Inside Tyrant

Chapter 125

“Reggie Jackson didn’t hug Su Ran!?”

United States, Detroit Auburn Hills Palace Arena!

The commentator on the sidelines was frightened and stupid by the scene in front of him: “This is also too terrifying!” ”

“yes! Although Reggie Jackson is only a defender, how to say, he also weighs kilograms! ”

Another commentator was also stunned: “Su Ran carries almost a kilogram of weight, can he still complete the violent buckle?!” ”

What a monster this is!

The referee on the sidelines upheld the original decision, and they needed to judge whether Reggie Jackson’s ball was an early foul or a shooting foul on Su Ran.

At the same time, Reggie Jackson, who stood side by side with the team manager, looked helpless.

“It’s not your fault, Reggie.”

The elder Van Gundy patted Reggie Jackson’s shoulder: “This kind of ball, who comes against, can’t stop Su Ran.” ”

Su Ran’s attack just now made Great Van Gundy recall the scene where he once coached the peak Warcraft in Magic.

However, the ability displayed by Su Ran’s button is much more terrifying than the peak demon beast!

The three referees passed the replay on the spot, and after repeated confirmation, they judged that Su Ran’s dunk was valid for two points, and he also had to get an extra penalty and stand on the free throw line!


Steadily and steadily hit the penalty, Su Ran’s first attack not only succeeded, but also hit once!

Offensive and defensive conversion, piston offense.

Reggie Jackson on the outside does not call for blocking, strong Rubio on the right side, and shoots in the emergency stop!


The basketball is right in the right side of the basket and pops out of the frame!

Under the basket, Drummond, who was fully in the slot, suddenly jumped!

This season, Zhuang Shen can grab it every game. offensive rebounds, for offensive rebounds!


However, at the next moment when Drummond jumped up to take off the rebound, Su Ran, who jumped from behind him, took the lead and controlled the rebound!

Snatching the rebound from Drummond, Su Ran landed a pass to Rubio, and then fought back with the team on the front court!

Drummond’s return speed was not fast enough, and the Timberwolves in front formed a playing situation.

Rubio passes to LaVine on the right, who in turn passes the ball to the right side of the basket.

Su Ran took off with the trend, and the violent air attack frame!


Minnesota Timberwolves are anti-guest!

The Pistons pressed the tempo and Reggie Jackson distributed the ball to Marcus Morris, who was open on the outside.

Morris adjusted slightly, three-point shot, medium!

Rebounding competition, Su Ran jumped for another second, but rushed ahead and protected the backcourt rebound!

And instigate the team to launch a quick attack and counterattack!

“Su Ran’s bullet speed is too terrifying

“That’s the talent gap, Drummond’s rebounding sense is top-notch, and his tonnage is also a card weapon.”

“But Su Ran’s bullet speed can make up for all this!”

“Not only the speed of the bullet, Su Ran’s bouncing ability is also the top in history, he just jumps higher than Drummond and gets up faster!”

The two commentators directly pointed out the gap between the two teams’ interior centers!

Drummond’s rebounding ability is truly excellent.

But under the crushing of Su Ran’s absolute talent, this rebounding ability is really not enough!

The Pistons finally scored two points from Caldwell Pope to ease the team’s scoring drought.

Timberwolves are in positional warfare.

Rubio high hanging ball passed to Su Ran!

In addition to Drummond defending Su Ran, Marcus Morris and Ilyasova on the pistons side contracted rapidly, forming a trap against Su Ran!

Su Ran kept the ball in his hand and divided the ball into the hands of LaVine who was standing on the outside line!

Zach LaVine pulled up and shot, but missed the three-point shot!

Defensive rebounds!

Drummond jumped up to protect the rebound this time.

It doesn’t matter if he can’t grab offensive rebounds, he won’t let his opponents grab offensive rebounds!


However, Su Ran, who was behind Drummond, as if he had already calculated, was still a little taller than Drummond and took off the offensive rebound!

After landing, Su Ran quickly took off and put the ball into the basket before Drummond’s second jump!

“Drummond failed to grab the offensive rebound, but Su Ran was able to steal the offensive rebound on Drummond’s head!”

“The rebounding kings of the two teams, today’s performance, seems to be polarized!”

Pistons team rebounding king, game so far rebound!

Drummond didn’t grab the rebound, on the contrary, he jumped almost every ball and tried to impact the rebound.

But every rebound was collected by Su Ran!

The commentator on the sidelines even said: Su Ran’s hands are like huge magnets, and the basketball is that piece of steel!

Everything that happened on the court, even Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy on the sidelines couldn’t stand it!


Seeing Su Ran jumping continuously, pressing Drummond to rebound and make up for the basket, the big Van Gundy on the sidelines directly called out a timeout!

“A terrifying data comparison!”

At the timeout, the courtsideline commentator turned over the technical statistics: “Detroit Pistons, average rebounds per game this season. Second, they are at the top of the league’s rebounding average per game. ”

“But today, more than a minute after the first quarter, they just had a rebound!”

And it’s two long rebounds.

If it weren’t for the basketball bouncing out of the frame and flying too far, maybe these two defensive rebounds, the Pistons couldn’t protect it!

“On the other hand, Minnesota Timberwolves center Su Ran, more than six minutes, grabbed a rebound!”

One of the second offensive rebounds converted into a second successful second offense!

defensive rebounds, clean sheet for Drummond’s offensive rebound!

Just the comparison of Su Ran’s rebounds with the Pistons team alone is terrifying:!

This is even more frightening than the difference between the two teams!

Su Ran not only kept a clean sheet per game. Rebounding machine Drummond’s rebounding, and one person grabs more rebounds than the opposite team!

“Su Ran may have stolen more than his own rebounds.”

“He took the rebound that Drummond should have snatched away!”

(Readers are too enthusiastic, today I won’t say much, directly start eight more to send, this is the second change, there are six more, come right away!) )_

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