Inside Tyrant

Chapter 143

“Su Ran once again sent a cap feast in the last game of the month!”

“This is his fourth game in two months, a triple-double!”

“The Minnesota Timberwolves, led by Su Ran, beat the Washington Wizards at home and won a winning streak for the second month in a row and undefeated in a single month!”

In history, the team that can achieve a single month of undefeated is already a famous team.

After all, undefeated in a single month, at least it is also a wave of consecutive victories!

And the only ones who can win undefeated for two consecutive months are the Los Angeles Lakers, who have won consecutive wins, and the Minnesota Timberwolves, who won the opening streak today!

More importantly, this is a team that was at the bottom of the league last season!

Finished bottom of the league last season, was undefeated for the first two months of the season and beat playoff teams like the Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks.

Even defeated defending champions like the Golden State Warriors!

They don’t have a winning streak and a monthly undefeated streak!

“This game is the best summary of the year!”

In a post-game interview, Timberwolves coach Sam Mitchell smiled: “A lot of people weren’t optimistic about our options before the season started. ”

“We traded Carl Anthony Downs for Su Ran.”

“A lot of people have told me that giving up the top pick for a summer league is the Timberwolves’ most mediocre decision of the season.”

“Now, two months later, everyone who used to say so has disappeared.”

“We went from being a team that was seen as a mediocre operation to being a contender for the first in the league and a championship team.”

At the end of the interview, coach Sam Mitchell said seriously: “All this is the change brought by Su Ran, he is the cornerstone of the temperament of a team that can really change!” ”

Sam Mitchell’s remarks have also been recognized by many American media.

When the headline of the evening news, he called Su Ran “Cornerstone Player.”

“Su Ran reminds me of Tim Duncan.”

Shaquille O’Neill said: “The only difference is that Su Ran is more high-profile, he let the world know how ruthless he is, and Tim is more low-key. ”

“I thought Su Ran would remind you of yourself.”

Charles Barkley joked: “Shaq, don’t you often say that Su Ran is the next big shark?” ”

“To tell you the truth, in this era, Su Ran is more dominant than I was in that era.”

O’Neill gave Barkley a blank look: “I played Su Ran’s performance, but on the defensive end, I was too lazy to come up with so much force.” ”

If it’s a baby shark in the Magic period, Er is still working the defensive end.

But as he gained weight, and his status improved, O’Neill gradually began to paddle on the defensive end.

Unlike the current Su Ran, the average per game has also been raised to . Times!

That’s almost half of the highest cap in history!

How terrifying Su Ran on the defensive end is, from the data, it can be seen!

“It’s worth mentioning that the Minnesota Timberwolves have now had a third-game winning streak in history.”

Kenny Smith introduced the next topic: “The Miami Heat’s winning streak is only one game away. ”

“But the Heat at the time had three All-Stars, Lebra James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade, and even two superstars.”

“Now Su Ran, who is the most proficient around him?”

“Andrew Wiggins? A sophomore? ”

Indeed, in addition to Su Ran, who averaged points per game, the second average of points per game on the Timberwolves team is Wiggins’ average. Divided.

“Kenny, don’t forget, Su Ran himself is just a rookie.”

O’Neal added: “It’s a rookie with another rookie, and a bunch of second-yearers and a starter who doesn’t shoot very well, and a winning streak. ”

“So that’s why I admire Su Ran, I think he’s surpassed Lebron James during his winning streak over the Heat.”

The big shark said directly: “At least from the performance during the winning streak, this is the way it is. ”

“Are you serious?”

Charles Barkley was stunned: “Shaq, do you really think so?” ”

“Of course, that’s what I think.”

O’Neill nodded: “Charles, don’t act, aren’t you also united with me?” ”

“Dude, don’t tear down the platform so quickly, I’m my own person.”

Barkley smiled and looked at the camera: “Indeed, I agree with Shaq, I think Su Ran’s performance this season is enough to surpass the winning James streak.” ”

“Even the greatest season performance in campaign history!”

, the topics raised at the evening symposium have become the focus of widespread heated discussions among fans around the world.

So far in Su Ran’s season, the average points per game have remained at an astonishing level, which remains high.

Rebounds per game remain steady, or averaged per game.

But the average number of blocks per game, even up one, came . Times!

The average assists per game has also gradually changed from . times, promoted to . Times!

In other words, Su Ran is not the peak in the first month, he is still improving in the follow-up competitions!

If Su Ran also develops according to the trend of these two months in the future.

This terrifying performance can indeed compete for the best single-season performance in a wave of history!

In the heated discussion of Su Ran by fans, the year officially ended.

The year and month of the United States time are officially here!

On the day of the month and day of the US time, the official announced the winners of the best awards of the month in the eastern and western parts of the month.

The Eastern Conference Rookie of the Month was undoubtedly won by top pick Carl Anthony Towns.

After the Knicks gradually found their positioning and adapted to the team’s tactics, Towns’ performance can be said to be getting better and better.

It’s a pity that no matter how good Downs performs, his highest honor this season can only be the Eastern Conference Rookie of the Month.

Everyone knows that this season’s best rookie of the season will only belong to the best rookie of the month in the western region – Su Ran!

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