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“Why did you make a surprise attack!” After Cameron took the stage, he asked Boss Jia angrily while receiving the trophy for the lifetime award from the hand of the princess.

“How boring to say it!” Boss Jia said with a smile.

“Hey, you spent so much money just to breathe out, is it worth it?” Cameron asked puzzledly.

“Do you think I am happy today?” Boss Jia asked with a smile.

“Good!” Cameron thought for a while, then nodded seriously.

“That’s right, it’s hard to buy a daughter and I am happy, isn’t it just to be happy? Since I am happy, then the money will not lose!” Boss Jia’s words left Cameron speechless.

“Cool is enough!” Boss Jia finally concluded in Chinese.

More speechlessly, Cameron discovered that Boss Jia hadn’t turned off the microphone next to the collar, so that the conversation between the two of them just passed through the microphone through the audience, and even reached the ears of audiences all over the world.

“It’s enough to be cool!” This sentence instantly became the hot word of the year for the entire 1998, and it was spoken by countless people.

Because in English words, not at all can accurately and directly reflect the meaning of Shuang, and the whole word of Shuang reads very smoothly, so the people of the world simply stopped translating, and just brought Shuang. It became an English word.

The word “cool” is not China’s native Chinese, but evolved from the English word cool.

So it is very natural, cool, and later evolved into the English word shuang, and finally it was even included in the Oxford dictionary, becoming a serious English word, which means “an extremely pleasant mental state”

“Then you plan to do this next year?” Cameron asked directly after seeing the entire conversation being broadcast through the microphone.

“Continue next year!” Boss Jia nodded.

“The bonus remains unchanged?”

“A lot of points!”

As the “Titanic” crew received the award, the entire Golden Dragon Award ceremony is over.

Of course, Boss Jia said to everyone at the end, “We will continue to make a lot of points next year”, and it also made all the movie circles and the excited people about to fly. With such an amazing bonus, next year will be unexpected Also, this is simply wonderful.

Especially many people who won the prize this year but did not show up on the scene, they are to be wild with joy, they will never miss the opportunity next year!

After the incident, the prince concubine also held a press conference, but as a result, a lot fewer reporters came, because many journalists were shocked by the Golden Dragon Award, and they forgot that there was a press conference for the prince concubine. Something up.

Of course, there were still many reporters present, and many amazing news were announced at this press conference.

For example, the princess announced that she would set up a lawyers group in Qiguo, and let the lawyers bring her to initiate divorce applications.

The two parties first tried to divorce peacefully or divorce by agreement, but if the prince is unwilling, then she will inevitably take the path of prosecuting for divorce, and she also directly stated that she hopes to obtain custody of the two children.

According to the law, as long as the mother has sufficient parenting ability, the child is generally awarded to the mother to bring up. This is the practice in the legal world!

The princess actually wants to seize the custody of the child. This is the life of the royal family!

Hearing this news, the reporters couldn’t help cry out in surprise. Although the queen has two sons, the second son, Andrew Prince, has only two daughters.

In other words, the two sons of the prince are now the only successors of the royal family. If the prince grants the custody of these two sons, how will the future kings of the kingdom toss and give them? If his mother is rehabilitated, then only heaven knows.

In addition, the dignity of the royal family would never allow this to happen. But the prince is also a tough woman. From her quietly to China, she avoided the chase of the royal family, and then began to calmly arrange the counterattack plan. Judging from the fact that this would be a protracted battle.

Of course, the media and reporters are very happy about this, which means that they will not have to worry about running out of material for a long time in the future.

apart from this, the princess announced that she would take a rest for about three months, and then restart the scheduled itinerary and plan, and continue to provide suffering for children, AIDS patients, and oppression of the world The women of singularity, fighting for equal rights for them, this time is her pursuit for the rest of her life.

The princess even said under the press of reporters that she would never fall in love with any other man again in her life, and she would not marry again. She would dedicate her life to the great God and the people of God. .

Such a statement was naturally praised and recognized by the people of the world.

Then a reporter asked, after leaving the royal family, where did the princess get the funds to support her money-burning activities.

The princess said that she will first establish a Luna Foundation. Good people from all over the world can donate to her Foundation, and all funds of this Foundation will be run under the supervision of the International Red Cross. I will not take a penny from it, but only use it for various charity activities and trips.

This answer is quite satisfactory and it is not difficult to guess. Just as the reporters thought that this time press conference was about to end, the princess actually announced another shocking news.

That is, the Great-Thousand Group will invest 1 billion US dollars to establish an independent “Great-Thousand world Foundation”. This Foundation is managed by her, and the funds inside are also used for charity activities throughout the world .

She was very moved by the great deeds of the Great-Thousand Group, so she decided to become the lifelong spokesperson of the Great-Thousand Group for free. As long as the Great-Thousand Group maintains kind and kind behavior, she will always be Great. -The spokesperson of Thousand Group helps Great-Thousand Group to promote better products to the whole world!

“One billion U.S. dollars!!” The reporters at the scene felt that after experiencing today’s day of baptism, they no longer felt shocked by the unit of 100 million and US dollars.

The Great-Thousand Group has thrown out a huge amount of about 1.7 billion US dollars this evening. Does this company really treat money as money?

Feeling that the US dollar is in their hands, the forcibly depreciation has reached the yen level.


Unsurprisingly, on the 2nd day, Great-Thousand Group has become the most popular news term in the world. If world news has a hot search, then Great-Thousand Group will definitely occupy the top spot on the hot search list title.

The second most searched list is the Golden Dragon Award

The third is the crown prince

Anyway, the Great-Thousand Group will occupy all the hot searches for a period of time in one night.

The Great-Thousand Group, in an imposing manner that cannot be opened up, broke the circle in an instant. From a famous Chinese company, it grew into an internationally renowned company overnight.

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