
A few secretaries burst out laughing. One of them, a long legged girl, giggled and said, "isn't it brother Qian, who creates miracles every time, so we thought, this time, it's no exception!"

Liu Qian was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, these girls were full of trust when they looked at themselves.

With a smile, Liu Qian gently rubbed his long legged sister's hair and said, "I am everything."

After Liu Qian released his long legged sister, he opened the big door of the conference room.

It's just that the big "door" has just been opened, and the noise inside the "door" is just like that of a vegetable market. All kinds of noises are heard all the time. Many people are still murmuring about what they are discussing in private.

However, it is obvious that many important positions in the company are empty, that is to say, these people have been hunted away by the so-called headhunting company.

A company can lack the bottom for a short period of time, but the middle class is absolutely indispensable, because that is the power of management. If there are no suitable management personnel, then a company will gradually decline, which is inevitable.

"Liu Qian!"

At this time, the original noisy conference room, I do not know who, suddenly called out, and then, everyone's eyes, were attracted in the past.

Only to see a suit pen "quite" Liu Qian, arrogantly went to the position of the president of the conference room.

Han Zixin hasn't come yet. Only Xu Qing sits on one side and looks at him seriously.

At this time, even if Han Zixin came over, he might not be able to live in awe. Besides Liu Qian, who else in Han's group dares to say that.

"What's all the noise? I'm very curious. It's difficult for me to succeed. Because the stock market has been blocked temporarily, your confidence will be lost. The old man who came with me many times at the beginning has lost confidence in me Liu Qian so soon?"

Liu Qian smilingly looked at many members present, casually lit a cigarette, completely ignored the rules of no smoking in the meeting room.

"No, brother Qian, if we didn't have confidence in you, we would have left long ago. It's just that the company's stock market has been frantically blocked. Now it has fallen to a freezing point, and it can last for two days at most. After two days, our Hans group may face bankruptcy!"

At this time, an employee came out, a department manager. He looked at Liu Qian with a wry smile and said, "if you don't come here, maybe we'll leave too. Without you and Mr. Han, the Han group really lacks the ability to take the lead."

"Yes, brother Qian, whether you're here or not, even if we have confidence in you, it's also about our jobs. I hope you can bear with me more."

"Liu Qian, they are all right, and we all agree. We are old people who have followed you. Now Han's group is facing a life and death crisis, and we don't have much way to deal with it. After all, this time, the other party's blocking fund is too large. Even if we throw our wealth and life into it, we can't afford to spend any money."

"To tell you the truth, brother Qian, we really don't know what to do if you are here or not."

"President Han just went up, and she also said to try to find a way, but the funding gap of billions of dollars is really not something that can be accomplished by trying to find a way."

For a moment, the conference room became lively again. What it said was that it didn't have the slightest confidence. It was completely frightened by the opponent's strong move. After all, the other party was running up nearly 10 billion US dollars, not little red fish RMB. Therefore, even Han's group is big, it can't bear such a loss. Now it can "stand" it, It's the best effort of the elite of these departments. While looking at the noisy staff, Liu Qian just laughed, did not speak, and "smoked" on his own.

Xu Qing is not angry and pinches the soft "meat" on Liu Qian's waist. When she sees Liu Qian smiling, she is angry and says, "what can you do? Let's talk about it. Now the company is like this. Everyone is in a hurry."


Liu Qian smiles and nods to Xu Qing, then slowly stands up.

The office, which used to be noisy, is now calm again. Many people are looking at Liu Qian.

In each of the previous crises, Liu Qian easily wiped out all the crises. Not only that, but Han's group will also prosper. Now, Han's group is only one step away from listing. If this crisis is over, then Han's group is not far away from listing, Even every one of them here can be "excited" to increase their wealth several times.


Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, but seeing that there was no worry on Liu Qian's face, she was also full of curiosity. However, Liu Qian said that she had no choice but to wait together.

Not only she, but also nearly 200 people from the management who were present all focused on Liu Qian.

Normally speaking, it is forbidden to answer the phone during a meeting. But at this time, Liu Qian's phone rings, and many people stare at it.

"It's found out that the funds given by Ho Quan of the United Kingdom are for the purpose of completely destroying the Han group and swallowing the Han group."

"How long can we get rid of this crisis?"

"It has been lifted. Not only that, but I have also left all the blocked funds on the books of Hans group."

"So fast!"

"Brother Qian, please, you didn't see Miss Han's eagerness. She was crying. She didn't want to look for you. She was afraid to look for you every time. She was also afraid of troubling you. Although there was no need to be polite between you two, to tell you the truth, brother Qian, Miss Han is a good person. You should cherish it!"

On the phone, he chuckled and said, "this time, he Quan, an old man, can't steal the rice. Come on, I have to train them. These girls are really crazy. They don't want to train each other. By the way, and Xu Qing, you ask her to train as soon as possible. The talent of this" woman "is good."

"I see."

Liu Qian, with a smile on his lips, hung up the phone, turned his head and looked at all the people at the scene. He laughed.

"No, brother Qian, what do you mean by that smile? Can this crisis be solved or not? Let's get to the bottom of it."

"Yes, brother Qian, you are smiling like this. We should be careful."

After all, the crisis of Han's group is related to their wealth. Although they have no worries about their sex and life, they who have completely belonged to Han's group naturally do not want to see Han's giant fall down. They all hope that it can stand up like a mountain in the whole Jianghai city and become the pride of Jianghai!

Now that there are many crises, it has to be said that the smile on Liu Qian's face is really a bit alarming. No one knows what he means. At this time, it can be said that there were more than 200 people present, one by one, looking at Liu Qian anxiously, and some even swallowed their saliva.

"Don't blame the gate."

Xu Qing looks at Liu Qian in a strange way. With his eyes and mysterious smile, she can't help but get nervous, not to mention other people in the company.

"It's all right now. Let's go back to work. Recently, I will let president Han prepare to go public."

Liu Qian chuckled and patted Xu Qing's ass when no one noticed him. Then he strode outside, leaving a great impression on the middle and high-level of Han family who was still a little surprised.

With a light bang, when the "door" of the office room was closed, many people present were almost stupid.

"No, the company that was just about to die is not only OK now, but brother Qian also said that he would go public!"

"I, I heard you right!"

No matter how many miracles Liu Qian has created before, this time, in their view, Liu Qian's words are a little full.

If it is true that according to what Liu Qian said, then the contrast between before and after is a little too big, which is a little unbelievable.

"Or shall we go out and have a look?"

"What are you doing out there? I'll look at the stock market."

Some people can't wait to get to the side of the computer. At this time, Xu Qing also stood up. Many people were staring at the weathervane of Han's stock market on the computer monitor.

The stock market, which had been green to the end, suddenly soared in an irresistible manner dozens of minutes ago, and now it has reached the limit.

Everything displayed on the computer is true, everything is true, but in the eyes of all people in the office, it is like a dream.


Someone rubbed his eyes and looked at the computer monitor again. At this time, he made many people look at him. When he looked at him, he laughed excitedly and said, "OK, OK, I don't have to go bankrupt, I don't have to go bankrupt, ha ha ha."

"It's true"

"It's true, it's true, my friend texted me, it's true!"

Another person took out his mobile phone and looked at the content above and cried excitedly.

Originally just as noisy as the vegetable market company, at this time, but it is a hubbub, all the mood from the initial loss, become high up, all the confusion, at this time are swept away.

And it's all because of that man.

"I didn't believe it before, but now I really believe it. We Han's group believe in a word. As soon as brother Qian makes a move, we will know if there is one!"

"Yes, brother Qian is really a God. This time, my God, the contrast is too big. If you have a bad heart, you can be scared."

"That's for sure. You don't want to see who our brother Qian is. I'll say that you wanted to change jobs at the beginning. Now stay here and don't regret it, ha ha ha." "what you should regret is that those job hopping idiots, Minister Xu, those job hoppers, please join the blacklist. I'm very disdainful to be with such people!"

Xu Qing is also a smile, see the atmosphere of the whole office has become extremely high up, she is also agreed to nod.

Now that we have betrayed, how can we work together!

However, it's not over yet. In this crisis, many moths have sprung up!


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