Liu Qian's skill made the bearded man tremble. Originally, he intended to beat the other side with his own strength, but he didn't expect that the strength of the security guard in front of him was so powerful that it was beyond imagination., visit: ШШШ 79。

"Hero, hero, spare your life. I, I, I'll go now. It doesn't take ten seconds." The big man said in a hurry.

After that round of competition, he can see that he is not Liu Qian's opponent at all. If he really wants to fight, it is estimated that the opponent will "kill" him in one round.

Although Qiu bearded man is a member of qingfengtang, he started to "mix up" in the road at the age of 15, and has fought countless times over the years, he also knows that if he fights with Liu Qian, he will find his own way out.

"Bah, you still say that you are brother Niu who is afraid of others. Are you so promising when you are scared by a security guard?" At this time, the "woman" inside said scornfully.

The reason why she was attracted by brother Niu was that the other party boasted to her about how powerful she was. She was almost the first person in the world. But now Brother Niu's real strength disappointed her so much that she couldn't help muttering.

"What do you know, you Slut?" Brother Niu yelled, then immediately turned into a flattering face, "hero, I'll get out now, don't bother you to do it."

Although the words are respectful, what ya thinks in her heart is that he's "sucking" and "sucking". You son of a bitch dare to destroy Laozi's field battle. You just don't pay attention to our Qingfeng hall. Let you taste Laozi's power in the evening!

Liu Qian has a cold glance at this mole ant like figure. He is good at observing people's hearts. Of course, he can see that brother Niu is very unconvinced in his eyes. He will find a chance to revenge himself.

With his strength, even if brother Niu calls all the people in qingfengtang, it's no big deal.

What's more, qingfengtang is a society that does all kinds of evil. If they really dare to challenge, it would be better.

Brother Niu finished, and without waiting for Liu Qian to answer, he immediately stepped out.

"Wait, I just told you to get out, not to get out." Liu Qian said lightly.

Of course, those who come out to "muddle around" have to keep their word. They say that if they want him to go away, they must go away, instead of letting others go out. In this way, others will think that Liu Qian is not keeping his word.

"Ah? Hero, do you want to play so much? " Brother Niu turned his head and said.

His face "color" is very ugly, and also red, like pig liver.

After all, he was insulted for the first time.

If the other party is a big man of the sect, it's just a smelly security guard!

"Don't go away, do you?" Liu Qian said lightly.

Although his tone is very flat, but the murders are clear.

There's no need to be lenient in dealing with this kind of adultery.

If brother Niu doesn't know his face, Liu Qian thinks it's necessary to let him know what real fear is!

"Don't, don't, hero, don't be angry, I'll go, I'll go now!" Brother Niu gnashed his teeth, then flopped on the ground and rolled out.

This family factory has long been dilapidated and dusty. Brother Niu's clothes are covered with dust and mud as soon as he rolls around. It looks very dirty. Brother Niu's heart is also full of tears.

This is a mink coat that I just bought. It's worth more than 30000 yuan. The first day I wear it to pick up a girl, I'll make it. It's absolutely miserable!

At the same time, a sense of hatred rose in his heart.

He's "milk" and "milk". This smelly security guard even dares to provoke me. Let him have a look at our Qingfeng hall!

"Ha ha ha, you call yourself brother Niu. I think you might as well call yourself cow dung." When the woman saw it, she couldn't help laughing.

Such a scene is really too funny, and she did not expect that brother Niu of qingfengtang would be reduced to the level of fawning on a security guard.

Brother Niu was angry and embarrassed. He rolled out of the corridor and immediately got up with a grunt. Then he cried, "boy, you have seed. You are cruel. We'll see you later!"

After a few cruel words, brother Niu was afraid that the other party would come after him. He smeared oil on the sole of his feet and immediately ran away. In the twinkling of an eye, he ran away without a trace.

"This grandson runs fast. People who don't know think he is the champion of sprint?" Liu Qian couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

"Handsome boy, where are you" mixed up "? My sister likes you so much. Will you be my sister's man in the future?" After seeing brother Niu leave, the woman inside got up and electrified Liu Qian.

Liu Qian didn't like this kind of goods all the time.

"I don't like getting on the bus." Liu Qian said lightly.

"You, you, who do you say is the bus?" The woman flew into a rage.

"Go away, too. I don't want to tell you more. If you don't go away in ten seconds, you'll have to mend your mind." Liu Qian felt that there was no need to pity the jade.

"You, you, you are a cow!" The woman turned red and ran away immediately.

After driving the two men and women away, Liu Qian walked out of the room and looked around. Suddenly, he found a house with lights on at the end of the corridor, which was in sharp contrast to the darkness around him.

To see a light shining in the middle of a ruin is the same as to see light in the dark.

"I wonder if Uncle Yi and Xiao Xin are at home?" With a warm smile on his face, Liu Qian went straight forward.

He stepped forward to the house at the end of the corridor.

When he came to the dilapidated house, he found the door wide open.

Looking inside, Liu Qian found that there was an old man who was cooking medicine. He bent down and looked like he had gone through so many vicissitudes.

"Uncle Yi, I'm back!" Liu Qian couldn't help crying.

Yi Zhengxin, who was a little hunchbacked and wore a gray "color" old shirt, was stunned and then turned back.

When he saw that it was Liu Qian, his face was full of doting

"You smelly boy, you haven't seen anyone for several days. Where have you been?"

"Old lady, you, come out and see, Xiao Qian is coming to see us!" Yi Zhengxin seemed very happy. He cried excitedly to the inner room. And Liu Qian is a Zheng, old woman, is it an aunt?

Liu Qian knew that Yi Zhengxin and his wife had been divorced for many years, but he did not expect that they would be reunited.

Soon, a limping woman with a face of vicissitudes emerged from the inner room. She was Liu Qian's aunt and Yi Kexin's mother.

"Auntie, you, how did you become like this?" Liu Qian almost didn't recognize the woman!

Years of change, so that the original Jianlang Yi uncle and aunt, has become such an appearance, no wonder that the years are a ah.

"Xiao Qian, just come back!" At the sight of Liu Qian, Aunt Li Mei was also very happy, with a gentle smile on her face.

Yi Zhengxin and his wife Li Mei used to work in the water plant. They have been working in the water plant for decades. Even though they divorced in the middle, they still didn't leave the water plant.

The year before last, when the water plant closed down, many employees left the plant to find their own way out.

However, Yi Zhengxin and Li Mei are not willing to leave the water plant where they have dedicated dozens of young people, so they are the only one in the large family area of the water plant.

Originally, their family lived very well here, but last year, after this piece of land was missed by the developers, the days became not peaceful.

We often cut off the water and power supply, but every so often a group of "gangsters" rush in, threatening, beating and abusing.

Li Mei's feet were interrupted during the conflict, and she is still applying "medicine".

And this kind of thing, also let them originally very poor family, is even worse.

Liu Qian was furious when he heard the story of his aunt and uncle Yi.

He is "milk" and "milk". He is a God. How can we say that now it is a legal society, but these unscrupulous developers even use such means to "force" others to move out and do everything they can? It's extremely mean!

Originally, such things can be seen everywhere in China, and it's no big deal.

However, Liu Qian's "sexuality" has always been a grudge against evil. Since it happened to him, he naturally can't ignore it. What's more, the victim is his uncle and aunt Yi!

You know, when they were young, they were very kind to themselves. If they just sit by now, wouldn't they be better than pigs and dogs?

"Who did it?" Liu Qian clenched his fist and asked.

"It's said that the people of qingfengtang did it. Alas, they are all" gangsters "on the road. They are very fierce!" Yi Zhengxin said, "however, I will not give in to them. Xiao Qian, you see."

Following uncle Yi's gesture, Liu Qian found that there were more than a dozen in the corner, as well as crossbows, javelins and other things.

"Uncle Yi, are you going to use these against them?" Liu Qian was surprised.

A wave of respect rose in his heart.

After all, the strength of Uncle Yi's family is so weak that he is not the rival of the powerful qingfengtang. Under such circumstances, it's a miracle that he can stick here for so long!

Such courage is very rare in today's society“ Yes, anyway, I'm old enough to live long ago. What's to be afraid of? " Yi Zhengxin said with pride.

"Come on, old man, don't patronize chatting with Xiao Qian. Pour him a cup of tea." Li Mei urged.

"Yes, yes, how could I forget about it!" Yi Zhengxin pats his head and goes to make tea.

Just at this time, Liu Qian's mobile phone suddenly rang. When he took it out, it was Wang Fei.

"What's the matter?" Liu Qian asked immediately.

"No, brother Liu, I saw a lot of people in Qingfeng hall go in!" Wang Fei's voice was full of anxiety.

"How many people?"

"Thirty or forty, all with steel pipes and machetes. What should we do?"

"You find a place to hide. Don't mind so much. I'll take care of the rest."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Qian's mouth showed a cold radian.

Just now Liu Qian was on the phone hands-free, and Yi Zhengxin heard the voice clearly. He was very angry and immediately raised a case

"He's" sucking "and" sucking ". These bastards are coming again. Xiao Qian, you'll sit and drink tea and see Uncle Yi's methods!"

With that, Yi Zhengxin immediately took the bow and crossbow in the corner, then took two bottles of incendiary bombs and rushed out of the door.

Liu Qian saw that uncle Yi was getting old. He was afraid that he might miss something and immediately chased him out.

When the two men came to the corridor, they saw some thirty little "Huns" and "Huns" coming slowly down the corridor. They were all in black "color" uniforms with murder weapons in their hands, and each of them had a fierce look on his face. At first sight, they were not good at it.

"Dead old man, if you don't move out today, we'll kill you!" Cried the first yellow haired fellow.

This person is Li Ming, a team leader of qingfengtang, who is responsible for the demolition this time.

He brought people in three times and four times to make trouble. He thought that with the reputation of qingfengtang, he could blow out the Yi Zhengxin family.

But he didn't expect that Yi Zhengxin's family were so tenacious that they used all kinds of props to fight against him. They insisted on it for many days, but they didn't give in.

At the same time, qingfengtang puts more and more pressure on Li Ming to solve the problem within a week.

So today, Li Ming brought all the men he could fight. He just wanted to work hard to get Yi Zhengxin, so that qingfengtang could win this piece of land.

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