. Even Liu Qian himself didn't notice. It was obviously dark under the light.

However, after the comparison between the two at this time, who is stronger and who is weaker, as long as it is not a fool, you can see that they are superior to each other!

However, Liu Qian's indomitable determination at this time moved even seven young people. He really couldn't understand that one in his eyes was just like a mole ant. Why, and for what? If he wanted to continue to fight like this, didn't he know that all he was doing now was useless?


A punch, fierce and fierce, seven little Latin was Liu Qian instant smashed fly out, but he also feel bad.

He breathed heavily. He was tired and tired. He was very sleepy. Now he really wanted to sleep.

Even if he had a good sleep last night, he should not be sleepy at all now, but his blood flow is too much, and his body can't stand such a high-intensity battle up to now.

Similarly, Liu Qian is not a fool. He can't see it. From the moment when he broke out, the seven young Latins were acting with him. Maybe this guy praised him for his fighting instinct, or silently approved his action for his perseverance. Only in this way can he play with him and let him live on his own, It's not the end of kneeling.

Maybe it's not like this. Liu Qian feels that his mind is in a mess now, but he is firm in one thing.

That is, he can't fall down, he must not fall down, even if the blood is dry, he must continue to fight!

But, why don't they go, can't they see his pains?

Liu Qian's mind is full of twists and turns. At the moment of fighting with the seven shaos, he takes a look at Han Zixin and others not far away. When they look at them in tears, Liu Qian's body trembles.

"That's enough. Although you've made me embarrassed, I feel that I respect you so much. At least, for a strong mole ant, it should be your honor to die in my seven little hands!"

Speaking of this, Qi Shao is not talking nonsense. He slapped Liu Qian on the forehead, who still wants to fight. Liu Qian's whole body fell down and his face was unwilling. Qi Shao glanced at Liu Qian, who was sleeping in the ruins. With a smile, he said, "from now on, everything you used to have will belong to me, whether it's your men or your" women "! I know that they will resist at first, but I believe that time can change everything, right? "

Dada dada——

Qi Shao left with small steps, not fast, even slow.

But his words, his steps, but constantly stabbing "exciting" at this time, not fainting, Liu Qian that a stubborn and unyielding heart!

Is everything useless?

No, it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be——

Even if he is strong, who is weaker than Liu Qian?

Stand up, Liu Qian, stand up for me!

Liu Qian roared at himself in his heart, but at this moment, Liu Qian suddenly felt a chill under his neck. At this time, the necklace hanging under his neck suddenly burst into pieces, and a clear breath rushed into his body. q

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