Since Jiang Qiuye became the leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, she has been working very hard to crack down on the gangsters, because she has no good feelings for the gangsters. She thinks that they are all social debris and must be eliminated.. шщш 7910s。

Therefore, when she got this important news, she immediately made a plan herself and led a team to seal up the custom shop.

Jiang Qiuye's eyes turn and fall on Liu Qian.

"Who is that? What are you doing here?" Jiang Qiuye barked.

She could tell by intuition that there was something wrong with the guy squatting in the corner.

Because of the custom of "women" next to them, they all take off their "essence". When the police arrived, they just surrounded themselves with a bath towel, but this guy didn't take off any clothes.

Where does this look like a whore?

Jiang Qiuye used to be the leader of the anti pornography group, so she can't understand the matter any more. Generally speaking, when a man comes to a custom shop to have fun, he can't wait for anyone to close the door.

Therefore, the man in neat clothes immediately attracted Jiang Qiuye's attention.

"Ah, ah?" When Liu Qian saw the sharp eyes cast by the American "female" police "Hua", he immediately screamed.

If this story gets out, it's over. How can I say that I'm also the boyfriend of the chairman of Hanqing group? If I make the headlines tomorrow, I'll lose face.

"You what? Get up and talk to me When Jiang Qiuye saw Liu Qian's elusive "color", he became even more suspicious.

This guy is furtive, and his eyes are erratic. The most important thing is that he is neatly dressed. At first sight, he is not a good bird. Is he the receptionist of Qingfeng hall?

Three days ago, Jiang Qiuye received a tip that the Mafia in Italy would soon come to the city with a batch of $100 million worth of drugs and products to "trade" with qingfengtang, and the location of the "trade" is likely to be hidden in the custom shop.

According to the intelligence, the receptionist sent by qingfengtang this time is called AHU, who is a first-class mysterious expert.

Because this person has just returned from North Africa to join the command of qingfengtang, we can't find his information in the police station.

"Ah, ah?" When Liu Qian saw Jiang Qiuye yelling at him, he knew that he was not good at it, so he pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"Report to the captain, he seems to be a mute. He can only talk about Abba and Abba." Said a police officer nearby.

"Dumb? I think he pretends to be stupid on purpose. You search him first Jiang Qiuye ordered.


The two policemen immediately went to search their bodies, but nothing was found.

"Captain, nothing has been found." Said the two policemen in unison.

"Take him back to the police station and slowly interrogate him for 48 hours to see if he can find any clues. This guy is not a good thing." Jiang Qiuye said with a frown.

Hearing what the other party said, Liu Qian was not happy immediately.

Shit, what's the word? What's the word I'm not a good bird?

They are not only good birds, but also first-class citizens and good representatives of law-abiding. Now I'm not a good person?

"I said that you can't wrongly treat me just because I'm handsome." At this time, Liu Qian said.

Who knows, Jiang Qiuye and so on is his words, a lunge immediately rushed to the past, and then directly a move to catch Liu Qian to control, and then said, "I know you pretend to be dumb, quickly say, are you that mysterious expert ah Hu? If you don't, I'll kill you now! "

Jiang Qiuye's action is very quick, natural and unrestrained. In his ferocity, he is full of the tenderness of a "woman", which is amazing.

When the three policemen saw it, they cheered one after another.

"Team Jiang is really a good tool!"

"Yes, I'll subdue the boy with one hand!"

"No wonder they all call Jiang team. You have a bright eye. You can see at a glance that there is something wrong with this boy!"

Jiang Qiuye is not flattered by other people's flattery. As a beautiful "woman" and "flower" of the police station, she has long been surprised by these praise.

"Boy, I'm asking you something. What's your name? Are you that AHU?" Jiang Qiuye said.

"I said that you can't call a deer a horse. My name is Liu Qian. I'm not a criminal." Liu Qian gave a bitter smile. This is the first time that he has been wronged like this. It's just bad luck.

"Liu Qian? Is this your fake? Do you have an ID card? Give it to me "Beautiful woman" police "flower" cheers.

"No ID card." Liu Qian said.

"No? Handcuff him and take him back to interrogate for 48 hours to see if he says it or not Jiang Qiuye gives an order.

A nearby police officer rushed up immediately and locked Liu Qian.

In fact, with Liu Qian's strength, it is more than enough to deal with these policemen, but he doesn't want to cause more trouble. First, he has no injustice or hatred with the police. Second, he only wants to live an ordinary life and doesn't want to be involved in any police bandit struggle.

At this time, a roar came from the next room, and then the two policemen broke the wall and fell in directly!

I saw a tall and strong white man, clenching his fists and looking like an eagle, staring at the other policemen in the room.

See an emergency, Jiang Qiuye immediately fired a warning gun, while shouting "double head squat!"

When Liu Qian saw the heroism of the beautiful woman, he couldn't help thinking that it would be perfect if he had a bigger chest!

The white man saw that the pistols in the hands of the three policemen were aimed at him at the same time. Instead of being alarmed, he sneered and said, "how dare you play in front of my gun god with your three broken guns?"

The white man's bold words surprised Liu Qian. He couldn't help looking at him and found that the white man had a goatee, was very strong, and had a green dragon tattoo on his arm!

"Ah, they are from juetian regiment!" Liu Qian exclaimed in his heart.

It turned out that when he was on the battlefield in North Africa, there was a hostile army that he was extremely worried about, which was juetian regiment founded by the nickname of mad dog. The mercenaries in juetian regiment are desperators recruited from all over the world. They are top experts in black boxing and top special forces from all over the world. In short, they "master" all kinds of killing skills, which is a terrible existence in mercenaries.

The people of juetian regiment have a special feature. As long as they can afford the price, they will do whatever they are asked to do, whether it's murder and arson, or "rape" and "prostitution" and plunder,!

"On the count of three, I immediately squat down with my hands on my head, or I'll shoot, one or two." Jiang Qiuye began to count.

However, before the count of three, the white man sneered and said, "if you don't have enough for me to play, just shoot?"


Jiang Qiuye often has little patience to deal with such stubborn criminals. She thinks that eliminating them is totally saving food for the world.

Anyway, this kind of scum has no qualification to live in the world.

Three policemen opened fire from different directions. Unexpectedly, the white man suddenly sneered, spread out his hands, and grabbed the empty space in front of him. It was like an invisible claw, which directly blocked the direction of the bullet!

Twenty seconds later, when the three policemen ran out of bullets, the white man sneered and spread out his hands. As a result, the bullets fell down one after another.

"Is that the ability of the Chinese police? Ha ha ha ha The white man was full of contempt.

When Jiang Qiuye and others saw such a terrible scene, they were all shocked.

They have never seen such a magic and terrible stunt, which is beyond their traditional knowledge!

It's more magical to catch a bullet like this than the ghost on TV. After all, the ghost is just a fictional plot, but now the white man's bullet is real!

But how can such a violation of the laws of physics happen!

At that moment, the mouths of Jiang Qiuye and others were too wide to close.

"Come on, you haven't seen the world so much. You're just catching bullets. What's the big deal?" Liu Qian behind said with a flat face.

"Young man, do you look familiar?" At this time, the white man's eyes suddenly "shot" a "fine" light, aimed at Liu Qian.

"My face has not been scalded by boiling water, how can it be cooked? You foreigners are really joking. " Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Where have you heard that voice?" The white man stares at Liu Qian, and his "color" is very severe.

"I love my sister. Is my voice familiar?" Liu Qian said with a smile, "you foreigners should not recognize your relatives. Don't say I'm your seventh uncle or something."

Liu Qian's rambling attitude alerted the white men.

When he was on a mission in North Africa, he was injured by a Chinese man, whose voice, appearance and appearance he would never forget.

Although the Chinese man in front of him is not murderous at all, he looks cynical, but the murderous look in his eyes is clear“ Hum, whether you are my enemy or not, all the policemen will die here today! " The white man growled and immediately said coldly.

"It's a big tone. This is China. How can you be presumptuous?" Jiang Qiuye immediately said.

With that, Jiang Qiuye rushes directly in the past, and then uses her best Taekwondo to attack white men directly!

Originally, Jiang Qiuye's strength in the police force, can be said to be the top, even those bull "force" male police, also not necessarily beat her.

However, with her strength, she can deal with ordinary people. It's difficult to deal with this white man.

Sure enough, the white man didn't respond at all. He let Jiang Qiuye punch him in the chest.

The white man smiles and says, "didn't you eat today?"

Jiang Qiuye is stunned. After all, she often practices Taekwondo, and her strength is very strong. When she hits the opponent's Tanzhong "acupoint", it's the most fatal part of the human body. Originally, she thought that if she hits the opponent, the big man would fall down.

But she didn't expect that the other side was not hurt and didn't move. It was amazing.

The two policemen nearby all know Jiang Qiuye's strength. With her super strength, even a dozen strong men can't get close to her, but the white man can accept her fist without injury.

Obviously, the strength of the white man was incredible!

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