"In this book, I have some notes on this kind of unnamed words. Although it's not particularly complete, 80% of them are in it. Take them and have a look."

When he came to the study, Professor Wang didn't speak too much, and he didn't mean to teach himself. Instead, he handed a book to Liu Qian.

Li Yu was a little bit embarrassed when she saw this. She just made some comments, but didn't teach her by words and deeds. Even if she was a talented woman, she couldn't learn it in a short time. What's more, the most important thing is that it's only possible for her to learn it in 70% or 80% of the time. There's also the idea of exaggeration.

I don't know how much water there will be. For a while, Li Yu also has a headache.

But she doesn't blame Liu Qian. After all, Liu Qian is young and vigorous. Just now, Professor Wang is somewhat contemptuous of others. He relies on the old to sell the old. In fact, to put it bluntly, scholars despise each other.

To put it bluntly, in fact, Liu Qian is the most difficult person for Li Yu. She is really afraid that Liu Qian will compete with this old scholar. She also knows what kind of person Liu Qian is. For Liu Qian, it's a common thing to use her fists when he doesn't agree.

If you beat Professor Wang, whether the impact is bad or not, in short, Professor Wang's thin physique can't bear Liu Qian's attack.

At the thought of this, Li Yu has a headache.

"You can try."

To Li Yu's surprise, Liu Qian, who took over the book, opened a page and just glanced at the old professor. He grinned at the old professor and said, "let's go, Yu. I have to learn everything before the old man goes to earth."


Liu Qian's words really put Wang he's anger into the earth. Your whole family is in the earth. Damn it, isn't this little bastard cursing him to death!

Li Yu was also stunned, but somehow she felt relieved. At least Liu Qian didn't do it. Maybe this is the best result.

Without waiting for Li Yu to say an apology to Professor Wang, Liu Qian grabbed Li Yu's wrist and strode outside. Li Yu could only smile awkwardly at Professor Wang and followed Liu Qian outside.

"It's killing me, you little bastard. It's killing me."

After Liu moved out, Professor Wang's whole face was full of indignation. He cursed him for early death and early life. This boy owes a little too much.

But then Professor Wang sneered and said, "this boy, do you know that everything in that book is the greatest achievement of my life. I, Wang He, spent all my life translating only 40% of it, and most of them have not yet been translated. I want to see what you little bastard can do. This translation is a wrong sentence and less meaning, The difference will be tens of thousands of miles, hum "

Although I don't know why Liu Qian translated the inscription, I think it will also work. Otherwise, young people like this will meddle in this business when they are idle?

Outside the door, Li Yu looked at Liu Qian in front of him with a bulging mouth. Seeing that he was holding Wang he's book with a smile, she said, "don't you know that many of these annotations contain moisture? If he didn't teach them in person, how could you see through them all?"

"See through, when did I say I would see through?"

Liu Qian blinked at Li Yu and said, "I just need to know what these words mean. As for the rest, I really don't care much."“ No, then you were in a hurry to find this and that "

"Don't you know that if it's mine, it won't run away. If it's not mine, I can't ask for it."

Liu Qian shrugged and said to Li Yu, "well, it's not too early. I'll take you back."

"Well, but are you sure you just need to know the general meaning, not to get to the bottom?"

Along the way, Li Yu would nag from time to time in the car, and Liu Qian always listened patiently. To tell the truth, sometimes it was a different kind of happiness to have a nagging "woman" around him.

"If you have any problems, please call me, OK? Professor Wang is an expert in this field. If he doesn't know about it, no one in the world will know about it. Do you understand? "

Even after getting out of the car, Li Yu could not help but exhort Liu Qianqian. In her opinion, in order to get the translation of the inscription, Liu Qian was very anxious. At this time, she was a little indifferent because she was afraid of her worry.


Liu Qian nodded gently, looked at Li Yu with a smile, who was as nagging as his daughter-in-law, and said, "you are so cute!"

Li Yu's face turned red. She couldn't help spat and said, "usually it's not cute."

"How to see, all lovely, ha ha."

Liu Qian said with a smile, "well, go back at ease. I'll understand this book. Anyway, you and I are still young. This is our capital, right?"

"You have a lot of sense. Well, I'll go back."


"Next time, when will you come to see me again, a month or a few months?"

After a few steps, Li Yu looked back and muttered to himself, looking at the villain who made people hate him.


"How fast!"

"Fast enough to surprise you."

"Well, I'll see."

After getting the answer he wanted, Li Yu didn't get tangled and walked step by step towards the campus in front of him.

Before long, Li Yu suddenly turned around and saw that the man was still standing in the dim light. She couldn't help feeling sweet. She just chuckled and said, "goofy fool!"

At this time, she went back to her bedroom.

At this time, Liu Qian, who had already returned home, took out the translation given by the professor and looked at it carefully. After comparing it, Liu Qian could not help muttering, "this old man still has some skills."

Indeed, in the face of such unknown words, they all dare to translate. We have to admit that Professor Wang he's enterprising spirit is very desirable. What makes Liu Qian most concerned is that many of the key words are translated by him.

There are many words that are not very important and have not been annotated, but they also set a block for Liu Qian.

However, it was not difficult to defeat Liu Qian, although Wang he didn't teach him by words and deeds, let alone give him any experience. After all, the book has given a very complete translation scheme, which I'm afraid even Wang he didn't expect. Liu Qian will connect some of the annotated meanings between the lines, so as to deduce those unknown inscriptions that have not been annotated.

This is undoubtedly a very good way, and in front of the efficient Liu Qian, he basically starts with simplicity. As long as there is a word that will make him "confused" or "confused", Liu Qian will skip the word instantly, mark it and continue to translate the following.

"Why, husband, how do you like to study?"

Han Zixin had just returned home when he saw Liu Qianzheng lying on his desk, carefully translating a Golden Book and a "fine" material next to it.

"I'm busy. If you're not at home, I have to find something to do for myself. To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of being idle, ha ha."

Since Liu Qian raised his head, looking at Han Zixin's "fine" face, he couldn't help shrugging.

"Well, you should be busy first. I'll go up and take a bath. I'm so tired!"

Han Zixin can't help but stretch a big stretch, the graceful posture, at this time is "wave" turbulent, only to see Liu Qian is not much heart to translate the Golden Book.

"Why don't you wash them together?"

Liu Qian stands up with a smile. Han Zixin hears that the "color" behind is slightly red. He is angry and says, "go to you. I can't do it these days. Come on, it's coming."

"Well? It's too bad. "

Liu Qian's face drooped for a while, somewhat disappointed, but some things can't be forced, not to mention there are a yin and other girls behind him, so even if Han Zixin is inconvenient these days, he won't hold back.

"Well, I'll make it up to you when it's over."

Han Zixin saw that he was not very happy. He chuckled and went upstairs with his sachet.

"All right, but how to compensate? It seems that there's no posture between her and me that hasn't been unlocked. Is it hard for Zixin to learn

Liu Qian gave a strange smile, but he didn't think of a reason. He sat back and translated the Golden Book.

In this way, the time is three days.

In the past three days, Liu Qian didn't go anywhere. He concentrated on studying the contents of the Golden Book at home. Through his unremitting efforts and Wang he's materials, Liu Qian was almost able to translate the Golden Book.

How can the fire be determined?

Liu Qian looked at the translated contents of the Golden Book strangely and said, "internal skill!"

For a long time, Liu Qian was holding the Golden Book in his hand, but it didn't move for a long time.

"You're lying to ghosts!"

Liu Qian wanted to throw away the Golden Book, but he didn't give up in the end.

"At least I've worked hard for three days and three nights. It's a pity to lose it like this. However, is there any internal skill in the world? I'm not Guo Jing!"

Liu Qian lit a cigarette and sat in the room meditating for a long time. After a while, he "smoked" a cigarette, and then couldn't help glancing at the Golden Book in his hand. After a long time, Liu Qian bit his teeth and said, "try it. Maybe it's true!" In fact, it's not surprising that Liu Qian had such a performance. From the initial breakthrough of physical limit, to the emergence of ancient martial arts of Latin family, and rhinoceros, which are similar to powers, Liu Qian has learned to accept.

But the sudden appearance of this internal skill really breaks the common sense. Is it difficult for some writers to come up with something that will really appear in reality? q

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