Inside and Outside World

Chapter 173: : 3 King Banquet

While pouring himself wine, Xiang Yu said slowly:

"Yingzheng, as an emperor, the Jade Seal of Inheritance in your hand is enough to represent the orthodoxy of the imperial power. This is the chaotic continent, not the real world. There is no Kyushu here. You don't value the Jiuding that represents Kyushu, right? ?”

"That's natural, but I must punish King Sejong who took Jiuding. This is an issue related to the dignity of the Chinese people."

"For the people of China?" Liu Bang sneered, "It's ridiculous to say it from a tyrant."

Now Liu Bang is no worse than the other two in strength, and it is rare to be hardened: "The world is governed by severe punishments and laws. The miserable people wear the clothes of cows and horses, eat the food of dogs and pigs, and flee to the mountains under the torture of violent officials. Such an emperor is also qualified to represent the Chinese people."

Ying Zheng snorted coldly and said: "The Qin law issued by me as the emperor, every article and every clause is clearly written, and I will punish anyone who breaks the law! No matter whether you are a prince or a small person, the Qin law treats everyone equally! If you live and work in peace and contentment, how can you escape? Liu Bang, are you accusing the widow of cruelty?"

"Look at the guy next to you, slaughtered Xiangcheng and Chengyang, slaughtered countless civilians, slaughtered Xin'an, killed 200,000 soldiers of the Qin army, burned Xianyang, slaughtered the civilians in Guanzhong, burned, killed, looted, Digging the grave! I am not a tyrant, he is!"

The First Emperor looked at Xiang Yu with cold eyes.

"I unified the six kingdoms and abolished the system of enfeoffment, prefectures and counties, but you confiscated the 18th princes to reverse the history and plunge China into war again! You restored the punishment of cooking and killing people in the Warring States Period, and to those who tell the truth Immediately cook it in one pot! You burn Xianyang and the whole Guanzhong, and the fire will last for three months!"

"You dug up my mausoleum, destroyed all the buildings on the ground, and plundered the property in Guanzhong and the property and population in Qi. Isn't all this the work of a tyrant?"

"The State of Qin established the Qin Law to restrain its people and standardize the social order. The Great Qin Empire, the Chinese civilization created by me, fell into cannibalism in just five or six years in your hands. More than half of the deaths were caused by extreme poverty and famine. After more than 50 years since the establishment of the government, it is still in a severe depression and cannot recover."

Yingzheng looked at Liu Bang again: "And you Han Gaozu, you claim to be the king of peace and prosperity, have you never slaughtered the city? You slaughtered Yingyang once, and Wuguan second. Material and spiritual civilization is almost destroyed!"

"The population has dropped sharply, the people's livelihood has withered, and the whole world is desolate!

"When I was alive, the entire Warring States period was full of swords and soldiers, but there was no massacre of a city. In the war of destroying the Six Kingdoms, the Qin army never massacred civilians!"

"It's ridiculous that when Qin is mentioned thousands of years later, everyone only knows it is a tyrant. When it comes to the Han Dynasty, they are all strong men, and Xiang Yu is the indomitable overlord of Western Chu! And Zhen is the number one tyrant in history. , a demon-like existence, hahaha..."

Seeing Qin Shihuang laughing up to the sky, the onlookers in the square fell silent.

After some players shot and recorded the live broadcast, the forums and video sites immediately exploded, and messages and barrages appeared quickly.

"Qin Shihuang is domineering!"

"I didn't expect that Xiao Qin's eloquence is so good, he can't lose to Zhuge Liang!"

"The Overlord of Chu really slaughtered the city?"

The players on the square were silent at first, and then many people began to talk in low voices. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, was still drinking wine leisurely, as if he didn't care.

He didn't put down the ladle in his hand until the surroundings were completely quiet again, and the starry eyes under the thick eyebrows exuded a compelling look: "Ying Zheng, I am different from you and Liu Bang, Liu Bang is a king, and you are a king!" An emperor, and I am the overlord!"

"He was born to fight, to bring destruction to the world, to destroy the overlord of the old order!"

"Yingzheng, do all people have to be under the laws you made, like puppets, and live according to the laws? No, everyone has the right to live vigorously and recklessly in the world. Fools, even turning them into corpses is better than being alive!"

"To be a human being, one should abide by one's heart and understand one's thoughts. The so-called overlord should be more greedy, laugh more joyously, and be more angry than the people of the world. The force of killing should be at its peak. Only in this way will the subjects be envious of the overlord. , I am overwhelmed by it! In the hearts of all people in the world, and in the hearts of future generations, the light of longing for 'I also want to be the overlord' is lit!"

"Fight against heaven and earth with one's own body, conquer all enemies, destroy all opponents, and use this as a starting point to move forward and finally smash the world... This is my way of overlord!" Xiang Yu picked up the flagon and drank it in one gulp.

Xiang Yu's words made the quiet square noisy again.

This guy's three views... are speechless, but I have to say that this is also very attractive! Only such a character can create the only overlord throughout the ages.

"So, you failed." Qin Shihuang didn't speak, and Liu Bang couldn't help but refute.

Xiang Yu put down the jug, and said with great interest: "At the beginning, you were always pretending and ingratiating in front of me, and you had no shame at all. Now it seems that you can finally recover your nature and face me, so let me hear what you have. Say it from the bottom of your heart."

"Okay." Liu Bang said.

"The so-called king is not to bring destruction but to create. Although Yingzheng created the law and ruled the people, the law has no human feelings. Harsh laws will eventually make the people hate you and spurn you. Xiang Yu, you have brought to this world. is destruction."

Liu Bang's body was straight, and his face showed a solemn look: "As a king, he was born to live for the people, so that the country will prosper and prosper, take the lead, and at the same time rule the country with kindness, so that the people can live easily. "

"I, the first king in the history of China who conquered and unified the world by himself, the first king who took recuperation as a national policy, released slaves and slaves to liberate productivity, and implemented a policy of light corvee and low tax throughout the country!"

"I promote the amount of officials and salaries, the use of officials, and advocate frugality. I have issued an imperial edict to recruit sages and talents from all over the world. I worship Confucius and reuse Confucian scholars, laying the foundation for the Han Dynasty and later generations to rule the country with Confucian culture as the main body~www Rule the world with filial piety!"

"I, the king, let the Chinese people inherit their culture and ideas from now on, so that the people of Huaxia can transform into Han people who are persevering, docile, hardworking and respectful to their ancestors!"

"It was me who restored the Chinese civilization destroyed by you, Overlord of Chu, and many princes. As the founder of the unification of the great Han Dynasty for more than 400 years, isn't my way of king the most praiseworthy?"

"The legal system you created, Qin Shihuang, requires people to implement it. After your death, the laws of Qin State have begun to deteriorate. The law has become a shackle on the people, and a tool for the strong to oppress the weak. The mausoleum you built consumes A lot of national power."

"Your paths are all wrong!"

Liu Bang sternly shouted: "Correct management and correct rule are the way of a king! The overlord of Chu, who became the overlord in order to satisfy his endless desires, thinks that he has wisdom and abilities that surpass all others, and ordinary people are not worthy of discussing with you." , as long as you obediently obey the ruling Qin Shihuang, you are all dictators and tyrants."

"Only I am the king most qualified to represent China, and the king of the Han people is the king most qualified to receive the Jiuding!"

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