In a sound of admiration, Liu Qian took Li Xiaomeng to the Porsche and left.. More visit: ШЩЩ 79。

Many students exclaimed.

"Damn, that security guard is playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger. Look, they drive a Porsche. Where is a security guard?"

"That's right. Even super security can't afford to drive a Ferrari!"

"No wonder you can conquer the heart of the female God. It turns out that you have strength and silver!"

"What a low-key bull!"

In the car, Li Xiaomeng was very angry with Liu Qian for his strength just now.

"By the way, what kind of boxing did you use just now? It's too powerful to beat them so hard!" For little Lori, they are naturally curious about things they don't understand.

In particular, Liu Qian's tactics just now are simply too much to be forced.

"What boxing? There's no boxing. I'm free to fight. " Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Ah? I think it's Jeet kune do, or Taekwondo? " Li Xiaomeng said in surprise.

After what happened just now, great changes have taken place in Li Xiaomeng's view of Liu Qian.

Before, she always thought that Liu Qian was a low-level "color" wolf and a strange person, but now, she has changed her view.

In her opinion, Liu Qian is a mysterious master and a person full of stories, which can be seen from his words and deeds.

Although he has been deliberately keeping a low profile, for such a charming person, if he wants to keep a low profile, it's like putting a large piece of gold in the soil, which can't be covered at all.

"Where do you think it is, miss? Do you think it's a movie or Jeet kune do?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

The boxing and martial arts described in the movie seem to be very powerful, but in reality, they are totally vulnerable.

The real killing technique can only be trained through life and death.

The actual combat is not the same as the competition in the challenge arena!

"Can you teach me some martial arts? I want to learn some moves to prevent wolves. " Li Xiaomeng said with a red face.

It was the first time she had asked for help.

"Yes, for a beautiful little female god like you, you really need to learn some self-defense moves. Otherwise, it's not safe to go to school alone." Thinking of today's events, Liu Qian immediately nodded.

If you don't learn a few tricks, it will be a crime to walk outside.

"Well, you just promised me. When are we going to learn?" Li Xiaomeng exclaimed excitedly.

For her, anything new is enough to make her scream.

Otherwise, how can she be called cute God? If not, is she worthy of her name?

"Anytime you want, but there is no place to study." Liu Qian's face is not easy to show“ It doesn't matter. My family has a big fitness room. You can come here and teach me. Now I'm calling uncle Huang to buy some exercise equipment. " Li Xiaomeng said.

"All right."

Although it's not very good to go to little Lori's house, it's also a lonely man with few women. Of course, it's not easy to do if something happens, such as a fire or something.

Of course, Liu Qian feels that his control is OK. What he worries about now is, if little Lori falls in love with him, what can he do?

"Well, well, then you are my master!" Little Lori said excitedly.

"I'm not interested in this now. I'm not a yeman. It's better to be your boyfriend." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"You'll think that if you want to be my boyfriend, you'll have to pay a price and pass the test." Li Xiaomeng said with a smile.

"Well, tell me about the cost and the test. I'll see if I can do it." Liu Qian said.

"I'll tell you later, when you teach me the best way to prevent wolves." Li Xiaomeng blinked and said.


After an hour's galloping, under the guidance of Li Xiaomeng, two people came to Linfeng villa area, where there are 18 villas, which is the high-end residential area in the city.

The people who live here are basically rich or expensive. Li Xiaomeng's home is in the first villa.

Two bodyguards came out and opened the door. Liu Qian drove the Porsche in directly and parked it in the underground parking lot. When he got off, Liu Qian saw several limited edition sports cars.

Among them are the out of print Ferrari, Lamborghini gedora and Bugatti Veyron. In short, as long as they are the best sports cars, there are all kinds of them. After a preliminary look, a total of more than ten luxury super cars can be pulled out to open a small car exhibition.

"There are so many sports cars in your house?" Liu Qian asked in surprise.

"Yes, my mother bought them for me." Li Xiaomeng said excitedly.

Although she is a lovely little Lori, she has a heart to conquer the world.

In fact, each seemingly weak Lori, the heart is often gray strong.

Li Xiaomeng has been fond of driving sports cars since she was a child. Although she looks quiet and weak, in fact, she is famous in the sports car industry.

She is not only the president of the super run association in the city, but also the champion of Ferrari's super run competition in Hong Kong.

"It seems that I should not underestimate you. You are so powerful." Liu Qian said lightly.

"That's right. Don't think that only you men can drive a super race. We female students can drift as well." Li Xiaomeng said excitedly.

Two people talking and laughing, out of the underground parking lot.

In the central flower garden, I met a lifeless bodyguard. He was dressed in a suit and shoes. He looked very smart, but his eyes were fixed on Liu Qian. He was very unfriendly.

In his opinion,

As soon as the man opened his mouth, he was very impolite and said, "Miss, who is this?"“ He's my friend. He came to teach me self-defense today. " Li Xiaomeng said.

"Miss, if you want to learn kung fu, why don't you come to me? I used to be a special forces soldier. What do you want to learn? Do you have to go to an outsider? What's more, this boy just came out of which village. He's yellow, skinny and malnourished. It's really pitiful. What skills can such a person have to teach you? " That cuntou doesn't have good spirit to say.

As we all know, there are eight bodyguards in the villa. Among them, Li Xiaomeng is the most enthusiastic young man. He has always regarded Li Xiaomeng as the "female" God of his dreams.

Moreover, he doesn't know how many times he's been "lewd" by Li Xiaomeng in his private life. Every time, he fantasizes that he and Li Xiaomeng are in a warm space with a big "bed" in the middle. Then Li Xiaomeng's whole body is naked and only wears a thin white gauze, and the whole person walks out slowly in the clouds.

This is a picture that cuntou has imagined for many times. Unfortunately, he can only dream. Such a scene will never happen.

However, he has always believed in a saying, that is, there must be a dream, in case it is realized?

So when he saw Li Xiaomeng coming back with a strange security guard, and he was so intimate with the strange security guard, his heart was burning with anger.

What he said to Liu Qian also became very impolite.

"Hum, you smelly security guard, where did you learn the tripod Kung Fu? You dare to cheat our young lady. Do you know where this place is? If you know what you're doing, get out of here, or you'll see the means of your grandfather!"

In front of the young lady, cuntou felt it necessary to show her authority.

After all, I was a retired special forces soldier. When I was in the army, I was the first in terms of fighting ability and shooting skills.

He can earn a million yuan a year wherever he goes. After all, his ability is there, but he has given up many high paid jobs to be a little bodyguard here.

The reason is that he likes Li Xiaomeng very much. Since he saw Li Xiaomeng at the auto show, he has been "fascinated" by the image of loli.

Therefore, he tried every means to find a chance to apply for the job of bodyguard of the Li family, in order to get a better job. Unfortunately, although he tried many times to please Li Xiaomeng every day, Li Xiaomeng didn't feel for him.

There was no "flower" between them.

"I said, brother, didn't you brush your teeth when you got up today, or did you eat too much garlic? Why did your mouth stink?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

"You, you, what do you say? You didn't brush your teeth. If you have the guts, just give me two moves. How about that? " Cuntou cried, "Miss, I want to prove to you that I am 100 times better than this smelly security guard!"

Li Xiaomeng didn't like this position at all. She was obsessed with her all day. She wanted to get rid of him. But when this guy came in, he signed a five-year contract, so she couldn't get rid of him.

She was eager to have a chance to let cuntou disappear, so when she heard cuntou say that she wanted to compete with Liu Qian, she immediately felt happy.

"Ha ha, good, good, you two have a fight to show me!" Li Xiaomeng applauded.

Seeing Li Xiaomeng's words and deeds, Liu Qian can guess that Li Xiaomeng's heart is very disdainful of this position. Originally, he was a little afraid of beating the dog to see the owner, but now Li Xiaomeng has made clear his attitude, that is, even if you hit the dog, you'd better beat it up“ Boy, do you dare to compete? " Cuntou didn't know the height of heaven and earth, so he asked again.

"Why don't you dare? I'll make a bet with you. If you lose, you'll quit immediately." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I will lose? Don't dream, boy Cuntou said with a grim smile.

"Since you don't believe it, I don't want to say more. Xiao Meng, you count beside me. If I can't beat him in five seconds, I'll lose." Liu Qian said with a smile.

This sentence, but let cuntou furious.

"I'm a retired special forces soldier. You're just a thing from the village. How dare you speak up?" Cuntou shouts, "die, stinky boy!"

Finish saying, cuntou directly rushed to come over, one punch aimed at Liu Qian's head to bombard past.

Liu Qian didn't have any reaction. When his opponent's fist was about to hit him in the head, he suddenly stretched out his palm, and then, with his terrible speed, he directly cleaved under the opponent's rib. The strength was very fierce, and he directly flew out the inch.

"Ouch!" When Liu Qian hit him in the ribs, he was in great pain and almost fell apart.

"Ha ha ha, is that all you have?" Li Xiaomeng clapped and cried.

"Well, comrade special forces, do you want to continue to fight?" Liu Qian said with a smile, with a condescending attitude, looking down at the defeated generals in front of him.

"Hum!" That cuntou got up, blushed, and didn't put any cruel words. Instead, he turned around and left, rushed out of the courtyard, and left without looking back.

Seeing such a scene, Li Xiaomeng was very happy.

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid to be annoyed by this guy in the future!" Li Xiaomeng thought.

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