Outside the airport at the foot of the Alps, the devil who wrapped himself in a black "color" windbreaker coughed from time to time, with blood coming out of his "lips.".. шщш 7910s。

This time, he was seriously injured in the "fight" with Liu Qian, even to the point of death.

However, he still insisted on coming to the outskirts of the alpha family. Now it's twilight, and there is not much defense near the foot of the alpha family. Therefore, the devil has come all the way.

However, when the devil came, before he could enter alpha's family, he was surprised to see that several of his "women" had come to him as if they had been aware of it for a long time.

To the devil's surprise, some of his "women" took him and trotted to one side.

"What's the matter?"

The devil asked, but his "female" didn't say a word. She was pale, as if she had done something wrong. She didn't dare to look at him.

"What's the matter?"

The devil, who was not very good tempered, looked at these "women" in amazement with a look of eagerness.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, take these things, go, go."

"I'm sorry, honey."

"We, we can't go with you. You have to go now, or it's too late!"

"Husband, remember, you are the only one in our heart!"

"What's going on? Say it quickly. If you don't say it, I'll die!"

The devil roared. How could he be willing to leave now? The relationship between them is not weaker than that between Liu Qian and Han Zixin. Therefore, he can't leave. He has to make things clear.

Looking at their "female" people, one by one crying, the devil's heart is dripping blood, what happened in the end, will make them so!

Is it difficult——

In fact, the devil has found the answer in his heart, but he still wants to hear it from his "female" population, because he doesn't believe that those decent guys will really do such things.

After all, the gap between them is too huge, like a natural chasm, not on a horizon.

"Just after you got on the plane, we were, we were given by the big little, big little --"

I don't have to go on talking any more. Several girls are crying like tears.

"Animals, bastards, I'm going to fight with you!"

The devil was so angry that he stood up and was about to rush into the nearby alpha manor. His eyes were red when he wanted to fight hard.

But at this time, he was caught dead by some of his "women". How could he let him die.

"You go quickly. The secret script and the pill are all stolen from him by us. They are his most precious things. Be careful and go quickly."

"Husband, go away quickly, and remember to come to revenge for us in the future!"

"I, I can't leave. What do you do when I leave?"“ We'll be fine, husband. We've done something sorry for you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry -- "

Several "women" put all the two secret scripts and Dan "medicine" stolen from Da Shao and San Shao on the devil. Then they would push the devil away and let him go.

He can't be in trouble. This is the biggest wish in the hearts of several "women". As long as he can be safe, even if he doesn't get revenge, they just hope he can be safe.

"Let's go --"

Several "women" tried to push the devil away, but the devil just stood there with tears streaming down his face and heartbroken.

The hearts of several "women" are not like this. Their hearts are like a knife. Tears are pouring down their cheeks. What they shed is not tears, but their hard work.

"If you want to leave and steal my things, can you really leave like this?"

In the dark, Chen Jiaojiao, with a sneer on her face, looks at the scene coldly. At the corner of her lips, she smiles scornfully.

It seems that the life and death of these people is just a joke to her.

As for the reason why Da Shao and San Shao suddenly appear, Chen Jiaojiao just smiles. This is her masterpiece!

"Husband, go!"

A few "women" pushed the devil away at once. Now the devil is seriously injured. If they had been in the past, they would not have been his opponents. Now, he doesn't have much strength to fight back. After being pushed away, he just rolls out.

At this time, several "women" looked at the two men in front of them coldly. After looking at each other, they took their own weapons and rushed towards the two men.

They, to their men, leave time to leave, at least, in a short time will not be caught!

"It's silly. Is it worth it for an outsider?"

Young and old grimace, the devil he will certainly seize back, his hands of things, he cares, that is his secret!

San Shao had the same idea. Without saying a word, they rushed towards these "women.".

It's just that to the surprise of Da Shao and San Shao, these "women" are more powerful than ever. I don't know how many times. For a while, they are also qualified to stop them.

"What the hell!"

San Shao gave a strange cry, but he still had a reason to deal with it. Anyway, he was bored in the manor, and he took the fight with the two women as a pastime.

As for the devil, if he wants to run, he can't run at all, and he doesn't see whose territory the Alps are!

It's better to keep it free first. The things will be easy to get back in time, but now this "woman" can have a good play.

Moreover, they also know that these two "women" must have swallowed the forbidden "medicine" they put in the manor. Otherwise, how could they burst out such energy.

This scene shocked Chen Jiaojiao a little. Originally, she wanted to chase the devil, but this is outside the manor, not inside. All the servants are inside. If she leaves suddenly, she will be doubted. She gnaws her teeth in spite of her anger and makes a vain calculation!

From the beginning, all these calculations came from Chen Jiaojiao. Of course, all of them are evil spirits in the "color", and the devil's "women" are also the best, which also accounts for a large proportion. If not, even if she had a thousand calculations, it would not be true.

It can be said that in order to deal with Liu Qian, Chen Jiaojiao really put a lot of heart into it. Even in the past few days, she has been fooling around with the eldest and the youngest and the third youngest together every day. With one-on-two, her technique has become more and more skillful. Even these two men have a feeling that they can't do without her.

Of course, in fact, what makes Chen Jiaojiao more concerned about is her second sister Latin America. In recent days, she always borrows an excuse to send meals to Latin America, so that the meals in Latin America have been poisoned by her.

And she, like a human being, knows what he thinks of his second sister Latin America from the mouth of the young and the old. She is also helping the young and the old to lay the groundwork, and she is not sure whether she can succeed or not.

However, even if it does, it will only become her pawn. As a saying goes, the most poisonous woman's heart is now fiercer than any poisonous woman's!

After another look at the scene of the contest, Chen Jiaojiao knows that the devil can't run away at all. Therefore, she doesn't have any interest in going back to the manor. When she sees that a servant is going to chase her, she snorts and goes back on her own.

It was the servants who misunderstood her and didn't know whether to pursue her.

After all, now Chen Jiaojiao is in the manor, just like her own people, and she is favored by the eldest and the third. It is said that even the fourth and the fifth are very interested in this "female" person. Only the sixth is not involved. Otherwise, this "female" person can take all the men in the courtyard under her.

This is a "woman" who is very resourceful and calculating. These servants, no, even housekeeper Park dare not easily provoke them.

"Go after it!"

"Go after it, or we can't afford to blame the big, the little and the three."

"Yes, whatever her attitude, we're after us!"

Even though Chen Jiaojiao's identity in the yard is not simple, they still have their own opinions to pursue the devil.

However, because their pursuit was late, so that the devil had more chances to escape.


"Oh, I'm not careful. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, I'm dead. Tut tut --"

With a grim smile, he slapped the devil's wife to death, which made him reluctant to part with. After all, the work of these "women" is still very good. It's a pity to die like this.

"Another one. Oh, what a pity."

At this time, he had already killed the two "women" around him, and then he was ready to pursue the devil. However, when he saw a servant rushing to chase the devil behind him, he stopped.

After all, Jiuxu Shengyang Dan in the yard still needs to be watched, and the "friendship" between him and Chen Jiaojiao has just begun to come true, so we can't leave for the moment.

What's more, he really didn't believe that the devil could make any trouble. He couldn't take away the "medicine" and the secret script!

At this time, the "woman" around him was crushed to death by him. With a sigh on his face, he said, "it's a pity that the two superior gun shelves are gone. Tut tut -" go, catch up with that little bastard and bring my things back! "

Three rare side servants all chase past, can't help but exhort a, those several servants is a heavy burden, goodbye, toward already can't see trace of devil chase past.

However, at this time, the devil's heart is dripping blood. In fact, he did not go far away, hiding in the ice and snow on one side. He even watched his "female" being slapped to death by three or three young people. His heart was like a knife, heartache!

In his heart, he roared endlessly, but in reality, he was hiding under the ice and snow. Looking at this scene, his tears were pouring down, and he did not dare to make any sound.

He was in pain, he was helpless, he was full of tears, but even so, what had happened, he could only watch.

No way, the opponent is too strong, he needs revenge, revenge!

However, with only his own body and bones, with this secret script and Dan "medicine", how much hope of revenge?

The devil's heart is clearer than anyone else. He is indignant, and he hates himself for being useless.

by the way!

All of a sudden, the devil thought of a man. That man, who had the capital, took the secret script and Dan "medicine" and deliberately helped him to revenge. Thinking of the devil here, "Yin" gave a cold smile and waited. Give me the devil and wait! q

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