Inside Tyrant

Chapter 112

Zach LaVine made a very obvious passing error, which ended up in Su Ran’s hands and turned into a good ball!

This ball made even Lavin’s people look surprised!

Su Ran’s body control is absolute!

“As long as I’m on the inside, pass it casually.”

Su Ran returned to the defense road and high-fived Lavin: “One person to defend me is equal to no one to defend me~”

In fact, in front of Su Ran, little Lopez is really not much different from no one to defend him.

On the Knicks side, Anthony singled Wiggins and hit key points to help the team stop the bleeding.

The Timberwolves attacked, and Rubio blocked Porzingis on the flank and then distributed the ball to Boshen from beyond the three-point line.

Downs decisively pulled out to defend Boshen’s three-pointer, and Porzingis kept on the ball and went straight to the basket!


The basketball started, Su Ran turned around with heavy shoulders, and across the little Lopez, it was another shark-style hanging frame partition buckle!


The force of this ball is so great that the basketball hoop buzzes!

Kenny Smith and Patrick Ewing in the commentary table turned their attention to O’Neill next to them.

This scene, they are too familiar!

“Ahem! That’s why I gave the Superman nickname to Su Ran! ”

The big shark adjusted his sitting posture: “To be honest, Su Ran played this ball very toughly, and little Lopez alone can’t prevent him!” ”

“Indeed, the Knicks chose to limit Porzingis’ three-point range, which would give Su Ran a one-on-one opportunity on the inside.”

“Under the current circumstances, the Knicks don’t have a player who can handle Su Ran one-on-one!”

In other words.

In the current league, there are almost no players who can restrict Su Ran one-on-one!

The old fish Fisher is still iron.

After all, the first quarter is almost over, so you have to stick to the second quarter to change your defensive strategy.

Fisher’s persistence cost the Knicks’ defense.

In the second half of the first quarter, Su Ran suddenly turned on the scoring mode, grabbed free throws with dunks, and blocked!

Minutes more than a minute to slam down the rebound block!

Played the first quarter and delivered a super triple-double with amazing rebounds, blocks and assists!

The Minnesota Timberwolves also scored a season-high single-quarter high in the first quarter under the explosive play of Su Ran!

The New York Knicks, playing at home, only scored points!


In the first quarter, the Timberwolves took a point lead!

“This could be the first quarter of the season for the New York Nicks!”

During the intersection, Kenny Smith turned over the technical statistics: “But the exaggerated score, I pay more attention to Su Ran’s first quarter data!” ”

“Am I really not wrong about the technical statistics?”

Big shark O’Neill made a mouth: It only took a few minutes for Ran to take this kind of data?! ”

“This is thanks to Derek Fisher’s brain-dead tactical arrangement!”

Patrick Ewing was unceremonious: “This is the end of rashly choosing to prevent Su Ran alone!” ”

The whole world knows that to deal with Su Ran, at least two people are needed.

The old fish used Robin Lopez to defend Su Ran alone in the second half, which will be included in the coach’s teaching error demonstration textbook!

“Su Ran, in just one section, he played a terrifying triple-double performance!”

“It’s probably the fastest triple-double in history, and the point is that it’s not a traditional assist triple-double!”

Historically, there are not many players who have won a triple-double with blocks!

A player like Su Ran who has a triple-double in a single quarter is the only one himself!

What’s more, this is the third cap triple-double in Su Ran’s career!

People may have a block triple-double once in their entire career, and it is worth bragging.

Su Ran played three times in less than two months in this first season.

In addition to being terrifying, the three big guys can’t even think of any appropriate adjectives!

“Can’t win!”

Meanwhile, the home team is on the bench.

Tangs, who was wrapped in a towel and covered his head, hammered the bench: “Su Ran is too terrifying, without two people, he can’t prevent it at all!” ”

Even if you give two people to prevent Su Ran, can you really limit his play?

At least in some previous matches, Su Ran has the ability to burst the double bag.

Plus today, Porzingis regained three points of firepower.

It is impossible for the Knicks to rashly pinch Su Ran!

In a dilemma, Downs complained directly, which is also reasonable!

Derek Fisher was also helpless.

In fact, scoring points in the first quarter can also be regarded as a passing offensive performance.

But for the opponent to hit a new season high in the first quarter, this is a completely failing defense.

Don’t say fail, the old fish even wants to give a negative score!

It’s just a pity that the facts are in front of us.

All of the Knicks’ defensive strategy, placed in front of Su Ran, is a paper paste tiger, which can be broken with a poke!

“Let’s fight again, give up the defense, and fight with them!”

Fisher chose to make a desperate bet in the middle of the second quarter: “The defense side is combined to limit Su Ran, and the offensive end gives me all out!” ”

If the opponent still can’t win, then Fisher will choose to give up the game!

It’s just a great pity.

The Knicks gave up defense, and on the Timberwolves’ side, Su Ran did not give up defense.

Su Ran’s three consecutive ruthless blocks in the middle of the second quarter, coupled with the Timberwolves’ three consecutive counterattacks, completely wiped out the idea of the Knicks and the Timberwolves attacking.

At the end of the half, just at the beginning of the third quarter, Derek Fisher replaced all the main players and announced that he would give up the game!

“This is probably the quickest abandonment in the history of the New York Knicks.”

“It’s also Madison Square, the quietest day of the season!”

“Minnesota’s new wolf king Su Ran, with his team, conquered this glorious arena.”

“Su Ran conquered Madison Garden Square!”

Minutes played, delivering an all-around triple-double with a few rebounds, blocks and assists.

Su Ran let the entire Knicks fans at Madison Square remain silent throughout the second half!

Eventually, the game was over, and the Minnesota Timberwolves were in Madison Square,:,The big score bloodied the New York Knicks!

After the game, the entire Knicks team did not give an interview, and collectively hung their heads and returned to the players’ locker room!

Today will be the most humiliating day of the season for this team!

(The fourth more sent, today’s guarantee of the eighth change, I ask all readers to greatly reward the flower ticket support, do not eat, directly open the liver explosion mode!) )_

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