Wang "Bo" was slapped suddenly. He could not stand steadily, and almost fell to the ground. His face was puzzled. Looking at brother Bao's eyes, he became surprised.

The other little "Hun" and "Hun" were horrified to see such a scene.

You know, before going out of the door just now, brother Bao said he wanted to take Liu Qian to pieces. Unexpectedly, when he came to the scene, brother Bao didn't get angry. Instead, he stopped Wang Bo from getting angry.

This is really a strange thing.

"Brother Bao, didn't you just say that you wanted to kill this boy?" A little "Hun" asked in a low voice.

"I'll kill you. Get out of my way. Can you talk here?" Cried brother leopard.

In front of Liu Qian, brother Bao did not dare to be disrespectful, because he had learned Liu Qian's power for a long time. If he was angry with Liu Qian, the consequences would be very serious.

Although they value face and dignity, what they value more is whether they can survive.

Although the current scene is that brother Bao has a large number of people and occupies a certain advantage, he knows better than anyone that he is a group of ants to Liu Qian.

"Brother Bao is here today. What can I do for you?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

"No, nothing. Just come here and have a look." Brother leopard replied quickly.

Under the pressure of the other party, his voice was trembling.

After all, Liu Qian's strength is very terrible. Once it breaks out, it can crush almost everything.

Therefore, if we have to, we'd better not "irritate" him. Otherwise, we'll have nothing to eat.

"It's said that you are the bearer in this area. You collect all the protection fees of shops, right?" Liu Qian suddenly asked aloud.

"Yes, yes, that's all because the boss looks up to his younger brother. I don't know what advice do you have, brother Liu?" Brother leopard said carefully.

Leopard brother's attitude instantly made those younger brothers behind him "hoodwink".

What is this? Brother Bao brought people out to deal with this guy, but now he's showing weakness to each other. Do you want to do something?

"Well, I'll cover this street in the future. If you want to collect protection fees, you can go to other places. Do you understand?" Liu Qian said lightly.

"This, this, this." Leopard brother's face "dew" is hard to "color".

It's no wonder that he is also the boss of qingfengtang. Now he gives up the territory of qingfengtang when he is threatened by the other party's words. Isn't that too much of a coward?

What's more, qingfengtang finally defeated several gangs nearby and won this street. Now because of Liu Qian's words, he has to give up. If leader Qin Feng, brother Bao's boss, knows about it, what's the point?

"Why, are you in a dilemma?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

"I'll go back and discuss this with the boss. I hope you can spare me a few days, brother Liu." Brother leopard said carefully.

"Don't tell him. I'll help him make a decision. If you people in qingfengtang come back to collect the protection fee, I'll let him come in and lie down." Liu Qian said lightly. Although the tone is not very loud, but in the speech, it is domineering at a glance.

Brother Bao shudders at this. After all, Liu Qian has put down his cruel words and asked him to accept them. Now he is in a dilemma. If he carries on with his opponent, he will be doomed. If he just goes back, he will lose face.

For a moment, brother Bao hesitated and continued to "CHANT" in the same place. His face was blue and white, and he thought about how to deal with it quickly in his heart.

"Damn, there are so many of us, and we're afraid that this kid will be killed!" Just at this time, Wang "Bo" suddenly cried out.

With dozens of brothers around him, he was very unconvinced. After all, there were a lot of people on his side, and the other side was just one person. No matter how fierce he was, he could not fight it!

What's more, they all have guys in their hands.

"Little Bo is right. Brother Bao, why should so many of us be afraid of this boy? Let's go together. As long as we kill him, everything will be settled. Otherwise, if we lose this territory, how can we go back and" hand over "with leader Qin?" Another "Hun" with glasses said.

His name is Li Cheng. He is the confidant of brother Bao. Many plans to seize the territory come from him.

"Well, let's do it." Leopard brother decided to cast a single bet, after all, he has so many people, and they are all fighting masters in Qingfeng hall.

If dozens of people besiege one person, if they can't fight, isn't it impossible?

What's more, it's not a movie now. There's no such phenomenon as one person fighting dozens of times.

Brother Bao didn't believe that Liu Qian had three heads and six arms, a bronze body and iron head, and could resist so many people!

Only a bet!

"All his" milk "and" milk "will be given to Laozi!" Brother leopard roared, and the dozens of people under his hand immediately rushed to the front as if they had taken fire medicine.

At the same time, all the shop owners who were watching around were so scared that they ran away.

After all, they have never heard of or seen dozens of people beating one person at the same time.

"It's over. That boy is going to give eight yuan to ah Bao's people!"

"Yes, it would be very unlucky if a person died here in our commercial street."

"Oh, it's depressing!"

Many bosses are filled with emotion and show their sympathy, but none of them come forward to help, even to the police.

In the face of dozens of people's fierce attack, Liu Qian smiles calmly. When dealing with these small mole ants, he has already understood the experience. As long as he hurts them, everything is easy to say.

At present, without hesitation, Liu Qian went straight into the "Hun" and "Hun" groups. Many "Hun" and "Hun" were shouting loudly, but they didn't know what was going on, so they were immediately shocked out!

"Kill me."

As soon as the words were heard, Wang Bo was punched in the chest. His body felt a huge force directly crushing him, and then a huge breath directly shook him out.

By the time he realized what was going on, his body had been shaken to ten meters away, and he fell all over in pain“ Damn, my strength has declined. It took me a minute to clean up these ants! " Liu Qian stops, stands in the center of the field, takes out a stopwatch from his arms, and finds that the stopwatch has just gone for one minute.

Many shop owners nearby have long been dazzled.

Many people are very shocked.

Grass mud horse, is it human or Superman? Why does it have such powerful energy? It's a pervert!

These people have never seen that a person's strength can be as powerful as iron man, totally beyond their imagination!

"Crouching trough, who can see clearly how he did it just now?" Many of the onlookers were shocked. They were shocked. Obviously, they couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

One minute ago, they all thought that the war would end with Liu Qian being beaten. However, they did not expect that Liu Qian not only completed the counter attack, but also "spent" less than one minute to get everyone done!

"It's really tough. I think this guy can go to the world boxing war!"

"Yes, it's a shock to the past and a flash to the present!"

"What kind of material is that boy made of? How can he be so powerful?"

A lot of people are surprised to shout out, a face of incredible, but such an incredible thing, just happened in their eyes.

Wang Bo and others were shocked and embarrassed. They didn't expect that dozens of people had been dealt with by each other in a minute, which was beyond their imagination!

"Now, do you have anything else to say?" Liu moved to Gao Linxia and said lightly.

In front of him, there are dozens of little "Huns" and "Huns" who are lying on the ground struggling and groaning. One of them turns his horse upside down and screams repeatedly, completely devoid of the arrogance just now.

"Brother Liu, you, you, do as you say." Under such circumstances, brother Bao did not dare to say no more.

In terms of his strength, he is not Liu Qian's opponent at all, so he can only be soft.

Although face is very important, it's more important to save your life.

"Well, I'll cover this street in the future. If you want to get out of here, hurry up. If I change my mind, it's not easy." Liu Qian see things resolved, so light said.

"Thank you, brother Liu, for sparing my life!" Leopard brother immediately took the people under his hands and fled.

Looking at dozens of small "Huns" who have been beaten to pieces like this, they have lost their families even when they run away. Many shop owners feel very happy and run out to surround Liu Qian.

"Brother, you are a real cow. What's your name and what do you do?" Many people are curious about Liu Qian's identity.

Under such circumstances, of course, Liu Qian could not be modest, so he immediately said, "look at my ID card."

With that, Liu Qian took out his certificate directly.

On this document he wrote Liu Qian, special adviser of the police station. Seeing such documents, the shop owners were stunned. When they came back, they all thumbed up.

"It turned out that he was a special adviser of the police department. No wonder he was so powerful!"

"Yes, there will be officer Liu in the future. We don't have to worry about being blackmailed by hooligans again!"

"Those gangsters, let them go to hell!"

Liu Qian smiles a little, and then says, "well, I will cover this street in the future. If you have anything to do, please tell me Liu Qian's name."

"Thank you, officer Liu!"

After solving this problem, Liu Qian went back to Jiang Qiuye's house, intending to continue to have an affair with the American police.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Liu Qian, where are you dead?" Inside the phone, the naughty voice of little loli and Li Xiaomeng came.

"What's the matter, miss?" Liu Qian felt a little puzzled. How could little loli be so "excited" as soon as she spoke.

"Come and pick me up at school, some villains want to bully me!" Li Xiaomeng said.

"I'm still hungry. I haven't eaten yet." Liu Qian said with a bitter smile.

"Come right away, or I'll tell my sister to deduct your salary!" Li Xiaomeng threatened.

As a matter of fact, for Liu Qian, it doesn't matter whether his salary is deducted or not. He has no idea about grandfather Mao.

However, he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Han Zixin because of Li Xiaomeng's complaint. Therefore, although Li Xiaomeng's request is very unreasonable, he has to go immediately.

After buying two steamed buns in a hurry, Liu Qian rushed to school.

After entering the school, he called Li Xiaomeng.

Li Xiaomeng said that she didn't dare to go down in the chemical laboratory, so she waited for him on the third floor.

With a wry smile, Liu Qian had to go to the chemistry laboratory. In the corner of the third floor, he saw Li Xiaomeng with an aggrieved face.

"I said, miss, what's the matter with you?" Liu Qian asked.

"Someone's blocking me down there!"

"Are you bullying people again?" Liu Qian felt that, in Li Xiaomeng's "sex" style, it would be strange if people didn't block her.

"I didn't bully people. It's just that the hateful guy Lin Xishao wanted to hold me that day. Then I used the wolf catching skill you taught me to make a move to look for the moon from the bottom of the sea." Li Xiaomeng said wrongly, "but I didn't expect that I was wearing high heels that day."

Hearing this, Liu Qian immediately felt that the chrysanthemum "flower" was tight.

The wolf catching skill he taught is very powerful. Once it is used on the "color" wolf, it will surely make the opponent lose combat power in an instant.

Li Xiaomeng hit the lifeblood of Lin shishao, and he still wore high heels. Needless to say, Lin must have been in extreme pain now.

Maybe all my life roots are broken, and I can only be a eunuch in my next life“ Don't you think so? I told you that day that this move is very powerful. You can use three or four layers of strength. Now you've abandoned the lifeblood of others. No wonder they want to block you. " Liu Qian said in surprise.

He never thought that Li Xiaomeng looked like a lovely little loli, but she was so fierce. It was unexpected.

"Hum, who told him to bully me? He wants to chase me even though he looks like that. It's really a toad who wants to eat swan's meat!" Li Xiaomeng said.

"Well, I won't talk about you. Now come home with me." Liu Qian said helplessly.

The first lady is indeed the first lady. Even if she makes a mistake, it's someone else's fault.

"But they are waiting for me below. How can they get there?" Li Xiaomeng said.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"But I heard that the evil boy called a king of Muay Thai!" Li Xiaomeng said.

"Muay Thai king? Is it broadcasting? " Liu Qian is a little curious. If it's really a broadcast, then the power of Lin shishao is too powerful. Can the champion be invited?

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