The bodyguard was very coveted of Li Xiaomeng's beautiful "color" and didn't know how many times he had "lusted" in his private life. When he had a dream, he hurt countless descendants. However, when he really had such an opportunity to molest the female God in his heart, he didn't have the slightest pleasure. On the contrary, he had no choice but to cry.. шщш 7910s。

If the eldest lady continues to steal peaches from monkeys, he will be a eunuch for the rest of his life. He has no humanitarian ability. How can he get a wife after that?

So, the bodyguard covered his eggs in a hurry, and then called out anxiously, "Miss, you, you, let me go. If you want to experiment, go outside and look for those" Hun "and" Hun "experiments. Well, I'm not hard hit, but I can't stand your repeated tosses and turns!"

In the words, very helpless, almost a kind of tragic to the most tragic.

Seeing the frightened appearance of the bodyguard, Li Xiaomeng suddenly lost her spirits.

"What's the matter? You always boast about how powerful you are. You also say that you have trained some iron crotch skills. Now when you really need to use you, you just push and block. It's useless!" Li Xiaomeng said.

She is such an unruly young lady. She only thinks about herself and never cares about other people's feelings.

After all, all the people who are in good health have this kind of temper. Liu Qian has seen it a lot, which is light. What's more, he has to make fun of his bodyguards.

"No, miss. Although I've practiced iron crotch, I haven't practiced it well. It's only half a dozen." The bodyguard reluctantly explained that he was as red as a pig's liver. He was deeply sorry that he failed to show his iron file in front of Li Xiaomeng.

"Well, I don't want to tell you so much. If I can't, I can't. There are so many excuses. Hum, I'll go back to sleep and not play with you!" Li Xiaomeng said angrily.

Just at this time, Liu Qian's mobile phone rang, he immediately answered the phone, it was the company's new captain Wang Daming asked him to go back to training.

"Do you have to take part in training to be a security guard these days?" Liu Qian could not help shaking his head. This bowl of rice is not easy to eat.

After saying goodbye to Li Xiaomeng, Liu Qian quickly returned to the company, because Wang Daming asked him to arrive at the company within half an hour, otherwise his salary would be deducted.

Although the security guard's salary of 3000 yuan is dispensable to Liu Qian, now that he is a member of the group, he has to take the lead to avoid being reprimanded by Miss Han.

Back at the door of the security department, more than 30 security guards have been sitting in the door of the Department for a long time, and they dare not breathe.

Wang Daming is a military uniform, looks majestic, standing at the front desk, just like Buddha scanning the staff under the stage.

"What's the matter with such a big scene?" Liu Qian thought.

"Well, now that all the people are here, I'd like to announce that from today on, two hours of special security training will be given every day." When Wang Daming saw that the number of people had arrived, he immediately cleared his throat and said aloud.

When they heard this, they immediately complained.

A lot of people yelled in their hearts.

I went to NIMA's bullshit team leader. He's just a small official. He's really tough. He's even harder than those general managers.

Everyone just came out to eat. Is it easy to be a security guard? I'm so tired that I have to train for two hours. I don't treat people as human beings“ Wait a minute, captain. Can I ask why we need special training? " Wang Fei is not willing to ask.

This guy is the thinnest and the most obscene among all the security guards. If there is any special training, it is estimated that he can't survive a day.

"I made this decision according to President Han's" spirit "instructions, in order to improve the" spirit "appearance of our security guards and enhance the quality of our security guards. I hope you will keep high morale and meet your own life challenges." Wang Daming said in a voice full of excitement.

After that, he pauses for a while, his face is full of pride, and he is proud of his "excellent" speech. This is the quotation he learned from the army. Now he is learning and selling it now, and the effect is not bad. He is waiting for the applause from the people below.

Generally speaking, the plot is always like this. After the big man finishes his speech, the little man below claps his hands to show his wise leadership.

This time, however, Wang Daming stopped for a minute. Instead of clapping, all the people at the bottom were sad and some of them showed their disdain.

A lot of people are thinking, what the hell is this? It's not an army. What's the special training? Do you really regard yourself as a member of the seal army?

What's more, being a security guard is just for the sake of having a bite to eat. If you work eight hours a day, you'll be tired enough. If you add two hours of special training, it will take ten hours. It's killing you. It's not worth it to be so tired for a salary of more than 3000 yuan.

Many security guards were silent for two or three minutes, only one guy named Li Dayong suddenly woke up, and then applauded, "the captain said well, I fully support the captain's opinion, this remark is really deafening, thought-provoking, we must closely unite around the captain, hold high the banner of victory, and strive to create a new cause of security!"

After listening to this, all the people didn't agree and hissed. This guy is a well-known wallflower. He especially likes to flatter the leaders. No matter Wang Daming or anyone, as long as the official is older than him, he is very happy.

"Li Dayong is right. You should take him as an example and strive for the results of one month's special training. I want to train you all to be" meat "people!" Wang Daming cheered up and said, "as a security guard, if you don't even have muscle, what will it look like? You all are thinner than bamboo poles. If you let outsiders know, you would think the food of Hanqing group is terrible?"

"What? A month of special training? " When people heard the news, they were all dead hearted.

At first, everyone thought that Wang Daming's special training should be a gust of wind. At most, who knows that this guy has to spend a month on special training after eating the weight? It's absolutely shocking.

The security guards on the scene were all born in poverty and malnourished since childhood. They might be able to bear it if they were given special training for a day. If it takes a long time, they might be killed.

"Captain, you're not kidding. It's going to take so long to train?" Cried Wang Fei.

"What, do you have a problem?" Wang Daming said angrily.

"Yes, how can we survive a month of special training? Why don't we give 20% off the training time?" Wang Fei bargains.

"Anyone who doesn't want to take part in the special training can go away now. It's no big deal for Hanqing group to lose you one!" Wang Daming saw that the morale of the army was unstable, and immediately used his mace.

These security guards are people from the bottom of the society who have no culture. Their greatest ability is to work as security guards here. If they lose their jobs, they will not be able to go to other places without their own skills. So when Wang Daming threatened to be fired, all the security guards gave in.

"Well, well, you're the captain. Do what you say." Wang Fei said.

"Ten minutes later, gather at the" Gymnasium "behind the group!" Wang Daming snapped.

Ten minutes later, all the security guards lined up on the "Gymnastics" field, waiting for Wang Daming's orders.

Although Liu Qian is not used to such things, he always commands others, but now he yells at others like this, which is a bit uncomfortable.

However, since they choose to live a low-key life, it is better to keep a low-key life when it is not a last resort.

"Now, let's run 20 laps to warm up!" Wang Daming cheered.

As soon as I heard this number, many security guards were complaining. It's a life-threatening rhythm to run 20 laps in this hot day.

After all, the runway on the "Gymnastics" field is about 800 meters in one lap, and more than 10000 meters in 20 laps. Naturally, such intensity is unacceptable.

"Captain, don't you want to run twenty laps? It's so hot now. It's estimated that we'll get heatstroke before we finish 20 laps! "

"Yes, in such hot weather, can you run so many laps? It's estimated that if we run three or four laps, we'll become roast pigs, right

"No, Captain, aren't you afraid of our sudden death?"

A lot of security guards are suffering. For them, running 20 laps is killing. In such hot weather, just run two or three laps at random. Who knows that Wang Daming is not a human being, and it's a sadist to ask security guards to run 20 laps.

"Anyone who doesn't want to run can go away now. I can approve your resignation directly!" Wang Daming saw many security guards resist, and immediately used his mace.

People live in this world, there are always many times, to be forced to do many things against the original intention, this is called the helplessness of life.

It's not easy for the security guards to "muddle along". If they lose their jobs because of offending Wang Daming, it's not cost-effective.

"Well, then run." Wang Fei and others said dejectedly.

"Captain, will you run with us?" Asked a security guard.

"I'm the team leader. Of course I don't have to run. I'll supervise you running over there!" Wang Daming was not angry and said, "you haven't seen a TV play. Do you need to run those instructors in it?"

Wang Daming's words completely angered the security guards.

Many people curse Wang Daming for his son's lack of asshole in their hearts. What kind of person is this? He hides himself under the sunshade to enjoy himself. It's a terrible thing for us to run like hell!

Although many security guards are full of anger, they dare not speak up because of Wang Daming's "lewd" power.

After all, Wang Daming was in charge of their life and death. If anyone objected, he would be expelled immediately, even better than the local emperor.

"Run quickly, don't look like you haven't eaten!" Wang Daming urged.

The security guards began to run, Liu Qian ran in front, feeling very relaxed. This kind of running pediatrics is a very easy thing for him. It's not difficult at all. Even if you let him run 100 laps, there's no problem.

After running around with patience, the result is that the security guards are so hot that they are sweating and panting. It's like staying in an oven.

While Wang Daming was under the umbrella, holding a cup of "milk" tea in his hand, slowly sucking. Standing next to him, a grandson was working hard with a fan.

Such unfair treatment immediately made the security guards angry and scolded them even more.

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