Input Log Dates

Chapter 158 Day 48


If i count right... i think it's either today or tomorrow that B1 will open the elavator doors. Things mvoed again while i was sleeping. The person in front of the door is gone.

not really gone.

they just moved towards the other end of the hall. Where the person who was sitting there is. I... I don't know what to think about this.

How did they move? WHy put it with the other person...?








B1 said that they ran intoa little trouble. They said it was okay nowbut they just realized something?

I think they might be on to me.

They asked if i really was mom.

I haven't really replied yet but... I don't know what to say? If i don't say anything, will they still come down here to get me? Or... what if they make me die? what will hapepn to mom now? I can't find her if i'm dead-i think at least. She still needs me right? How else will she find me?


What if... what if mom is already dead...?


No, don't think like that .5

mom is out there. SHe misses me.







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