
You can search for 鈥淢iaobi Pavilion (, the richest man in instant noodles鈥?on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

鈥?6 billion, these paupers are so rich!鈥?Soros said in shock, but thinking about the other party鈥檚 population of one billion, this number seems normal.

Compared with other countries that share the same and the others, this number is still quite low.

鈥淚s this news reliable? Is it accurate?鈥?Soros asked rhetorically.

鈥淚t was provided to us by the second generation of surnamed Chen. His father is in a very high position. We promised to grant him US citizenship, and at the same time give him a villa in Beverly Hills and three actresses. , Including the price of the shredded pork Young Lady staying with him for one night, he only spoke!鈥?The assistant said.

鈥淭his person has also been known to my people. He is a high-ranking father, and he is also very decent. But he is not good. At first he was an agency, and later he was engaged in real estate, and he made a lot of money.鈥?

鈥淎nd he has a very good relationship with Jia Yapeng, the richest man in China. I heard that the two of them were roommates in a dormitory when they were in college. Jia Yapeng was able to make a fortune in his early years and borrowed the power of this person, so the two of them The relationship is very good, and it鈥檚 rare, someone who can point to Jia Yapeng鈥檚 nose and curse.鈥?It was another assistant who spoke.

鈥淪uch people, would betray their compatriots for such a profit?鈥?Soros asked with squinting eyes.

鈥淚t is entirely possible, because the biggest hobby of this man is a woman!鈥?the assistant said, 鈥淗e is very romantic, and he is considered to be a contemporary Tang Bohu. It is said that 4 out of 10 female stars in China share him Ran, he often shows off with others which female celebrity he has played with. Some female celebrities are even proud of being with him, they are a total scum!鈥?/p>

鈥淭he three Hollywood actresses and shredded pork are indeed attractive!鈥?Soros heard, nodded.

With such a lineup, I feel a little excited about it. If he weren鈥檛 getting old and couldn鈥檛 get up anymore, he would not be able to stand this condition, let alone a womanizer.

As for his request for U.S. nationality, most of it is for the convenience of running away in the future. From this point of view, the news is more trustworthy.

鈥淲ait, since he is a good friend of Jia Yapeng, have you inquired about Jia Yapeng or Great-Thousand Group from him?鈥?Soros suddenly asked.

Although Jia Yapeng is completely out of his plan this time, his next wave of plans has a lot to do with Boss Jia.

This old fox has already smelled the deliciousness of network technology concept stocks, and now the largest number of network technology concept stocks, a large part of the shares are in the hands of Jia Yapeng, so he should also Collect information about this Chinese person in advance.

鈥淣o, he is all women, or he is all about real estate experience, and rarely talks about Jia Yapeng!鈥?the assistant said, 鈥渁nd he once said that he and Jia Yapeng are the best Brother, he will never betray his brother!鈥?/p>

鈥渉ahaha!鈥?Soros couldn鈥檛 help but smile. 鈥淣ever betray his brother, but betray his country. This man is really interesting!鈥?/p>

鈥淏oss, do you mean that this guy provided false information?鈥?the assistant asked.

鈥淣o, I mean, he is a real scum, and such scum always provides real information!鈥?Soros was completely relieved, and the $56 billion was based on Soros The figures calculated by all kinds of intelligence are mutually corroborated by the two figures and cannot be wrong.

XGfather and mother鈥檚 hole card is $56 billion. If that鈥檚 the case, don鈥檛 blame him for eating it all in one bite.

鈥淕o and arrange it. I will hold a press conference tonight!鈥?Soros turned his head and said to his assistant.

鈥淯nderstood!鈥?The assistant nodded excitedly, it seems that the BOSS is about to appear in person.

The media in Japan naturally got the news that Soros was about to hold a press conference. Now almost all the world financial media are paying attention to the battle situation on the XG side. When they heard Soros was about to hold a press conference, Knowing that it must have something to do with XG, all were extremely excited.

Although there are still 8 hours before the press conference, these news media have rushed over immediately.

That鈥檚 not even counted, reporters from surrounding countries rushed over immediately after receiving the news. Even domestic reporters from China and XG reporters also flew to Japan temporarily.

In a blink of an eye, but within a few hours of work, reporters from almost all countries of the world, except those from countries that can鈥檛 be reached, have arrived in the Conference Hall of this hot spring hotel.

This hot spring hotel rarely holds press conferences, so although there is a Conference Hall, it usually receives conference tasks. The press conference is the first time, and it is inevitable that it is a bit crude.

But as long as it can be used, reporters don鈥檛 care about so much at this time.

They are more concerned about what Soros will say at the press conference this time. Will he talk about XG? If it talks about XG, then he won鈥檛 make a statement?

If you make a statement, then do you fight or withdraw!

These all made reporters curious.

At 8 o鈥檆lock in the evening, Soros appeared in front of all the media reporters on time. When facing the reporters, the old man smiled. 鈥淚 wonder if there are friends from XG media reporters on the scene?鈥?/p>

鈥淵es, I am a reporter from Ta Kung Pao!鈥?A reporter immediately stood up and said, but his look towards Soros was not so friendly, and even has several points of anger.

鈥淰ery good. Actually, I invited everyone over today. I just want to tell you a sentence, and also hope you can pass it to XG鈥檚 friends for me?鈥?Soros said with a smile

鈥淧lease speak!鈥?the reporter said.

鈥淵ou don鈥檛 have to look at me with such an angry look. I am an old fogey, but also a Chief-In-Charge of a fund. My job and mission is to earn money for my fund and agents. More profit, this is my duty!鈥?/p>

鈥淪o I ask you to tell XG鈥檚 friends that Soros has come to perform my duties, and I also ask them to perform their duties. I am looking forward to a game that is not one-sided!鈥?Soros finished speaking, I left the press conference very simply, leaving behind the dumbfounded media.

Although his assistant is still eloquently saying something for him, no one cares anymore. Many reporters immediately slipped out of the Conference Hall and sent Soros鈥?words to his company and editor. unit.

Then this news spread throughout the entire world at the fastest speed, especially the entire XG.

Maybe ordinary people will have to wait until the financial media and magazines on the second day to see Soros鈥檚 speech.

But the entire XG financial professionals, as well as some people who are extremely concerned about the stock market, saw this speech that night, and then their hands and feet were cold.

Soros actually held a press conference and officially declared war on the XG stock market.

This is definitely the first time in Soros鈥檚 life that there is a press conference specifically for a certain stock market, and everyone who understands this is extremely scared, which means that Soros has begun to do his best to get across. XG stock market is out.

XG stock market is over!

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